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~ Equipollent Canonizations ~


Clement VIII


Gregory XV


Alexander VII

St. Romuald

(c. 951-1027)

eq. can. 09 July 1595

St. Norbert from Xanten

(c. 1080-1134)

 eq. can. 07 September 1621

St. Bruno from Köln

(c. 1030-1101)

 eq. can. 06 October 1623

St. Pedro Nolasco


c.c. 30 September 1628  

eq. can. 20 October 1655


Innocent XI


Innocent XII

St. Ramón Nonato


c.c. 5 November 1625  

 eq. can. 10 March 1681

St. István from Hungary

(c. 975-1038)

 eq. can. 28 November 1686

St. Margaret from Scotland

(c. 1045-93)

eq. can. 15 September 1691

St. Jean de Matha


c.c. 21 October 1666

eq. can. 19 March 1694

St. Félix de Valois


c.c. 21 October 1666

eq. can. 19 March 1694

Benedict XIII


Clement XII

St. Gregory VII

(c. 1015-85)

eq. can. 25 September 1728

St. Václav from Bohemia

(c. 907-35)

eq. can. 14 March 1729

St. Gertrud from Helfta


eq. can. 20 July 1738

St. Pier Damiani

(c. 1007-72)

eq. can. 01 October 1828




Ss. Cyril (c. 826-69) and Methodius (c. 815-85)

 eq. can. 30 September 1880

St. Cyril from Alexandria

(c. 376-444)

 eq. can. 28 July 1882

St. Cyril from Jerusalem

(c. 313-86)

 eq. can. 28 July 1882

St. Justin Martyr

(c. 100-65)

 eq. can. 28 July 1882

St. Augustine from Canterbury


 eq. can. 28 July 1882



Benedict XV


St. John Damascene

(c. 676-749)

 eq. can. 29 August 1890

St. Silvestro Guzzolini


eq. can. 29 August 1890

St. Bede the Venerable

(c. 672-735)

 eq. can. 25 May 1899

St. Boniface from Fulda

(c. 675-754)

 eq. can. 04 May 1919

St. Ephrem the Syrian

(c. 306-73)

 eq. can. 05 October 1920

Pius XI


Pius XII

St. Albertus “Magnus”

(c. 1200-80)

beat. 1484

eq. can. 16 December 1931

St. John Fisher


c.c. 09 December 1886

eq. can. 19 May 1935

St. Thomas More


c.c. 09 December 1886

eq. can. 19 May 1935

St. Margit from Hungary

(c. 1242-70)

eq. can. 19 November 1943

St. Gregorio Barbarigo


beat. 20 September 1761

eq. can. 26 May 1960

Paul VI
John Paul II
Benedict XVI

St. Juan de Ávila Jijón


beat. 15 April 1894

eq. can. 31 May 1970

St. Nikola Tavelić

and 3 Companions


c.c. 06 June 1889

and 12 June 1966

eq. can. 21 June 1970

Ss. Marko Križevčanin

and 2 Companions


beat. 15 January 1905

eq. can. 02 July 1995

St. Hildegard from Bingen


c.c. 26 August 1326

eq. can. 10 May 2012




St. Angela from Foligno

(c. 1248-1309)

c.m.o. 3 April 1701 

eq. can. 9 October 2013

St. Pierre Favre


c.c. 05 September 1872 

eq. can. 17 December 2013

St. François de Montmorency-Laval


beat. 22 June 1980

eq. can. 03 April 2014

St. José de Anchieta


beat. 22 June 1980

eq. can. 03 April 2014

St. Marie Guyart of the Incarnation


beat. 22 June 1980

eq. can. 03 April 2014




St. Bartolomeu dos Martires Fernandes


beat. 04 November 2001

eq. can. 05 July 2019

St. Margherita from

Cittŕ di Castello

(c. 1287-1320)

c.m.o. 19 October 1609 

eq. can. 24 April 2021

Ss. Thérčse Lidoine of Saint Augustine and 15 Companions

(† 1794)

beat. 27 May 1906

eq. can.  18 December 2024




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Last modified: 02/23/25