19 May 1794 aboard the prison ship Deux-Associés,
in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
1. Jean-Baptiste-Xavier Loir
(Jacques-Louis FROM BESANÇON)
professed priest, Capuchin Franciscans
born: 11 March 1720 in Besançon, Doubs (France)
21 May 1794 aboard the prison ship Deux-Associés,
in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
2. JEAN Mopinot (Léon)
professed religious, Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers)
born: 12 December 1724 in Rheims, Ardennes (France)
01 June 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
3. Jean-Baptiste-Ignace-Pierre Vernoy
de Montjournal
priest of the diocese of Moulins
born: 17 November 1736 in Molins, Allier (France)
03 June 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
4. Charles-René Collas du Bignon
priest of the Society of Saint Sulpice
born: 25 August 1743 in Mayenne (France)
09 June 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
5. Joseph Imbert
professed priest, Jesuits
born: bet. 1719-21 in Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône (France)
16 June 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
6. Antoine [Constant] Auriel
priest of the diocese of Cahors
born: 19 April 1764 in Fajolles, Lot (France)
17 June 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
7. Philippe Papon
priest of the diocese of Moulins
born: 05 October 1744 in Saint-Pourçain, Allier (France)
21 June 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
8. Jacques-Morelle Dupas
priest of the diocese of Poitiers
born: 10 November 1754 in Ruffec, Charente (France)
26 June 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
9. Raymond Petiniaud de Jourgnac
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 03 January 1747 in Limoges, Haute-Vienne (France)
01 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
10. Jean-Baptiste Duverneuil (Léonard)
professed priest, Discalced Carmelites
born: prob. 1737 in Limoges, Haute-Vienne (France)
11. Pierre-Yrieix Labrouhe de Laborderie
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 24 May 1756 in Saint-Yrieix, Haute-Vienne (France)
06 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
12. Augustin-Joseph Desgardin (Élie)
professed religious, Trappists
born: 21 December 1750 in Hénin-Liétard, Pas-de-Calais (France)
07 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
13. Joseph Juge de Saint-Martin
priest of the Society of Saint Sulpice
born: 14 June 1739 in Limoges, Huate-Vienne (France)
13 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
14. Barthélemy Jarrige de La Morelie de Biars
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 18 March 1753 in Moutier, Haute-Vienne (France)
15. Louis-Armand-Joseph Adam
professed priest, Conventual Franciscans
born: 19 December 1741 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime (France)
15 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
16. Michel-Bernard Marchand
priest of the diocese of Rouen
born: 28 September 1749 in Le Havre, Seine-Maritime (France)
16 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
17. Nicolas Savouret
professed priest, Conventual Franciscans
born: 27 February 1773 in Jouvelle, Haute-Saône (France)
18. Claude Beguignot
professed priest, Carthusians
born: 19 September 1736 in Langres, Haute-Marne (France)
18 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
19. Jean-Baptiste de Bruxelles
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 12 September 1734 in Saint-Léonard, Haute-Vienne (France)
21 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
20. Gabriel Pergaud
professed priest, Canons Regular of the Congregation of France
born: 29 October 1752 in Saint-Priest-la-Plaine, Creuse (France)
22 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
21. Jacques Lombardie
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 01 December 1737 in Limoges, Haute-Vienne (France)
25 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
22. Michel-Louis Brulard
professed priest, Discalced Carmelites
born: 11 June 1758 in Chartres, Eure-et-Loir (France)
26 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
23. Marcel-Gaucher Labiche de Reignefort
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 03 November 1751 in Limoges, Haute-Vienne (France)
24. Pierre-Joseph Le Groing de la Romagère
priest of the diocese of Bourges
born: 28 June 1752 in Saint-Sauvier, Allier (France)
29 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
25. Charles-Antoine-Nicolas Ancel
priest of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists)
born: 11 October 1763 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime (France)
31 July 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
26. Jean-François Jarrige de La Morelie de Breuil
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 11 January 1752 in Saint-Yrieix, Haute-Vienne (France)
05 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
27. Pierre-Michel Noël
priest of the diocese of Rouen
born: 23 February 1754 in Pavilly, Seine-Maritime (France)
09 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
28. Claude Richard
professed priest, Benedictines
born: 19 May 1741 in Lérouville, Meuse (France)
10 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
29. Claude-Joseph Jouffret de Bonnefont
priest of the Society of Saint Sulpice
born: 23 December 1752 in Gannat, Allier (France)
30. François François (Sébastien FROM NANCY)
professed priest, Capuchin Franciscans
born: 17 January 1749 in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle (France)
10 August 1794 aboard the prison ship Washington,
in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
31. Lazare Tiersot
professed priest, Carthusians
born: 29 March 1739 in Semur-en-Auxois, Côte-d’Or (France)
11 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
32. Jean-Georges Rehm (Thomas)
professed priest, Dominicans
born: 21 April 1752 in Katzenthal, Haut-Rhin (France)
12 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
Pierre Jarrige de La Morelie de Puyredon
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 19 April 1737 in Saint-Yrieix, Haute-Vienne (France)
13 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
34. Pierre Gabilhaud
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 26 July 1747 in Point-Saint-Martin, Haute-Vienne (France)
16 August 1794 aboard the prison ship Washington,
