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~ Martyrs during the French Revolution [3] ~

(† 1792-1799)


(6)          PIERRE-RENÉ ROGUE

                priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)

                born: 11 June 1758 in Vannes, Morbihan (France)

                died: 03 March 1796 in Vannes, Morbihan (France)


                competent forum: Vannes

                CCS protocol number: 430

                type of cause: martyrdom


                opening of informative process: 22 February 1908

                closing of informative process: 09 January 1912

                decree on writings:22 March 1922

                introduction of cause: 12 June 1929

                decree of « non cultu »: 04 May 1931

                opening of apostolic process: exempt

                closing of apostolic process: exempt

                decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes:

                session of historical consultors: 01 June 1933

                antepreparatory congregation: exempt

                preparatory congregation: 20 March 1934

                general congregation: 10 April 1934

                promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 22 April 1934

                beatification: 10 May 1934



                petitioner: Congrégation de la Mission (Prov. de Paris), 88 rue du Cherche-Midi, 75006 Paris, FRANCE




Martyrs of Laval (beatification banner)




                OF THE DIOCESE OF LAVAL  


21 January 1794 in Laval, Mayenne (France)


        1.    Jean-Baptiste Turpin du Cormier

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 1732 in Laval, Mayenne (France)

        2.    Jean-Marie Gallot

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 14 July 1747 in Laval, Mayenne (France)

        3.    Joseph Pellé

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 22 January 1720 in Laval, Mayenne (France)

        4.    René-Louis Ambroise

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 01 March 1720 in Laval, Mayenne (France)

        5.    François Duchesne

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 08 January 1736 in Laval, Mayenne (France)

        6.    Julien-François Morin

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 14 December 1733 in Saint-Fraimbault-de-Prières, Mayenne (France) 

        7.    Jean-Baptiste Triquerie

                professed priest, Conventual Franciscans

                born: 01 July 1737 in Laval, Mayenne (France)

        8.    Jacques André

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 15 October 1743 in Saint-Pierre-la-Cour, Mayenne (France)

        9.    André Duliou

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 18 July 1727 in Saint-Laurent-des-Mortiers, Mayenne (France)

        10.  Louis Gastineau

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 10 November 1727 in Loiron, Mayenne (France)

        11.  François Migoret-Lamberdière

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 1728 in Saint-Fraimbault-de-Lassay, Mayenne (France)

        12.  Julien Moulé

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 29 March 1716 in Le Mans, Sathe (France)

        13.  Augustin-Emmanuel Philippot

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 11 June 1716 in Paris (France)

        14.  Pierre Thomas

                priest of the diocese of Laval

                born: 13 December 1729 in Mesnil-Rainfray, Manche (France)


05 February 1794 in Laval, Mayenne (France)


        15.  Françoise Mézière

                layperson of the diocese of Laval

                born: 25 August 1745 in Mézangers, Mayenne (France)


13 March 1794 in Ernée, Mayenne (France)



                professed religious, Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Evron (n.o.)

                born: 08 April 1756 in Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie, Mayenne (France)


20 March 1794 in Ernée, Mayenne (France)


        17.  JEANNE VÉRON

                professed religious, Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Evron (n.o.)

                born: 06 August 1766 in Quelaines, Mayenne (France)


25 June 1794 in Laval, Mayenne (France)



                professed religious, Augustinian Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus (French Federation)

                born: 18 November 1744 in Arquenay, Mayenne (France)


17 October 1794 in Laval, Mayenne (France)


        19.  Jacques Burin

                priest of the diocese of Le Mans

                born: 06 January 1756 in Champfleur, Sarthe (France)


                competent forum: Laval

                CCS protocol number: 459

                type of cause: martyrdom


                opening of informative process:

                closing of informative process:

                decree on writings:

                introduction of cause: 02 March 1952

                decree of « non cultu »:

                opening of apostolic process:

                closing of apostolic process:

                decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes:

                antepreparatory congregation:

                preparatory congregation:

                general congregation: 

                promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 03 May 1955

                beatification: 19 June 1955



                petitioner: Diocèse de Laval, 27, rue du Cardinal-Suhard, BP 1225, 53012 Laval CEDEX, FRANCE

                                     Sœurs de la Charité de Notre-Dame d’Evron, 8 Place de la Basilique, B.P. 0150,

                                            53601 Evron CEDEX, FRANCE

                                     Augustines de la Miséricorde de Jésus, 1 place St-Jean, 53200 Château-Gontier, FRANCE




(8)          NOËL PINOT

                priest of the diocese of Angers

                born: 19 December 1747 in Angers, Maine-et-Loire (France)

                died: 21 February 1794 in Angers, Maine-et-Loire (France)


                competent forum: Angers

                CCS protocol number:

                type of cause: martyrdom


                opening of informative process:

                closing of informative process:

                decree on writings:

                introduction of cause: 22 January 1919

                decree of « non cultu »:

                opening of apostolic process:

                closing of apostolic process:

                decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes:

                antepreparatory congregation: 10 November 1925

                preparatory congregation: 04 May 1926

                general congregation: 08 June 1926

                promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 03 June 1926

                beatification: 31 October 1926



                petitioner: [see no. 9: Guillaume Repin and 98 Companions]

                information: Association Bienheureux Noël Pinot, 3 rue Noël Pinot,  Le Louroux-Béconnais,

                                              49370 Val d’Erdre-Auxence, FRANCE





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