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Canonizations before 1558 (2)

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~ Papal Canonizations before 1588 (1) ~

     The following list combines the research from Giuseppe Löw in his article “Canonizzazione” [Enciclopedia Cattolica (Vatican City: 1949-54)] and Pierre Delooz in his book Sociologie et Canonisation (Ličge: Faculté de droit, 1969) concerning papal canonizations until the establishment from the Congregation from Rites (as the Congregation for Causes from Saints was known until 1969)  in 1588.

     Note: An asterisk appears after the name from a canonization confirmed by Delooz but not by Löw.

John XV [985-96]

Gregory V [996-99]

Benedict VIII [1012-24]

John XIX [1024-32]

St. Ulric from Augsburg

(c. 890-973)

can. 31 January 993

St. Vojtěch from Prague


can. 997

St. Simeone from Polirone


can. 1016

St. Adalard from Corbie


can. 1024

St. Bononio from Lucedio


can. 1026

Benedict IX [1032-44]

Clement II [1046-47] Leo IX [1049-54]

St. Simon from Trier


can. 25 December 1041

St. Wiborada from



can. 05 January 1047

St. Dié from Nevers

(+ ca. 649)

can. 1049

St. Hubert from Ličge 

(c. 656-727)

can. 1049

St. Romaric from Luxeuil

(c. 580-653)

can. 03 December 1049

Leo IX [cont.]

St. Amé from Remiremont

(c. 560-629)

can. 03 December 1049

St. Adelphus from Metz

(+ c. 670)

can. 03 December 1049

St. Gérard from Toul

(c. 935-94)

can. 02 May 1050

St. Wolfgang from Regensburg


can. 08 October 1052

St. Erhard from Regensburg


can. 08 October 1052

Alexander II [1061-73]

Gregory VII [1073-85]

St. Arialdo from Milan

(c. 1010-66)

can. 1067

St. Thibaut from Provins


can. 1070

St. Ińigo from Ońa

(c. 1000-68)

can. 1070

St. Paschase Radbert


can. 1073

St. Gerardo Sagredo

[Gellért from Csanád]


can. 1083

Gregory VII [cont.]

Urban II [1088-99]

St. Imre from Hungary

(c. 1007-31)

can. 1083

St. Godelieve from Gistel

(c. 1052-70)

can. 1084

St. Erlembaldo Cotta


can. 1095

St. Adélaďde de Bourgogne


can. 1097

St. Nicola “the Pilgrim”


can. 1098

Paschal II [1099-1118] Callistus II [1119-24]

St. Angilbert from


(c. 760-814)

can. 1100

St. Knud IV

from Denmark

(c. 1042-86)

can. 19 April 1101

St. Pietro from Anagni


can. 04 June 1109

St. Arnold from Soissons

(c. 1040-87)

can. 06 January 1120

St. Hugues from Cluny


can. 1120

Callistus II [cont.] Innocent II [1130-43]

St. Konrad from Konstanz

(c. 900-75)

can. 1123

St. Gerardo Della Porta

from Potenza


can. between 1123-24

St. Godehard from Hildesheim

(c. 960-1038)

can. 29 October 1131

St. Hugues from Grenoble

[Hugues from Châteauneuf]


can. 22 April 1134

St. Sturm from Fulda

(c. 705-79)

can. 19 April 1139

Eugene III [1145-53] Hadrian IV [1154-59] Alexander III [1159-81]

St. Heinrich II


can. 04 March 1146

St. Famiano from Gallese


can. 1154 [*]

St. Edward the Confessor


can. 07 February 1161

St. Anselm from Canterbury


can. 09 June 1163

St. Elin from Skövde


can. 1164

Alexander III [cont.]

Lucius III [1181-85]

St. Knud Lavard


can. 08 November 1169

St. Thomas Becket


can. 21 February 1173

St. Bernard from Clairvaux

(c. 1090-1153)

can. 18 January 1174

St. Bruno di Segni


can. 1181

St. Anno II from Köln

(c. 1010-75)

can. 1183 [*]

Clement III [1187-91] Celestine III [1191-98]

St. Kjeld from Viborg

(c. 1110-50)

can. 1188 [*]

St. Étienne de Muret


can. 21 March 1189

St. Otto from Bamberg


can. 29 April 1189

St. Maelmhaedhoc

Ó Morgair

[Malachy from Armagh]


can. 06 May 1190

St. Pierre II from Tarentaise


can. 10 May 1191

Celestine III [cont.]

St. Ubaldo Baldassini

from Gubbio


can. 04 March 1192

St. Bernward

from Hildesheim

(c. 960-1022)

can. 08 January 1193

St. Giovanni Gualberto

(c. 985-1073)

can. 24 October 1193

St.  Rosendo

from Celanova


can. 1195

St. Gérard from


(Gérard from Corbie)

(c. 1025-95)

can. 27 April 1197



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Last modified: 09/13/24