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~ Saints of 2002 ~

In ten separate ceremonies (five beatifications and five canonizations) during the year 2002, Pope John Paul II declared as blesseds or saints of the Catholic Church a total of thirty individuals.

beatification on 14 April at St. Peter’s Square

Bd. María del Transito Cabanillas

[Bd.] Gaetano Errico

can. 12 October 2008

[Bd.] Lodovico Pavoni

can. 16 October 2016

Bd. María Romero Meneses

Bd. Luigi Variara

[Bd.] Artémides Zatti

can. 09 October 2022

canonization on 19 May at St. Peter’s Square

St. Ignazio Belvisotti from Santhià

St. Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello

St. Alonso de Orozco

St. Umile Pirozzo from Bisignano

St. Paulina Visintainer

beatification on 26 May at Central Plaza, Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Bb. Kamen Vichev,  Pavel Džidžov, and Josafat Šiškov

canonization on 16 June at St. Peter’s Square


St. Pio Forgione from Pietrelcina


canonization on 30 July at the Southern Hippodrome, Guatemala City (Guatemala)

St. Pedro de San José Betancur

canonization on 31 July at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City (Mexico)

St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin

beatification on 01 August at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City (Mexico)

Bb. Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Ángeles

beatification on 18 August at Błonie Park, Kraków (Poland)

Bd. Jan Wojciech Balicki

Bd. Jan Beyzym

[Bd.] Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński

can. 11 October 2009

Bd. Sancja Szymkowiak

canonization on 06 October at St. Peter’s Square

St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer Albas

beatification on 20 October at St. Peter’s Square

Bd. Hélène de Chappotin de Neuville (Marie of the Passion)

Bd. Marcantonio Durando

Bd. Giacinto Andrea  Longhin


Bd. Liduina Meneguzzi

Bd. Daudi Okelo and Jildo Irwa




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Last modified: 11/30/24