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Regulation for Postulators



 The Church «in keeping with the serious task entrusted to it of teaching, sanctifying and governing the People of God, proposes to the faithful for their imitation, veneration and invocation men and women who are brilliant examples of charity and the other evangelical virtues and, after due investigations have been carried out, declares them, in the solemn action of canonization, to be saints» (Apostolic Constitution Divinus perfectionis Magister, 25 January 1983). Indeed, «holiness is the true light of the Church: as such, it must be placed on the candelabrum so that it can illuminate and guide the path to God of all redeemed people» (Pope Francis, Address to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, 12 December 2019).

Through their action, postulators contribute by highlighting the examples of those baptized whom have lived and witnessed the Gospel. For this reason, in carrying out their mission, they must be «increasingly aware that their function requires an attitude of service to the truth and cooperation with the Holy See. They should not allow themselves to be guided by material visions and economic interests, should not seek their own personal affirmation and, above all, should avoid anything that is in contradiction with the meaning of the ecclesial work which they carry out. May the postulators never fail to be aware that the Causes of Beatification and Canonization are realities of a spiritual nature; not only procedural, spiritual. Therefore, they must be treated with marked evangelical sensitivity and moral rigor» (Pope Francis, Address to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, December 12, 2019).

In this regulation, postulators find a synthesis of the praxis and the particular pontifical legislation of the Causes of Saints, which are contained in the following documents: Code of Canon Law; Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches; Apostolic Constitution Divinus perfectionis MagisterNormae servandae in Inquisitionibus ab Episcopis faciendis in Causis Sanctorum; Apostolic Letter, given motu proprio, Maiorem hac dilectionem: De Oblatione Vitae and Norms regarding the Administration of the Goods of the Causes of Beatification and Canonization. Moreover, the provisions of Regulations for the Medical Board and in the Instructions Sanctorum Mater and Relics in the Church: Authenticity and Conservation. As well as any other normative document issued by the Dicastery. 

 In this Regulation, the term Diocesan Bishop is also understood to mean Eparchial or the one equal to him in law. 


1. According to art. 5 of Normae servandae in Inquisitionibus ab Episcopis faciendis in Causis Sanctorum, the task of investigating the life on martyrdom, heroic virtues or offering of life, and the reputation of martyrdom, holiness or offering of life as well as reputation of signs of a Servant of God, and the alleged miracles and cult from time immemorial of a Servant of God belongs to the Bishop who is competent to initiate the inquiry.

2a. The Cause of Beatification and Canonization of a Servant of God is initiated, either ex officio, or at the request of the Postulator, who, approved in writing by the competent ecclesiastical authority, acts by Appointment of the Petitioner.

2b. The Petitioner of the Cause can be a Diocese, an Episcopal Conference, Parish, an Institute of Consecrated Life, a Society of Apostolic Life, clerical and/or lay Association, single member of the faithful or several Co-Petitioners who act in solidum.

3a. The Petitioner promotes the Cause of Beatification and Canonization and assumes its moral and financial responsibility.

3b. The Postulator exercises the office of juridical representative of the Petitioner of the Cause to the Dicastery and to the competent ecclesiastical authorities.

3c. The Postulator also promotes and coordinates the useful activity for spreading the knowledge of the Servant of God and fosters his/her intercession.

4. By virtue of his/her office, the Postulator assumes a particular responsibility, both towards the Petitioner and the Bishop together with the People of God.

5a. Any faithful Catholic of proven integrity who has sufficient knowledge of theology, canon law, and history, as well as versed in practice of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints can fulfill the office of Postulator.

5b. The Postulator for the Roman phase of the Cause and possibly also for the diocesan phase must be in possession of a diploma from the School of Higher Formation organized by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints for the purpose.

6a. Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Bishops, and those who hold offices in the Dicastery as Officials, Historical Consultors, Theological Consultors, and Medical Experts cannot be appointed Postulators of Causes.

6b. The Postulator is legitimately appointed by the Petitioner with a Appointment as Postulator and ratified in writing by the competent ecclesiastical authority, which is the Bishop in the diocesan phase  and the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Roman phase.