in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
35. Jean-Baptiste Menestrel
priest of the diocese of Saint-Dié
born: 05 December 1748 in Serécourt, Vosges (France)
17 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
36. Noël-Hilaire Le Conte
priest of the diocese of Bourges
born: 03 October 1765 in Chartres, Eure-et-Loir (France)
18 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
37. Antoine Bannassat
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 20 May 1729 in Guéret, Creuse (France)
20 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
38. Louis-François Lebrun
professed priest, Benedictines (Maurists)
born: 04 April 1744 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime (France)
39. Gervais-Protais Brunel
professed priest, Trappist
born: 18 June 1744 in Magnières, Meurthe-et-Moselle (France)
22 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
40. Élie Leymarie de Laroche
priest of the diocese of Verdun
born: 08 January 1758 in Annesse, Dordogne (France)
23 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
41. JEAN Bourdon (Protais FROM SÉEZ)
professed priest, Capuchin Franciscans
born: 03 April 1747 in Séez, Orne (France)
25 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
42. Paul-JEAN Charles (Paul)
professed priest, Trappists
born: 29 September 1743 in Millery, Côte-d’Or (France)
26 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
43. Jacques Retouret
professed priest, Carmelites of the Ancient Observant
born: 15 September 1746 in Limoges, Haute-Vienne (France)
27 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
44. Jean-Baptiste Souzy
priest of the diocese of La Rochelle
born: 24 March 1732 in La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime (France)
45. Jean Baptiste Guillaume (Uldaric)
professed religious, Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers)
born: 01 February 1755 in Fraisans, Doubs (France)
28 August 1794 aboard the prison ship Washington,
in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
46. Charles-Arnould Hanus
priest of the diocese of Verdun
born: 18 October 1723 in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle (France)
29 August 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
47. Louis-Wulphy Huppy
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 01 April 1767 in Rue, Somme (France)
04 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Washington, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
48. Scipion-Jérôme Brigeat Lambert
priest of the diocese of Avranches
born: 09 June 1733 in Ligny, Meuse (France)
05 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
49. Florent Dumontet de Cardaillac
priest of the diocese of Castres
born: 08 February 1749 in Saint-Médard, Haute-Vienne (France)
07 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
50. Claude-Barnabé Laurent de Mascloux
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 11 June 1735 in Dorat, Haute-Vienne (France)
51. François d’Oudinot de La Boissière
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 03 September 1746 in Saint-Germain, Haute-Vienne (France)
10 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
52. Jacques Gagnot (Hubert of Saint Claude)
professed priest, Discalced Carmelites
born: 09 February 1753 in Frolois, Meurthe-et-Moselle (France)
11 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
53. François Mayaudon
priest of the diocese of Soissons
born: 04 May 1739 in Terrasson, Dordogne (France)
12 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
54. Pierre-Sulpice-Christophe Faverge (Roger)
professed religious, Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers)
born: 25 July 1745 in Orléans, Loiret (France)
13 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Washington, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
55. Claude Dumonet
priest of the diocese of Autun
born: 02 February 1747 in Prissé, Saône-et-Loire (France)
14 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
56. Claude Laplace
priest of the diocese of Moulins
born: 15 November 1725 in Bourbon-Lancy, Saône-et-Loire (France)
22 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
57. Joseph Marchandon
priest of the diocese of Limoges
born: 21 August 1745 in Bénévent, Creuse (France)
27 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Deux-Associés, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
58. Jean-Baptiste Laborie du Vivier
priest of the diocese of Maçon
born: 19 September 1734 in Maçon, Saône-et-Loire (France)
30 September 1794 aboard the prison ship
Washington, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
59. Jean-Nicolas Cordier
professed priest, Jesuits
03 December 1710 in Saint-André,
02 October 1794 aboard the prison ship
Washington, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
60. Georges-Edme René
priest of the archdiocese of Sens
born: 16 November 1748 in Saint-Pierre-de-Vézelay, Yonne (France)
06 October 1794 aboard the prison ship
Washington, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
61. François Hunot
priest of the archarchdiocese of Sens
born: 12 February 1753 in Brienon-l’Archevêque, Yonne (France)
07 October 1794 aboard the prison ship
Washington, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
62. Jean Hunot
priest of the archdiocese of Sens
born: 21 September 1742 in Brienon-l’Archevêque, Yonne (France)
17 November 1794 aboard the prison ship
Washington, in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
63. Sébastien-Loup Hunot
priest of the archdiocese of Sens
born: 07 August 1745 in Brienon-l’Archevêque, Yonne (France)
23 February 1795 in Rochefort, Charente-Maritime (France)
64. Nicolas Tabouillot
priest of the diocese of Verdun
born: 16 February 1745 in Bar-le-Duc, Meuse (France)
competent forum: La Rochelle-Saintes
CCS protocol number:
type of cause: martyrdom
opening of diocesan inquiry:
closing of diocesan inquiry:
decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 07 February 1992
publication of Positio:
session of historical consultors:
15 December 1992
particular congress of theological consultors:
21 January 1994
ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:
17 May 1994
promulgation of decree on
martyrdom: 02 July 1994
beatification: 01 October 1995
petitioner: Diocèse de La Rochelle-Saintes, B.P. 1088, 26 rue Saint-Jean-de-Pérot,
17087 La Rochelle
cedex, FRANCE