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Canonizations before 1558 (2)

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~ Papal Canonizations before 1588 (1) ~

     The following list combines the research from Giuseppe Löw in his article “Canonizzazione” [Enciclopedia Cattolica (Vatican City: 1949-54)] and Pierre Delooz in his book Sociologie et Canonisation (Ličge: Faculté de droit, 1969) concerning papal canonizations until the establishment from the Congregation from Rites (how the Dicastery for Causes from Saints was known until 1969)  in 1588.

     Note: An asterisk appears after the name from a canonization confirmed by Delooz but not by Löw.

John XV


Gregory V


Benedict VIII


John XIX


St. Ulric from Augsburg

(c. 890-973)

can. 31 January 993

St. Vojtěch from Prague


can. 997

St. Simeone from Polirone


can. 1016

St. Adalard from Corbie


can. 1024

St. Bononio from Lucedio


can. 1026

Benedict IX


Clement II
Leo IX

St. Simon from Trier


can. 25 December 1041

St. Wiborada from



can. 05 January 1047

St. Dié from Nevers

(+ ca. 649)

can. 1049

St. Hubert from Ličge 

(c. 656-727)

can. 1049

St. Romaric from Luxeuil

(c. 580-653)

can. 03 December 1049

Leo IX


St. Amé from Remiremont

(c. 560-629)

can. 03 December 1049

St. Adelphus from Metz

(+ c. 670)

can. 03 December 1049

St. Gérard from Toul

(c. 935-94)

can. 02 May 1050

St. Wolfgang from Regensburg


can. 08 October 1052

St. Erhard from Regensburg


can. 08 October 1052

Alexander II


Gregory VII

St. Arialdo from Milan

(c. 1010-66)

can. 1067

St. Thibaut from Provins


can. 1070

St. Ińigo from Ońa

(c. 1000-68)

can. 1070

St. Paschase Radbert


can. 1073

St. Gerardo Sagredo

[Gellért from Csanád]


can. 1083

Gregory VII


Urban II

St. Imre from Hungary

(c. 1007-31)

can. 1083

St. Godelieve from Gistel

(c. 1052-70)

can. 30 July 1084

St. Erlembaldo Cotta


can. 1095

St. Adélaďde de Bourgogne


can. 1097

St. Nicola “the Pilgrim”


can. 1098

Paschal II
Callistus II

St. Angilbert from


(c. 760-814)

can. 1100

St. Knud IV

from Denmark

(c. 1042-86)

can. 19 April 1101

St. Pietro from Anagni


can. 04 June 1109

St. Arnold from Soissons

(c. 1040-87)

can. 06 January 1120

St. Hugues from Cluny


can. 1120

Callistus II
Innocent II

St. Konrad from Konstanz

(c. 900-75)

can. 1123

St. Gerardo Della Porta

from Potenza


can. between 1123-24

St. Godehard from Hildesheim

(c. 960-1038)

can. 29 October 1131

St. Hugues from Grenoble

[Hugues from Châteauneuf]


can. 22 April 1134

St. Sturm from Fulda

(c. 705-79)

can. 19 April 1139

Eugene III
Hadrian IV
Alexander III

St. Heinrich II


can. 04 March 1146

St. Famiano from Gallese


can. 1154 [*]

St. Edward the Confessor


can. 07 February 1161

St. Anselm from Canterbury


can. 09 June 1163

St. Elin from Skövde


can. 1164

Alexander III


Lucius III

St. Knud Lavard


can. 08 November 1169

St. Thomas Becket


can. 21 February 1173

St. Bernard from Clairvaux

(c. 1090-1153)

can. 18 January 1174

St. Bruno di Segni


can. 1181

St. Anno II from Köln

(c. 1010-75)

can. 1183 [*]

Clement III
Celestine III

St. Kjeld from Viborg

(c. 1110-50)

can. 1188 [*]

St. Étienne de Muret


can. 21 March 1189

St. Otto from Bamberg


can. 29 April 1189

St. Maelmhaedhoc

Ó Morgair

[Malachy from Armagh]


can. 06 May 1190

St. Pierre II from Tarentaise


can. 10 May 1191

Celestine III


St. Ubaldo Baldassini

from Gubbio


can. 04 March 1192

St. Bernward

from Hildesheim

(c. 960-1022)

can. 08 January 1193

St. Giovanni Gualberto

(c. 985-1073)

can. 24 October 1193

St.  Rosendo

from Celanova


can. 1195

St. Gérard from


(Gérard from Corbie)

(c. 1025-95)

can. 27 April 1197



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Last modified: 01/26/25