6c. The Postulator General is appointed, both for the diocesan and Roman phases, with a Appointment as Postulator General issued by the Supreme Moderator of the Institute with the consent of its Council. Therefore, he/she represents the Institute before the Dicastery and the local ecclesiastical authorities for all the Causes of Beatification and Canonization of the Institute and of the Institutes aggregated to it in accordance with the law. The appointment must be ratified by the Dicastery.

6d. The Postulator ad casum is appointed for the diocesan or Roman phase of the Cause with an appointment as Postulator which is issued by the Petitioner of the Cause.

6e. If a priest or a religious is appointed Postulator of a Cause which is not promoted by the Diocese in which he/she is incardinated or by the Institute of Consecrated Life to which he/she belongs, then he/she must obtain the written consent of the competent Bishop or Superior respectively; if the Postulator is a layperson, he/she must show the nihil obstat issued by his/her own Bishop.

6f. After the ratification of the appointment by the competent Bishop or the Dicastery, the Postulator takes an oath before the competent ecclesiastical authority to fulfill the task faithfully and to maintain the secrecy of office, as well as complying with civil laws concerning the privacy of persons involved in the Cause, especially if these are minors.

7. At any given moment, the Postulator can renounce his/her office by giving a written notice to the Petitioner, or the Petitioner can dismiss him/her with a written notification which is also sent to the competent ecclesiastical authority.

8a. At the end of the Closing Session of the Inquiry on Martyrdom, Heroic Virtues, Offering of Life and Ancient Cult, the Postulator ad casum ceases his/her office.

8b. The term of office of a Postulator ends when  the age of 80 is reached.

9. In consideration of the commitment required for each Cause of beatification and canonization, a Postulator ad casum in the Roman phase cannot assume more than thirty active Causes.

10a. Simultaneously with the appointment, the Petitioner of the Cause confers on the Postulator a contract with clarification of the services to be performed for the phases inherent to the appointment, the remuneration and whatever else is provided for by the civil territorial regulations in force.

10b. Such a contract must be carried out under the vigilance of the competent ecclesiastical authority and can be renewed.

10c. A copy of this contract is sent to the Dicastery and the competent Bishop.

11a. The Postulator has the right to a fair remuneration, proportionate to the work actually performed, agreed in writing with the Petitioner of the Cause and paid by the Administrator of the fund of the goods of  the Cause, under the supervision of the competent ecclesiastical authority, according to the Norms regarding the Administration of the Assets in Causes of Beatification and Canonization.

11b. The Postulator must neither demand nor receive a salary linked to his/her appointment for each single Cause.

11c. The Postulator General must also abide by the administrative norms established by the Institute which entrusted the task on him/her.

11d. The Postulator can also assume his/her office free of charge.

12a. In conformity with the norms on the administration of goods, the Postulator cannot carry out the office of Administrator of the fund of the goods of the Cause; the Postulator General, on the other hand, can assume this role only for the Causes of his/her own Institute and of the Institutes aggregated to it according to the norm of law.

12b.If the intervention of the Bishop or the Dicastery is necessary in administrative/financial matters concerning the Postulator of the Cause, then the latter will provide his/her full cooperation by providing all information and related documentation in his/her possession.

13a. In the respective moments indicated by the Dicastery, the Postulator notifies the Administrator of the fund of the goods of the Cause so that he/she pays the foreseen contribution, verifying that it has been paid.

13b. During the Roman phase, the Dicastery usually deals with the Postulator.

13c. The Postulator must not have any contact with anyone who has been appointed by the Dicastery for the judgment of the Causes entrusted to him/her.

14a. In dioceses, the Postulator can be replaced or assisted by one or more Vice-Postulators, whom are appointed by him/her with an Appointment as Vice-Postulator, which requires the written approval of the Petitioner of the Cause.

14b. The Vice-Postulator must have the same moral and professional qualities, the same preparation as the Postulator, and must take an oath before the Postulator to fulfill his/her office faithfully and to maintain the secrecy of office.

15a. The Postulator and the Vice-Postulator are not employees of the Holy See, of central bodies of the Holy See, or of bodies directly managed by the Holy See.

15b. The Postulator and the Vice-Postulator cannot benefit from the fiscal regime of art. 17 of the Lateran Treaty.

