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~ Saints of 2018 ~

beatification on 03 February in the Palasport di Vigevano (Italy), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. Teresio Olivelli

beatification on 15 April in Vohipeno (Madagascar), presided by Cardinal Maurice Piat

 Bd. Lucien Botovasoa

beatification on 28 April in the Sanktuarium Bożego Miłosierdzia, Kraków-Łagiewniki (Poland), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. Hanna Chrzanowska

beatification on 01 May at Emlékmű-domb (Monument Hill), Szombathely (Hungary), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. Brenner János

beatification on 05 May in the Cathedral of Gottesmutter Maria, Aachen (Germany), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. Clara Fey

beatification on 26 May in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta e Santa Giustina, Piacenza (Italy), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. Leonella Sgorbati

beatification on 02 June in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Naples (Italy), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. Maria Crocifissa Gargani

beatification on 10 June at the Parc des Expositions, Agen (France), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon

beatification on 16 June at the Baseball Stadium of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas (Venezuela), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. María Carmen Rendiles Martínez

beatification on 23 June at the Estadio General Pablo Rojas, Obrero, Asunción (Paraguay), presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato

Bd. María Felicia Guggiari Echeverría of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

beatification on 01 September at the Štadión Lokomotívy, Čermeľ, Košice  (Slovakia), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bd. Anna Kolesárová

beatification on 08 September in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, Strasbourg (France), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bd. Alphonse-Marie Eppinger

beatification on 22 September in the Church of Adormirea Maicii Domnului, Nisiporești (Romania), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bd. Veronica Antal

beatification on 30 September in the Cathedral of Sainte-Marie-Majeure, Marseille (France), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bd. Jean-Baptiste Fouque

canonization on 14 October at St. Peter's Square, presided by Pope Francis

St. Paul VI

 St. Óscar Arnulfo Romero Galdámez

St. Maria Katharina Kasper

 St. Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa

St. Vincenzo Romano

 St. Francesco Spinelli

 St. Nunzio Sulprizio

beatification on 20 October in the Cathedral of La Encarnación, Malaga (Spain), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bd. Tiburcio Arnaiz Muñoz

beatification on 27 October at the fields of the Sports Center of Morales, Izabal (Guatemala), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bb. Tullio Maruzzo and Luis Obdulio Arroyo Navarro

beatification on 03 November in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome (Italy), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bd. Clelia Merloni


beatification on 10 November in the Basilica of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (Spain), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bd. Andrea Solans Balleste and 2 Companions

 Bb. Teodoro Illera del Olmo and 11 Companions

Bd. Carlota Duque Belloso


beatification on 08 December in the Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Santa Cruz in Oran (Algeria), presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Bb. Pierre Claverie and 18 Companions





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Last modified: 12/18/24