beatification on 07
April in the Cathedral of Córdoba (Spain), presided by
Cardinal Angelo Amato |
Bd. Cristóbal of Saint Catherine
Fernández Valladolid |
beatification on
13 April in the Basilica of San Marco,
Venice (Italy), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato |
Bd. Luca Passi |
beatification on
21 April at Piazza Garibaldi, Sondrio
(Italy), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato |
Bd. Nicolò Rusca |
beatification on
04 May at the G.A. Pedras Concourse,
Baependi, Minas Gerais (Brazil), presided by Cardinal Angelo
Amato |
Bd. Francisca de Paula de Jesus (Nhá Chica) |
beatification on
11 May in the Basilica of Saint Paul
Outside-the-Walls, Rome (Italy), presided by Cardinal Tarcisio
Bertone |
Bd. Luigi Novarese |
canonization on
12 May at St. Peter’s
Square, presided by Pope Francis |
Ss. Antonio Primaldo and 800 companions |
St. Laura Montoya Upegui |
St. María Guadalupe García Zavala |
beatification on
25 May at the Foro Italico Umberto I,
Palermo (Italy), presided by Cardinal Salvatore De Giorgi |
Bd. Giuseppe Puglisi
beatification on 09
June in the Sanktuarium Bożego Miłosierdzia,
Kraków-Łagiewniki (Poland), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato |
Bd. Zofia Czeska-Maciejowska |
Bd. Małgorzata Łucja Szewczyk |
beatification on
15 June at the Piazza Martiri, Carpi, Modena (Italy), presided by
Cardinal Angelo Amato |
Bd. Odoardo Focherini |
beatification on
31 August in the Romexpo Arena, Bucharest (Romania),
presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato |
Bd. Vladimir G hika |
beatification on 02
September in the Co-Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Santa
Lucia del Mela, Messina (Italy),
presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato |
Bd. A ntonio Franco |
beatification on 07
September at the Piazza XX Settembre, Rovigo (Italy),
presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato |
Bd. Maria Bolognesi |
beatification on
14 September at Villa Cura Brochero,
Córdoba (Argentina), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato |
[Bd.] José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero
can. 16 October 2016 |
beatification on
21 September in the Cathedral of Sant’Alessandro, Bergamo (Italy), presided by Cardinal Angelo
Amato |
Bd. Tommaso Olera from Acerbis |
beatification on
28 September
at the Arena of Pula, Istria (Croatia), presided by Cardinal Angelo
Amato |
Bd. Miroslav Bulešić |
beatification on
05 October
in the Palazzo dello Sport Giuseppe Panini (PalaPanini), Modena (Italy), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato
Bd. R olando Rivi |
beatification on
13 October
at the Complex Educatiu, Tarragona (Spain), presided by Cardinal
Angelo Amato |
Blessed Martyrs of the Religious Persecution during the
Spanish Civil War |
beatification on
19 October
at the Square of the Basilica of Saint Stephen,
Budapest (Hungary), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato
Bd. S ándor Istvan |
beatification on
10 November
in the Cathedral of Saints Mary, Liborius and Kilian, Paderborn
(Germany), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato
Bd. Maria Theresia Bonzel |