16. What is established in this Regulation regarding the activity and duties of the Postulator must also be applied to the Vice-Postulator, who must always act according to the directives of the Postulator.

17. In the event of non-compliance, negligence, or abuse of office by a Postulator in the Roman phase, the Dicastery can intervene disciplinarily in accordance with the law and, after carrying out the necessary investigations, revoke the ratification of his/her appointment.


Inquiry on Martyrdom, Heroic Virtues, Offering of Life, and Ancient Cult 

18. During the diocesan phase of the Cause, the Postulator or Vice-Postulator should have a residence in the Diocese.

19a. The first task of the Postulator is to gather information on the life of the Servant of God, on the reputation of martyrdom, holiness, offering of life, ancient cult, and signs, as well as the ecclesial importance of the Cause, in order to report it to the Bishop.

19b. The Postulator can carry out such investigations, also collecting signed declarations, which he/she will present to the Bishop, so that the latter can verify the existence of an authentic reputation for initiating the Cause.

20a. In the name of the Petitioner, the Postulator presents the Libellus to the competent Bishop, asking for the initiation of the Cause.

20b. If the Cause is started thirty years after the death of the Servant of God, the Postulator sets out in detail the reasons for the delay in the Libellus, highlighting the absence of fraud or willful misconduct.

20c. The Postulator must attach to the Libellus: (1) a biography of certain historical value on the Servant of God, or a detailed report on his/her life, martyrdom, heroic virtues, offering of life, or ancient cult, as well as on the reputation of his/her martyrdom or heroic virtues or offering of life and on the reputation of signs of the Servant of God; (2) all the writings of the Servant of God, published by him/her or by others during life and after death; in the absence of published writings, the Postulator declares their non-existence in the Libellus; (3) in Recent Causes, the list of eyewitnesses, chosen among the various states of life (bishops, priests, consecrated persons and laity), who have had familiarity and relationship with the Servant of God, possibly in all phases of his/her life; (4) in Ancient Causes, the list of a dozen qualified witnesses to testify on the reputation of holiness still present or on the cult rendered to the Servant of God in more recent times; (5) in the case of a Cause for which the Decree of Confirmation of Cultus has already been published by the Apostolic See, a copy of the Decree itself.

20d. In the course of the Inquiry, the Postulator can present other texts to be questioned during the instruction of the Inquiry or even renounce the examination of texts presented, giving  the reasons for this.

21. The Postulator has the moral and legal duty to inform the competent ecclesiastical authority of anything that may be contrary or less favorable to the Cause.

22a. If any obstacle of a certain importance emerges against the Cause, the Postulator must be informed by the competent ecclesiastical authority so that, if possible, he/she can remove it.

22b. If the Bishop decides not to initiate or to suspend the Cause, he/she must communicate it to the Postulator.

23a. The Postulator can give the Promoter of Justice useful information for the preparation of the Interrogatories.

23b. In the search for unpublished writings and documents concerning the Cause, the Postulator can help experts in historical and archival matters, who, however, are responsible for their collection and evaluation.

24a. The Postulator cannot be admitted to testify in the Inquiry during his/her term of office, nor can he/she attend the examination of witnesses, under penalty of nullity of the Sessions.

24b. If the Postulator becomes aware of an abuse or non-compliance with the law or negligence on the part of an Official of the Inquiry, then he/she must inform the Bishop so that, having carried out the necessary investigations, he/she can take the measures deemed necessary.

25a. After the publication of the acts of the Inquiry, decreed by the Episcopal Delegate, the Postulator must be granted the faculty and time to examine all the acts. He or she may request further investigation with new documents and witnesses.

25b. If the Postulator considers that the evidence gathered in the Inquiry is sufficient, then he/she delivers a written declaration to this effect to the Episcopal Delegate before the celebration of the Sessions for the Collatio et Auscultatio of the acts of the Inquiry.

26. The Postulator must be present during both the First Session of the Inquiry, to take an oath to faithfully fulfill his/her office and to keep the secret of office, and the Closing Session, to take an oath that he/she has faithfully fulfilled the task.

27. The Postulator can hold the office of Carrier of the acts of the Inquiry, provided that he/she has been appointed through a specific decree of the competent ecclesiastical authority. The Postulator takes an oath to faithfully carry out the assignment usually during the Closing  Session of the Inquiry.

