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January 2005 – December 2007

Legend: b – beatification; c – canonization; hv – promulgation of decree on heroic practice of virtues; m - promulgation of decree of martyrdom; mb - promulgation of decree of recognition of a miracle for beatification; mc - promulgation of decree of recognition of a miracle for canonization; exc – decree exempting required miracle for a beatification or canonization; de signis – decree recognizing divine signs and fame for miracles; cc – confirmation of a cultus ab immemoriali; m* - promulgation of decree of martyrdom for a blessed whose cultus ab immemoriali had been recognized previously; hv* - promulgation of decree of heroic practice of virtues for a blessed whose cultus ab immemoriali had been recognized previously; s-cc – public solemnization of the confirmation of a cultus ab immemoriali








Barbara Cope (Marianne)




Florentina Nicol Goñi (María Ascensión of the Heart of Jesus)

2005 30-May mb Ignacy Kłopotowski
2005 19-Jun b Władysław Findysz
2005 19-Jun b Ignacy Kłopotowski
2005 19-Jun b Bronisław Markiewicz
2005 09-Oct b Clemens August Graf von Galen
2005 23-Oct c Giacomo Amoroso (Felice from Nicosia)
2005 23-Oct c Józef Bilczewski
2005 23-Oct c Gaetano Catanoso
2005 23-Oct c Zygmunt Gorazdowski
2005 23-Oct c Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga
2005 29-Oct b Àngela Ginard Martí (Maria dels Àngels)
2005 29-Oct b Josèp Tapies Sirvant and 6 companions
2005 06-Nov b Eurosia Fabris Barban
2005 13-Nov b Rosa Curcio (Maria Crocifissa)
2005 13-Nov b Charles de Foucauld
2005 13-Nov b Teresa Maria Mastena (Maria Pia)
2005 20-Nov b Anacleto González Flores and 7 companions
2005 20-Nov b José Trinidad Rangél Montaño and 2 companions
2005 20-Nov b Darío Acosta Zurita
2005 20-Nov b José Sánchez del Río
2005 19-Dec mb Luigi Boccardo
2005 19-Dec mb Luigi Monza
2005 19-Dec mb Mosè Tovini
2005 19-Dec mb Augustine Thevarparampil
2005 19-Dec mb Hubertus van Lieshout (Eustáquio)
2005 19-Dec mb Maria Scrilli (Maria Teresa of Jesus)
2005 19-Dec mb Anna Maria Tauscher (Maria Teresa of Saint Joseph)
2005 19-Dec mb Maria Grazia Tarallo (Maria of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
2005 19-Dec mb Teodora Fracasso (Elia of Saint Clement)
2005 19-Dec m Victor Chumillas Fernández and 21 companions
2005 19-Dec m Antero Mateo García and 11 companions
2005 19-Dec hv Szymon of Lipnica
2005 19-Dec hv Camilla Battista Varano
2005 19-Dec hv Giovanni Francesco Bascapé (Carlo)
2005 19-Dec hv Massimo Rinaldi
2005 19-Dec hv Paul Josef Nardini
2005 19-Dec hv Joseph Kugler (Eustachius)
2005 19-Dec hv Isabella De Rosis
2005 19-Dec hv Josefa Segovia Morón
2006 18-Mar b Teodora Fracasso (Elia of Saint Clement)
2006 28-Apr mc Rafael Guízar Valencia
2006 28-Apr mc Filippo Smaldone
2006 28-Apr mc Rosa Venerini
2006 28-Apr mc Anne-Thérèse Guérin (Théodore)
2006 28-Apr mb Basile-Antoine-Marie Moreau
2006 28-Apr mb Mariano de la Mata Aparicio
2006 28-Apr mb María Pilar López de Maturana Ortiz de Zárate (Margarita María)
2006 28-Apr m Cruz Laplana Laguna and Fernando Español Berdie
2006 28-Apr m Narciso de Estenaga Echevarría and 10 companions
2006 28-Apr m Liberio González Nombela and 12 companions
2006 28-Apr m Ovidio Fernández Arenillas (Eusebio of the Child Jesus) and 15 companions
2006 28-Apr m Félix Echevarría Gorostiaga and 6 companions
2006 28-Apr m Diodoro López Hernando (Teodosio Rafael) and 3 companions
2006 28-Apr m Salkaházi Sára
2006 28-Apr hv Ciriaco María Sancha Hervás
2006 28-Apr hv Vincenza Maria Poloni (Luigia)
2006 28-Apr hv Maria Matilde Bucchi (Maria)
2006 28-Apr hv Esperança González Puig (Maria Esperança of Jesus)
