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~ Saints of 2024 ~

canonization on 11 February in  St. Peterʼs Basilica, presided by Pope Francis

St.  María Antonia of Saint Joseph de Paz y Figueroa

beatification on 26 May in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Novara (Italy), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bd. Giuseppe Rossi
beatification on 15 June in the Sanktuarium Bożego Miłosierdzia, Kraków-Łagiewniki (Poland), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bd. Michał Rapacz beatification on 02 August at the Patriarchal Monument Square, Bkerke (Lebanon), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro  Bd. Esţfān al-Dwayhī
 beatification on 18 August at the grounds of Cathédrale Saint Paul, Uvira (Democratic Republic of Congo), presided by Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu Bb. Luigi Carrara & 3 Companions beatification on 31 August at the grounds of Bazilika Sedembolestnej Panny Márie, Šaštín-Stráže (Slovakia), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bd. Ján Havlík
beatification on 14 September in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City (Mexico), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Bd. Moisés Lira   Serafín beatification on 29 September at the Koning Boudewijnstadion, Brussels (Belgium), presided by Pope Francis Bd. Ana of Jesus de Lobera Torres
canonization on 20 October at St. Peterʼs Square, presided by Pope Francis Ss.  Manuel Ruiz López and 7 Companions, along with Fransīs, ῾Abd-al-Mu῾tī, and Rūfayīl Masābkī St. Giuseppe Allamano St. Elena Guerra St. Marie Léonie Paradis
beatification on 09 November in the Cathedral of Santa María de la Sede, Sevilla (Spain), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Ven. José Torres Padilla beatification on 16 November at the Cathedral of Shën Shtjefnit, Shkodër (Albania), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Vv. Luigj Paliq and Gjon Gazulli
beatification on 17 November in the Cathedral of Unserer Lieben Frau, Freiburg (Germany), presided by Cardinal Kurt Koch Ven. Max Josef Metzger beatification on 23 November in the Basilica of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (Spain), presided by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro Vv.  Gaietà Clausellas Ballvé and Antoni Tort Reixachs



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Last modified: 10/20/24