Inquiry on a Miracle

28. The norms regarding the Postulator for the Inquiry on martyrdom, heroic virtues, offering of life and ancient cult are also applied to the diocesan phase of the Inquiry on a miracle.

29. In the Inquiry on a miracle, the Postulator must collect all documentary and instrumental proofs, in compliance with local civil laws regarding the privacy of persons involved, especially if these are minors.

30a. The Postulator presents the Libellus to the Bishop of the territory where the alleged miracle took place.

30b. The Postulator must attach to the Libellus: (1) a detailed chronological report of the case; (2) all documentary and instrumental proofs related to the case; (3) a list of eyewitnesses and others who can testify about what happened, in particular the attending physicians, medical-health personnel in the case of healings, or any technical experts for other cases, as well as those who have invoked the Blessed or the Servant of God.


General Notions 

31a. During the Roman phase of the Cause, the Postulator must have a permanent residence in Rome

31b. In particular cases, the Postulator can request a dispensation from the Dicastery, which will evaluate the reasons given.

32. After the ratification of the appointment, the Postulator fulfills his/her office, collaborating with the Dicastery according to the procedure.

33. The Postulator follows the iter of the Cause in the Dicastery. Therefore, he/she must address to the Prefect all requests, that is the written questions regarding the continuation of the Cause.

Causes on Martyrdom, Heroic Virtues, Offering of Life, and Ancient Cult 

34a. After the acts of the Inquiry have been delivered to the Dicastery, the Postulator ad casum forwards to the Prefect of the Dicastery the request with which he/she requests the ratification of his/her appointment, attaching the Appointment of Postulator issued by the Petitioner of the Cause, according to the model approved by the Dicastery.

34b. At the first appointment, the Postulator presents, together with the application and the Appointment as Postulator, his/her own curriculum vitae, photocopies of the academic qualifications obtained, the diploma from the Specialization School in Causes of Saints, any list of his/her publications, a copy of the professional assignment conferred by the Petitioner, referred to in no. 10a and, if necessary, the document referred to in no. 6e.

34c. Regarding the ratification of the appointment of a Postulator General by the Dicastery, together with the request, the Appointment as Postulator General is presented, issued by the Supreme Moderator of the Institute with the consent of his/her Council, according to the model approved by the Dicastery, his/her curriculum vitae, photocopies of the academic qualifications obtained and the diploma from the Specialization School in Causes of Saints, any list of his/her publications.

34d. The ratification of the appointment of Postulator is also contingent on the regularity of all the formalities required on his/her other Causes.

35. The Postulator then forwards to the Prefect the request for opening the acts of the Inquiry indicating: (1) the name of the Servant of God with the Protocol number of the Cause; (2) the Diocese where the Inquiry was instructed; (3) the object of the Inquiry (martyrdom, heroic virtues, offering of life, or ancient cult).

36a. Once the rescript for the opening of the acts of the Inquiry has been obtained, the Postulator shows it to the appropriate office to agree on the date for the opening.

36b. The Postulator takes part in the opening of the acts, in which other interested persons may also be present.

37a. Once the acts of the Inquiry have been bound, the Postulator forwards the request to the Prefect, to ask for the study of juridical validity.

37b. Should there be any non-compliance in the Inquiry, the Postulator will take action based on the recommendation of the Dicastery.

38a. Having obtained the decree of validity, the Postulator forwards to the Prefect the request for the Appointment of the Relator, under whose guidance he/she will prepare respectively the Positio super Martyrio, super Virtutibus, super Oblatione Vitae or super Cultu ab immemorabili tempore praestito.

38b. The Postulator attached to the request: (1) a photocopy of the decree of juridical validity; (2) a biographical profile of the Servant of God, with a brief report on the ecclesial importance of the Cause and any difficulties of the same; (3) the name of any External Collaborator and his/her curriculum vitae with the academic degrees achieved, the scientific activity carried out and the related publications, as well as a certificate on his/her willingness to work under the supervision of the Relator; (4) copy of the written agreement, approved by the Petitioner, between the Postulator and the External Collaborator for the work to be done, bearing in mind the fare structure of the Dicastery on  economic matters; (5) a rough estimate of the cost for the printing of the Positio.