2006 28-Apr hv Caterina Coromina Agustí
2006 28-Apr hv María Dolores Márquez Romero de Onoro
2006 28-Apr hv Margaretha Flesch (Maria Rosa)
2006 28-Apr hv Giuseppina Nicoli
2006 30-Apr b Luigi Biraghi
2006 30-Apr b Luigi Monza
2006 30-Apr b Augustine Thevarparampil
2006 13-May b Anna Maria Tauscher (Maria Teresa of Saint Joseph)
2006 14-May b Maria Grazia Tarallo (Maria of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
2006 28-May b Rita Lópes de Almeida (Rita Amada of Jesus)
2006 15-Jun b Hubertus van Lieshout (Eustáquio)
2006 26-Jun mb Paul Josef Nardini
2006 26-Jun mb María del Carmen Gonzalez-Ramos Garcia-Prieto
2006 26-Jun mb Costanza Starace (Maria Maddalena of the Passion)
2006 26-Jun mb Rosa Eluvathingal (Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
2006 26-Jun mb Bruna Pellesi (Maria Rosa)
2006 26-Jun m Buenaventura García-Paredes Pallasá and 41 companions
2006 26-Jun m Simó Reynés Solivellas and 6 companions
2006 26-Jun m Celestino José Alonso Villar and 9 companions
2006 26-Jun m Àngel Prat Hostench (Àngel Maria) and 16 companions
2006 26-Jun m Enrique Sáiz Aparicio and 62 companions
2006 26-Jun m Santiago Altolaguirre y Altolaguirre (Mariano of Saint Joseph) and 9 companions
2006 26-Jun m Francesco Spoto
2006 26-Jun hv Marco Morelli
2006 26-Jun hv Francesco Pianzola
2006 26-Jun hv Antonio Rosmini
2006 26-Jun hv Marguerite-Céline Claret de la Touche (Maria Luisa)
2006 26-Jun hv Regina Lete Landa (Isabel of Jesus)
2006 26-Jun hv Wanda Justyna Nepomucena Malczewska
2006 26-Jun hv Hieronymus Jaegen
2006 17-Sep b Mosè Tovini
2006 17-Sep b Salkaházi Sára
2006 08-Oct b Maria Scrilli (Maria Teresa of Jesus)
2006 15-Oct c Anne-Thérèse Guérin (Théodore)
2006 15-Oct c Rafael Guízar Valencia
2006 15-Oct c Filippo Smaldone
2006 15-Oct c Rosa Venerini
2006 22-Oct b María Pilar López de Maturana Ortiz de Zárate (Margarita María)
2006 22-Oct b Paul Josef Nardini
2006 23-Oct hv Margherita Occhiena Bosco
2006 05-Nov b Mariano de la Mata Aparicio
2006 03-Dec b Rosa Eluvathingal (Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
2006 16-Dec mc Szymon of Lipnica
2006 16-Dec mc Antônio Galvão de França (Antônio of Saint Anne)
2006 16-Dec mc Joannes Andreas Houben (Charles of Saint Andrew)
2006 16-Dec mc Anne-Eugénie Milleret de Brou (Marie-Eugénie)
2006 16-Dec mb Carlo Liviero
2006 16-Dec mb Jan Papczyński (Stanisław  of Jesus and Mary)
2006 16-Dec mb Celina Chludzińska Borzęcka
2006 16-Dec mb Jeanne-Germaine Castang (Marie-Céline of the Presentation)
2006 16-Dec m Manuel Gómez González and Adílio Daronch
2006 16-Dec m Albertina Berkenbrock
2006 16-Dec m Eufrasio Barredo Fernández (Eufrasio of the Child Jesus)
2006 16-Dec m Mariano Alonso Fuente (Laurentino) and 45 companions
2006 16-Dec m Enrique Izquierdo Palacios and 13 companions
2006 16-Dec m Esteban Anuncibay Letona (Ovidio Bertrán) and 5 companions
2006 16-Dec m Maria Carme, Maria Rosa, and Maria Magdalena Fradera Ferragutcasas
2006 16-Dec m Lindalva Justo de Oliveira
2006 16-Dec hv Mamerto Esquíu
2006 16-Dec hv Salvatore Micalizzi
2006 16-Dec hv José Olallo Valdés
2006 16-Dec hv Kaszap István
2007 22-Feb mc Gorġ Preca
2007 14-Apr b Luigi Boccardo
2007 15-Apr b Costanza Starace (Maria Maddalena of the Passion)
2007 21-Apr b Francesco Spoto
2007 29-Apr b Bruna Pellesi (Maria Rosa)
2007 06-May b María del Carmen Gonzalez-Ramos Garcia-Prieto
2007 11-May c Antônio Galvão de França (Antônio of Saint Anne)
2007 27-May b Carlo Liviero
2007 01-Jun mc Anna Muttathupadathu (Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception)
2007 01-Jun mc Narcisa de Jesús Martillo Morán
2007 01-Jun mb Antonio Rosmini
