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~ Canonizations after 1558 (2) ~

Gregory XVI

St. Alfonso de’ Liguori


beat. 15 September 1816

can. 26 May 1839

St. Francesco De Geronimo


beat. 11 May 1806

can. 26 May 1839

St. Giovan Giuseppe Calosinto of the Cross


beat. 24 May 1789

can. 26 May 1839

St. Pacifico Divini from San Severino


beat. 13 August 1786

can. 26 May 1839

St. Veronica Giuliani


beat. 17 June 1804

can. 26 May 1839

Pius IX

St. Miguel Argemir Mijá of the Saints


beat. 02 May 1779

can. 08 June 1862

Sts. Pedro Bautista Blásquez, Paulus Miki, and 24 Companions

(† 1597)

beat. 14 September 1627

can. 09 June 1862

St. Germaine Cousin


beat. 07 May 1854

can. 29 June 1867

St. Yosafat Kuntsevich

[Йосафат Кунцэвіч]

(c. 1580-1623)

beat. 16 May 1643

can. 29 June 1867

St. Leonardo Casanova from Porto Maurizio


beat. 19 June 1767

can. 29 June 1867

Pius IX



St. Maria Francesca Gallo of the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ


beat. 12 November 1843

can. 29 June 1867

St. Nicolaas Pieck

and 18 Companions

(† 1572)

beat. 24 November 1675

can. 29 June 1867

St. Paolo Danei of the Cross


beat. 01 May 1853

can. 29 June 1867

St. Pedro de Arbués


c.c. 23 March 1652

beat. 20 April 1664

can. 29 June 1867

St. Benedetto Giuseppe Labre


beat. 20 May 1860

can. 08 December 1881


St. Chiara of the Cross from Montefalco


c.c. 13 April 1737

can. 08 December 1881

St. Giovanni Battista De Rossi


beat. 13 May 1860

can. 08 December 1881

St. Lorenzo Russo from Brindisi


beat. 01 June 1783

can. 08 December 1881

St. Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez


beat. 05 June 1825

can. 15 January 1888

St. Jan Berchmans


beat. 28 May 1865

can. 15 January 1888


St. Pedro Claver



beat. 21 September 1851

can. 15 January 1888

The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order

(13th century)

c.c. 01 December 1717;

30 July 1725

can. 15 January 1888

St. Antonio Maria Zaccaria


beat. 03 January 1890

can. 27 May 1897

St. Pierre Fourier


beat. 29 January 1730

can. 27 May 1897

St. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle


beat. 19 February 1888

can. 24 May 1900



Pius X

St. Rita Lotti from Cascia

(c. 1381-1457)

c.o. 02 October 1627

c.c. 13 August 1737

can. 24 May 1900

St. Alessandro Maria Sauli


beat. 23 April 1741

can. 11 December 1904

St. Gerardo Maiella


beat. 29 January 1893

can. 11 December 1904

St. Klemens Maria Hofbauer


beat. 29 January 1888

can. 20 May 1909

St. Josep Oriol Bogunyà


beat. 21 September 1806

can. 20 May 1909

Benedict XV
Pius XI

St. Gabriele Possenti of Our Lady of Sorrows


beat. 31 May 1908

can. 13 May 1920

St. Marguerite-Marie Alacoque


beat. 18 September 1864

can. 13 May 1920

St. Jeanne d’Arc


beat. 18 April 1909

can. 16 May 1920

St. Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus


beat. 29 April 1923

can. 17 May 1925

St. Petrus Kanis

[Petrus Canisius]


beat. 20 November 1864

can. 21 May 1925

Pius XI

St. Madeleine-Sophie Barat


beat. 24 May 1908

can. 24 May 1925

St. Marie-Madeleine  Postel


beat. 17 May 1908

can. 24 May 1925

St. Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney


beat. 08 January 1905

can. 31 May 1925

St. Jean Eudes


beat. 25 April 1909

can. 31 May 1925

St. Caterina Tomàs  Gallard


beat. 12 August 1792

can. 22 June 1930

Pius XI

St. Lucia Filippini


beat. 13 June 1926

can. 22 June 1930

St. Jean de Brébeuf

and 7 Companions

(† 1642-49)

beat. 21 June 1925

can. 29 June 1930

St. Roberto Bellarmino


beat. 13 May 1923

can. 29 June 1930

St. Teofilo De Signori  from Corte


beat. 19 January 1896

can. 29 June 1930

St. André-Hubert Fournet


beat. 16 May 1926

can. 04 June 1933

Pius XI

St. Marie-Bernarde [Bernadette] Soubirous


beat. 14 June 1925

can. 08 December 1933

St. Jeanne-Antide Thouret


beat. 23 May 1926

can. 14 January 1934

St. Maria Micaela Desmaisières López de Dicastillo of the Blessed Sacrament


beat. 07 June 1925

can. 04 March 1934

St. Louise de Marillac


beat. 09 May 1920

can. 11 March 1934

St. Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo


beat. 29 April 1917

can. 19 March 1934

Pius XI

St. Pompilio Maria   Pirrotti of Saint Nicholas


beat. 26 January 1890

can. 19 March 1934

St. Teresa Margherita  Redi of the Sacred Heart


beat. 09 June 1929

can. 19 March 1934

St. Giovanni Bosco


beat. 02 June 1929

can. 01 April 1934

St. Konrad Birndorfer from Parzham


beat. 15 June 1930

can. 20 May 1934

St. Andrzej Bobola


beat. 30 October 1853

can.17 April 1938

Pius XI
Pius XII

St. Giovanni Leonardi of the Mother of God

(c. 1541-1609)

beat. 10 November 1861

can. 17 April 1938

St. Salvador Grionesos [Pladevall  Bien]

from Horta


beat. 05 February 1606

can. 17 April 1938

St. Marie-Euphrasie Pelletier


beat. 30 April 1933

can. 02 May 1940

St. Gemma Galgani


beat. 14 May 1933

can. 02 May 1940

St. Francesca Saverio Cabrini


beat. 13 November 1938

can. 07 July 1946



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Last modified: 02/24/25