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~ Saints of 2000 ~

In seven separate ceremonies (four beatifications and three canonizations) during the year 2000, Pope John Paul II declared as blesseds or saints of the Catholic Church a total of 207 individuals.

beatification on 05 March at St. Peter’s Square

Bd.  Anrê from Phú Yên

Bd. Nicolas Bunkerd Kitbamrung

[Bd.] Pedro Calungsod

can. 21 October 2012

Bd. Maria Stella Mardosewicz & 10 Companions

[Bd.] Andre de Soveral & 29 Companions

can. 15 October 2017

beatification on 09 April at St. Peter’s Square

[Bd.] Mariam Chiramel Mankidiyan

can. 13 October 2019


Bd. Mariano de Jesús Euse Hoyos

Bd. Anna Rosa Gattorno

[Bd.] Maria Elisabetta Hesselblad

can. 05 June 2016

Bd. Francis Xavier Seelos


canonization on 30 April  at St. Peter’s Square

St. Maria Faustyna Kowalska

beatification on 13 May at the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima (Portugal)


[Bd.] Francisco Marto

can. 13 May 2017

[Bd.] Jacinta Marto

can. 13 May 2017


canonization on 21 May at St. Peter’s Square

St. Cristobal Magallanes Jara & 24 Companions

St. María Natividad Venegas de la Torre

St. Jose María de Yermo Parres

beatification on 03 September at St. Peter’s Square

Bd. Guillaume Joseph Chaminade

[Bd.] John XXIII

can. 27 April 2014

Bd. Columba Marmion

Bd. Pius IX

Bd. Tommaso Reggio


canonization on 01 October at St. Peter’s Square

St. Zhao Rong Augustinus & 119 Companions


St. Bakhita Giuseppina

St. Katharine Mary Drexel

St. María Josefa Sancho de Guerra




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Last modified: 02/24/25