39a. The Postulator, after having obtained the Appointment of the Relator from the Dicastery, together with any External Collaborator, makes contact with the Relator in view of the preparation of the Positio.

39b. Before accomplishing his/her office, the External Collaborator takes an oath before the Secretary of the Dicastery.

39c. During the drafting of the Positio, it is highly appropriate that the External Collaborator resides in Rome to follow the instructions of the Relator and facilitate the drafting of the Positio.

40a. When the draft of the Positio has been approved by the Relator and the Relator General has affixed the imprimatur, the Postulator proceeds with the printing.

40b. The Positio must be printed at a printer approved by the Dicastery.

41a. In the case of the Positio of an ancient  or a recent Cause which, in the opinion of the Relator General along with the approval of the Congress, must be submitted to the examination of the Historical Consultors of the Dicastery, the Postulator gives a copy to the Office Manager, bound in gray paperback, and obtains the receipt of delivery.

41b. The Postulator gives a copy of the Positio to the Relator General, the Relator of the Cause, and the Archives of the Dicastery, along with a photocopy of the receipt of delivery.

42. At the request of the Relator General, the Postulator delivers eight copies of the Positio for the Consulta Storica.

43a. When the examination of the Positio of a Cause receives a positive outcome from the Session of the Historical Consultors, the Postulator delivers the Positio, bound in red and containing the Relatio et Vota of the same Session, to the Office Manager.

43b. If difficulties arise from the Session of the Historical Consultors, the Postulator must present the appropriate clarifications, in writing, which must be attached to the votes of the same Consultors themselves and incorporated in the Positio.

43c. If the Consulta Storica concludes with a negative outcome, then the Relator General informs the Postulator on the procedure to be implemented as established by the Ordinary Meeting of the Dicastery.

44. The Postulator delivers a copy of the Relatio et Vota of the Consulta Storica to the Promoter of the Faith and to the Archives of the Dicastery.

45a. In the case of a recent Cause, the Postulator delivers the Positio, bound in red, to the Office Manager, and obtains the receipt of delivery.

45b. The Postulator delivers a copy of the Positio, bound in red, to the Relator General and to the Relator who oversaw its preparation; in addition, the Postulator delivers another four copies to the Dicastery Archives, along with a photocopy of the receipt of delivery.

46. At the request of the Promoter of the Faith, the Postulator delivers eleven copies of the Positio for the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors.

47a. If difficulties of particular importance emerge from the examination of the Positio, then at the request of the Promotor of the Faith, the Postulator can present the appropriate clarifications, in writing,  which will be sent to the Theological Consultors before the Particular Meeting of the same Consultors.

47b. If difficulties arise from the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors, thenthe Postulator must present the appropriate clarifications, in writing, which will be attached to the votes of the same Consultors.

47c. If the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors concludes with a negative outcome, the Promoter of the Faith informs the Postulator on the procedure to be implemented according to what is established by the Ordinary Meeting of the Dicastery.

48a. The Postulator delivers a copy of the Relatio et Vota of the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors to the Secretary, the Promoter of the Faith, and the Officials who follow the Cause.

48b. The Postulator has to deliver three copies of the same Relatio et Vota to the Archives of the Dicastery.

49. The Postulator obtains a copy of the decree appointing the Ponent of the Cause from the Dicastery.

50. At the request of the Dicastery, in view of the Ordinary Session, the Postulator delivers the necessary number of copies of the Positio and the Relatio et Vota of the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors.

51a. After the Holy Father authorizes the promulgation of the decree on martyrdom, heroic virtues, offering of life, or ancient cult, the Postulator, at the request of the Dicastery, can collaborate in the drafting of the text of the respective decree.

51b. After the promulgation of the decree, the Postulator is required to withdraw all extra copies of the Positio along with all copies of the decree from the Dicastery.

52a. The acts of the Inquiry and the Positio on martyrdom, heroic virtues, offering of life, and ancient cult remain sub secreto for fifty years after the end of the Inquiry itself. Any consultations by third parties must be authorized in writing by the Dicastery.

