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~ Saints of 2022 ~

beatification on 22 January at Plaza Divino Salvador del Mundo, San Salvador (El Salvador), presided by Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chávez Bb. Rutilio Grande García and 2 companions along with Bd. Cosma Spessotto beatification on 26 February in the Cathedral of La Encarnación del Señor, Granada
(Spain), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro
Bb. Cayetano Giménez Martín and 15 Companions
beatification on 30 April in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nascente, Milan (Italy), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bd. Mario Ciceri Bd. Armida Barelli    
beatification on 07 May at the esplanade of Santuario de Santa Rosa de Lima, La Florida (Peru), presided by Cardinal  Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo Bd. María Agustina Rivas López canonization on 15 May at St. Peterʼs Square, presided by Pope Francis St. Titus Brandsma
St. Devasahayam St. César de Bus St. Charles de Foucauld St. Maria Domenica Mantovani St. Luigi Maria Palazzolo St. Marie Rivier
St. Maria Francesca Rubatto St. Giustino Maria Russolillo St. Maria of Jesus Santocanale beatification on 22 May in Eurexpo, Lyon (France), presided by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle Bd. Pauline Jaricot
beatification on 28 May at Piazza Grande, Modena (Italy), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bd. Luigi Lenzini beatification on 04 June at the courtyard of the Couvent de la Croix, Bqennaya (Lebanon), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bb. Līūnār Melkī from B‘abdāt and Thūmā S̱āleẖ from B‘abdāt
beatification on 11 June in the Cathedral of Święty Jan Chrzciciel, Wrocław (Poland), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bb. Paschalis Jahn and 9 Companions beatification on 18 June in the Cathedral of Santa María de la Sede, Sevilla (Spain), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bb. Ángel Marina Álvarez, Juan Aguilar Donis, Ascensión Sánchez Romero of Saint Joseph and 24 Companions
beatification on 02 July at Parque de la Familia, San Ramón de la Nueva Orán (Argentina), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bb. Pedro Ortiz de Zárate and Juan Antonio Solinas beatification on 16 July at the Marktplatz, Ellwangen (Germany), presided by Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich Bd. Johann Philipp Jeningen
beatification on 04 September at St. Peterʼs Square, presided by Pope Francis Bd. John Paul I    
canonization on 09 October in St. Peterʼs Square, presided by Pope Francis St. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini St. Artémides Zatti     
beatification on 09 October in the Cathedral of San Venanzio, Fabriano (Italy), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bd.  Maria Costanza Panas beatification on 16 October at Piazza A.V.I.S. Donatori di Sangue, Boves (Italy), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bb.  Giuseppe Bernardi & Mario Ghibaudo
beatification on 22 October in the Cathedral of La Almudena, Madrid (Spain), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro  Bb.  Vicente Nicasio Renuncio Toribio & 11 Companions   beatification on 24 October at the Parque de Exposição Pedro Felício Cavalcante, Crato (Brazil), presided by Cardinal Leonardo Ulrich Steiner  Bd. Benigna Cardoso da Silva 
 beatification on 29 October in the Cathedral of La Inmaculada Concepción de María, Medellín (Colombia), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bd. María Berenice Duque Hencker  beatification on 05 November at Kinoru Stadium, Meru (Kenya), presided by Cardinal Antoine Kambanda  Bd. Maria Carola Cecchin 
beatification on 20 November at the grounds of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Church, Kalongo (Uganda), presided by  Archbishop Luigi Blanco  Bd. Giuseppe Ambrosoli  beatification on 10 December at the Parque de Exposições, Barbacena (Brazil), presided by Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis Bd. Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos 



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Last modified: 12/18/24