beatification on 05 March
at St. Peter’s Square |
Bd. Anrê from Phú Yên |
Bd. Nicolas Bunkerd
Kitbamrung |
[Bd.] Pedro Calungsod
can. 21 October 2012 |
Maria Stella Mardosewicz & 10 Companions |
Andre de Soveral & 29 Companions
can. 15 October 2017 |
beatification on 09 April
at St. Peter’s Square |
Mariam Chiramel Mankidiyan
can. 13 October 2019 |
Mariano de Jesús Euse Hoyos |
Anna Rosa Gattorno |
[Bd.] Maria Elisabetta
Hesselblad can. 05
June 2016 |
Bd. Francis Xavier
Seelos |
canonization on 30 April
at St. Peter’s Square |
Maria Faustyna Kowalska |
beatification on 13 May at the Basilica of Our Lady of
Fatima (Portugal) |
[Bd.] Francisco Marto
can. 13 May 2017 |
[Bd.] Jacinta Marto
can. 13 May 2017 |
canonization on 21 May at
St. Peter’s Square |
St. Cristobal Magallanes
Jara & 24 Companions |
St. María
Natividad Venegas de la Torre |
St. Jose María
de Yermo Parres |
on 03 September at St. Peter’s Square |
Bd. Guillaume Joseph
Chaminade |
[Bd.] John XXIII
can. 27 April 2014 |
Bd. Columba Marmion |
Bd. Pius IX |
Bd. Tommaso Reggio |
canonization on 01 October
at St. Peter’s Square |
St. Zhao Rong Augustinus &
119 Companions |
St. Bakhita Giuseppina |
St. Katharine Mary Drexel |
St. María
Josefa Sancho de Guerra |