52b. For the period after fifty years, the documentation referred to in no. 52a remains reserved. Any consultation may be allowed by those who keep them in custody, taking into account the current privacy laws.

Procedures for the Recognition of a Possible Miracle

53a. The Postulator forwards the request for the opening of the acts of the Inquiry to the Prefect.

53b. In the request, the Postulator: (1) indicates the name of the Blessed or the Servant of God and the protocol number of the Cause; (2) specify the Diocese where the Inquiry was instructed and the name and surname of the healed person, with his/her status vitae.

54a. After obtaining the rescript for the opening the acts of the Inquiry from the Dicastery, the Postulator presents it to the competent office to agree on the date for the opening.

54b. The Postulator is present at the opening of the acts which may also be attended by other persons.

55a. Once the acts of the Inquiry have been bound, the Postulator forwards a request to the Prefect asking for the study of its juridical validity.

55b.In the event of any irregularity during the Inquiry, the Postulator will have to take action on the recommendation of the Dicastery.

56a. Once the decree of juridical validity is obtained, the Postulator prepares,  the Summarium and the Chronology of the Case for the examination of the appointed ex officio experts as per the directives of the Dicastery.

56b. Prior to the final printing of the Summarium, the Postulator must obtain the Visum of the Undersecretary and the Revisa, after all possible modifications to draft of the Summarium  have been made and  the approval of the Chronology of the Case have been obtained.

56c. The Postulator gives the Undersecretary five copies of the Summarium, printed with a typographic proces.

57a. If at least one of the two experts give it an affirmative appraisal, then the Postulator can request a collegial examination of the case by the Medical Board.

57b. If the two experts give it a negative appraisal, the Postulator can ask for the vote of a third expert appointed ex officio.

58a. The Postulator delivers twelve copies of the Summarium, printed with a typographic process, along with the opinions of the experts appointed ex officio to the Undersecretary.

58b. The Postulator gives two copies of the Summarium to the Archives of the Dicastery.

59a. After the positive outcome from the Medical Board, based on the recommendation of the Undersecretary, the Postulator completes the Informatio of the Positio super Miro.

59b. If the outcome from the Medical Board is either negative or suspensive, then the Postulator can make new arguments and request the re-evaluation of the case, but not more than twice.

60. Before the final printing of the Positio, the Postulator must obtain the approval of the Undersecretary.

61. Once the Positio has been printed, the Postulator hands over a copy of  the Positio, bound in red to the Office Manager, who issues a receipt of delivery.

62. After the Postulator delivers a copy of the Positio to the Undersecretary and the Promoter of the Faith, he/she also delivers three copies to the Archives of the Dicastery, along with a photocopy of the receipt of delivery from the Office Manager.

63. At the request of the office of the Promoter of the Faith, the Postulator delivers nine copies of the Positio super Miro.

64a. If difficulties of particular importance emerge from the examination of the Positio super Miro, then the Postulator, at the request of the Promoter of the Faith,  may present the appropriate clarifications, in writing, to the Theological Consultors before the Particular Meeting of the same Consultors.

64b. If difficulties arise from the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors, then the Postulator must present the appropriate clarifications, in writing, which will be attached to the votes of the Consultors themselves.

64c. If the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors ends with a negative outcome, the Promoter of the Faith informs the Postulator about the procedure established by the Ordinary Meeting of the Dicastery.

65a. The Postulator delivers a copy of the Relatio et Vota of the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors to the Secretary, the Promoter of the Faith and the Officials who follow the Cause.

65b. The Postulator delivers three copies of the Relatio et Vota of the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors to the Archives of the Dicastery.

66. The Postulator collects from the Dicastery a copy of the decree appointing the Ponent of the Cause, unless he has already been appointed.

67. In view of the Ordinary Session of Cardinals and Bishops, the Postulator delivers the necessary copies of the Positio super Miro and of the Relatio et Vota of the Particular Meeting of Theological Consultors, as per the request of the Dicastery.

68a. After the Holy Father has authorized the promulgation of the decree on the miracle, the Postulator can collaborate in the drafting of the text of the decree at the request of the Dicastery.

68b. After the promulgation of the decree, the Postulator must obtain all extra copies of the Positio and all copies of the decree from the Dicastery.