2007 01-Jun mb Maria Luiza Merkert
2007 01-Jun mb Hendrina Stenmanns (Josefa)
2007 01-Jun mb Maria Anna Donati (Celestina of the Mother of God)
2007 01-Jun m Petrus Kibe Kasui and 187 companions
2007 01-Jun m Avelino Rodríguez Alonso and 6 companions
2007 01-Jun m Manuela Arriola Uranga (Manuela of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) and 22 companions
2007 01-Jun m Franz Jägerstätter
2007 01-Jun hv Giovanni Battista Arista
2007 01-Jun hv Alcide-Vital Lataste (Jean-Joseph)
2007 01-Jun hv Francesco Maria Perez
2007 01-Jun hv Luigia Lavizzari (Maria Caterina of the Child Jesus)
2007 01-Jun hv Elonore Margarete Weiss (Maria Fidelis)
2007 01-Jun hv Armida Barelli
2007 01-Jun hv Cleonilde Guerra
2007 03-Jun c Szymon of Lipnica
2007 03-Jun c Joannes Andreas Houben (Charles of Saint Andrew)
2007 03-Jun c Anne-Eugénie Milleret de Brou (Marie-Eugénie)
2007 03-Jun c Gorġ Preca
2007 06-Jul mc Gaetano Errico
2007 06-Jul mc Verena Bütler (María Bernarda)
2007 06-Jul mb Margaretha Flesch (Maria Rosa)
2007 06-Jul mb Susana Paz-Castillo Ramírez (Candelaria of Saint Joseph)
2007 06-Jul mb Marta Anna Wiecka
2007 06-Jul mb Giuseppina Nicoli
2007 06-Jul mb Ceferino Namuncurá
2007 06-Jul m Antonio Primaldo and 800 companions
2007 06-Jul hv Marco Antonio Barbarigo
2007 06-Jul hv Luca Passi
2007 06-Jul hv Ignacia del Espiritu Santo Iuco
2007 06-Jul hv Leopoldina Naudet
2007 06-Jul hv Emmanuela Giovanna Scribano (Santina of Jesus)
2007 06-Jul hv Julia Schneider (Emilie)
2007 06-Jul hv Jérôme Le Royer de la Dauversière
2007 06-Jul hv Hildegard Burjan
2007 15-Sep b Basile-Antoine-Marie Moreau
2007 16-Sep b Jeanne-Germaine Castang (Marie-Céline of the Presentation)
2007 16-Sep b Jan Papczyński (Stanisław  of Jesus and Mary)
2007 30-Sep b Maria Luiza Merkert
2007 20-Oct b Albertina Berkenbrock
2007 21-Oct b Manuel Gómez González and Adílio Daronch
2007 26-Oct b Franz Jägerstätter
2007 27-Oct b Celina Chludzińska Borzęcka
2007 28-Oct b Josep Tristany Pujol (Lluc of Saint Joseph) and 63 companions
2007 28-Oct b Antero Mateo García and 11 companions
2007 28-Oct b Simó Reynés Solivellas and 6 companions
2007 28-Oct b Àngel Prat Hostench (Àngel Maria) and 16 companions
2007 28-Oct b Mariano Alonso Fuente (Laurentino) and 45 companions
2007 28-Oct b Plàcid Fàbrega Julià (Bernat)
2007 28-Oct b Esteban Anuncibay Letona (Ovidio Bertrán) and 5 companions
2007 28-Oct b Narciso de Estenaga Echevarría and 10 companions
2007 28-Oct b Cruz Laplana Laguna and Fernando Español Berdie
2007 28-Oct b Maria Carme, Maria Rosa, and Maria Magdalena Fradera Ferragutcasas
2007 28-Oct b Santiago Altolaguirre y Altolaguirre (Mariano of Saint Joseph) and 9 companions
2007 28-Oct b Manuela Arriola Uranga (Manuela of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) and 22 companions
2007 28-Oct b Avelino Rodríguez Alonso and 6 companions
2007 28-Oct b Enrique Sáiz Aparicio and 62 companions
2007 28-Oct b Buenaventura García-Paredes Pallasá and 41 companions
2007 28-Oct b Félix Echevarría Gorostiaga and 6 companions
2007 28-Oct b Celestino José Alonso Villar and 9 companions
2007 28-Oct b Eufrasio Barredo Fernández (Eufrasio of the Child Jesus)
2007 28-Oct b Enrique Izquierdo Palacios and 13 companions
2007 28-Oct b Victor Chumillas Fernández and 21 companions
2007 28-Oct b Liberio González Nombela and 12 companions
2007 28-Oct b Diodoro López Hernando (Teodosio Rafael) and 3 companions
2007 28-Oct b Ovidio Fernández Arenillas (Eusebio of the Child Jesus) and 15 companions
2007 11-Nov b Ceferino Namuncurá
2007 18-Nov b Antonio Rosmini
2007 02-Dec b Lindalva Justo de Oliveira




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Last modified: 02/24/25