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Confirmation of Cultus (2)
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~ Confirmation of Cultus (1) ~

     Pope Sixtus V created the Congregation of Rites in 1588, which was tasked, among others, to conduct processes of beatification and canonization.

     In 1634, through the decree Cælestis Hierusalem Cives, Pope Urban VIII forbade the existence of any public veneration on any purported saint unless a process per viam cultus directed by the Congregation of Rites could prove that this person had been the object of an immemorial public veneration [cultus ab immemorabili tempore] at least one hundred years before the publication of the decree. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints (CCS), created in 1969, possesses the competence accorded to the now defunct Congregation of Rites.

     The ordinary title given to someone whose cultus has been confirmed is “Blessed”, unless the decree specifically permits the title to be “either Saint or Blessed” [sanctus vel beatus]. In case the Blessed would be eventually canonized, the designation [Bd.] would be used below and the date of canonization indicated in yellow.   

Alexander VI

Bd. Ingrid Elovsdotter

from Skännige

(c. 1220-82)

c.c. 16 March 1499

Bd. Brynolf Algotsson

from Skara

(c. 1240-1317)

c.c. 16 March 1499

Bd. Hemming

from Turku

(c. 1290-1366)

c.c. 16 March 1499

Bd. Nils Hermansson

from Linköpping

(c. 1325-91)

c.c. 16 March 1499

Urban VIII
Innocent X

[Bd.] Ramón Nonato


c.c. 5 November 1625

eq. can. 10 March 1681

Bd. Matteo Carreri

(c. 1420-70)

c.c. 2 December 1625

Bd. Colomba Guadagnoli

from Rieti


c.c. 25 February 1625

[Bd.] Pedro Nolasco


c.c. 30 September 1628

eq. can. 20 October 1655

[Bd.] Bernardo Tolomei


c.c. 24 November 1644

can. 26 April 2009

Innocent X

[Bd.] Filippo Benizi


c.c. 08 October 1645

can. 12 April 1671

[Bd.] Pedro de Garavito Villela de Sanabria from Alcántara
c.c. 28 May 1646
beat. 18 April 1622
can. 28 April 1669

[Bd.] Niklaus von Flüe


c.c. 01 February 1649

can. 15 May 1947

[Bd.] Giovanni from Capestrano


c.c. 19 December 1650

can. 16 Oct. 1690

[Bd.] Pedro de Arbués


c.c. 23 March 1652

beat. 20 April 1664

can. 29 June 1867

Innocent X


Alexander VII

[Bd.] Margherita Di Bartolomeo from Cortona


c.c. 17 March 1653

can. 16 May 1728

Bd. Bernardino Tomitano from Feltre


c.c. 13 April 1654

St. Fernando III

de Castilla


c.c. 31 May 1655

[Bd.] Jean de Matha


c.c. 21 October 1666

eq. can. 19 March 1694

[Bd.] Félix de Valois


c.c. 21 October 1666

eq. can. 19 March 1694

Clement IX

Clement X


Bd. Margherita di Savoia(1390-1464)

c.c. 8 October 1669

Bd. Pedro Pascual


c.c. 4 June 1670

Bd. Ludovica Albertoni della Cetera


c.c. 28 January 1671

Bd. Giacomo Bianconi from Bevagna


c.c. 18 May 1672

Bd. Salomea from Poland


c.c. 17 May 1673

Clement X


Innocent XI


[Bd.] Caterina Fieschi Adorno from Genoa


c.c. 06 April 1675

can. 16 June 1737

Bd. Oleguer Bonestruga

from Barcelona

(c. 1060-1137)

c.c. 25 May 1675

[Bd.] Jan Wacięga

from Kęty

(c. 1320-1437)

c.c. 28 March 1676

can. 16 July 1767

Bd. Amadeo IX di Savoia


c.c. 3 March 1677

[Bd.] Giuliana Falconieri

(c. 1270-1341)

c.c. 26 July 1678

can. 16 June 1737

Innocent XI


Alexander VIII

[Bd.] Pedro Regalado

de la Costanilla


c.c. 17 August 1683

can. 29 June 1746

[Bd.] Szymon from Lipnica

(c. 1439-81)

beat. 24 February 1685

can. 3 June 2007

Bd. Pedro Armengol Rocafort

(c. 1238-1304)

c.c. 28 March 1686

Bd. Antonio Vici

from Stroncone


c.c. 28 June 1687

[Bd.] Kinga of Poland

(c. 1224-92)

c.c. 11 June 1690

can. 16 June 1999

Innocent XII

Bd. María de Cervellón [María del Socorro]


c.c. 13 February 1692

Bd. Joana de Portugal


c.c. 31 December 1692

Bd. Pietro Gambacorta from Pisa


c.c. 9 December 1693

Bd. Umiliana de’ Cerchi


c.c. 24 July 1694

Bd. Osanna Andreasi

from Mantova


c.c. 27 November 1694

Innocent XII
Clement XI

Bd. Elena Enselmini


c.c. 29 October 1695

St. Zita from Lucca


c.c. 5 September 1696

Bd. María Toribia

[María de la Cabeza]


c.c. 7 August 1697

Bd. Augustin Kažotić

(c. 1260-1323)

c.c. 17 July 1700

Bd. Jakov Varingez

from Bitetto

(c. 1400-96)

c.c. 29 December 1700

Clement XI


[Bd.] Pellegrino Laziosi

(c. 1265-1345)

c.c. 11 September 1702

can. 27 December 1726

Bb. Giovanni from Perugia and Pietro from Sassoferrato


c.c. 31 January 1705

Bd. Teresa Sanches

de Portugal


c.c. 30 May 1705

Bd. Sancha Sanches

de Portugal


c.c. 30 May 1705

Bd. Lucia Broccadelli

from Narni


c.c. 1 March 1710

Clement XI


Bd. Czesław Odrowąż 

(c. 1175-1242)

c.c. 27 August 1712

Bd. Gregory X

[Teobaldo Visconti]

(c. 1210-76)

c.c. 8 July 1713

Bd. Liberato from Loro Piceno

(c. 1190-1234)

c.c. 2 September 1713

[Bd.] Alessio Falconieri

(c. 1200-1310)

c.c. 1 December 1717

can. 15 January 1888

Bd. Umiltà Negusanti

from Caccianemici

(c. 1226-1310)

c.c. 27 January 1720

Innocent XIII


Benedict XIII

[Bd.] Jan Velfín

from Nepomuk

[Jan Nepomucene]

(c. 1340-93)

c.c. 31 May 1721

can. 19 March 1729

Bd. Dalmacio Moner


c.c. 13 August 1721

Bd. Andrea Conti

from Segni


c.c. 11 December 1723

[Ss.] Bonfiglio and 5 Other Founders of the Servite Order (*)

(13th century)

c.c. 30 July 1725

can. 15 January 1888

St. Serapio


c.c. 14 April 1728

* The others traditionally named as Amadio, Bonagiunta, Manetto, Sostegno and Uguccione.



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Last modified: 10/07/24