69. The acts of the Inquiry into the miracle, the Summarium, and the subsequent Positio remain sub secreto for up to fifty years after the end of the Inquiry itself. Any consultations by a third party must be authorized in writing by the Dicastery.



70. By means of a written request, the Postulator contacts the Prefect of the Dicastery first and then the Secretariat of State to agree on the place and date of the beatification.

71. The Postulator presents to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments the draft of the text for the Collect of the Mass in honor of the future Blessed, the Second Reading of the Office of Readings of the Liturgy of the Hours, and the date of the liturgical memorial.

72a. At the request of the Dicastery, the Postulator collaborates in the editing of the scheme of the Apostolic Letter for the rite of beatification.

72b. The Postulator collaborates with the Liturgical Office of the Diocese to prepare the celebration of the beatification.

72c. The Postulator submits,for the approval of the Dicastery, the booklet for the celebration of the beatification and the text of the short biographical profile of the future Blessed, which will then be read during the ceremony.

73. The Postulator can collaborate in the drafting of the scheme of the Apostolic Decree (Papal Brief) for the Beatification, which, once issued, he/she is obliged to collect.


74. The Postulator verifies that the miracle presented in view of the canonization of the Blessed has indeed taken place after the rite of beatification.

75a. If the miracle took place after the promulgation of the decree on the miracle required for beatification, or after the promulgation of the decree on martyrdom and before the rite of beatification, the Postulator can submit an application to the Prefect, requesting the pontifical dispensation ad cautelam from the time of the miracle required for canonization.

75b. Before presenting to the Bishop the Libellus requesting for the instruction of the Inquiry on the miracle, the Postulator must obtain the decree of dispensation from the time required for the miracle from the Dicastery.

76. After the promulgation of the decree on the miracle, attributed to the intercession of the Blessed, the Postulator prepares the Compendium for the celebration of the Consistory for the Canonization, under the indication of the Secretary of the Dicastery.

77. At the request of the Office for Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, the Postulator collaborates in the preparation of the celebration of the canonization.

78. The Postulator can collaborate in the preparation of the Decretal Letter for the Canonization, the original of which the Postulator will collect from the Secretariat of State.

79a. Once the canonization has been celebrated, the Postulator invites the Administrator of the fund of the goods of the Cause to present the account of the overall administration of the fund to the Dicastery.

79b. The Postulator ensures that the Administrator of the fund of the goods of the Cause implements the provisions of the Dicastery for the extinction of the fund.

80. Once the administrative obligations have been fulfilled, the Cause ceases to exist and the Postulator, the Vice-Postulator and the Administrator of the fund of the goods of the Cause lose their office, unless they are the Postulator General of an Institute to which the saint belongs.


81. After being appointed by the Petitioner and ratified by the Dicastery, the Postulator contacts the designated Relator, to compose the corresponding Positio super Ecclesiae Doctoratu. Once completed, it will be submitted to the examination of the Theological Consultors and to the Plenary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops who are members of the Congregation.


82. The Postulator must ensure that no act of public worship is rendered to the Servant of God or to his/her mortal remains.

83. With regard to the canonical recognition of and any eventual activity on relics and mortal remains, the Postulator must observe what is established by the Instruction Relics in the Church: Authenticity and Preservation.

84. The Postulator has the right to attend the canonical recognition of and any eventual activity regarding the relics and mortal remains.

85a. The Postulator receives from the Bishop or Episcopal Delegate the fragments, taken in the context of a legitimate canonical recognition, for the creation of relics.

85b. The Bishop, having heard the opinion of the Postulator, determines the modalities for the custody of the extracted fragments, which must be kept in a safe and locked place.

86a. The Postulator draws up and signs the certificate of authenticity of the relics.

86b. In the absence of the Postulation, the Bishop or his Delegate draws up and signs the certificate of authenticity of the relics.

His Holiness Pope Francis, in an Audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect of the Congregating on the 30th day of August in the year 2021, approved and ratified this Regulation, ordering that it be publised and will come into force from 11 October 2021.

From the Vatican, 11 October 2021.

Marcello CARDINAL Semeraro


† Fabio Fabene

Titular Archbishop of Montefiascone




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Last modified: 01/03/25