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~ Martyrs of the Religious Persecution during the Spanish Civil War ~

[general index]


[Note: To access the data on the martyrs, click on the underlined family names.]


          Abad Casasempere, Amalia & 18 Companions [Laity; Valencia] (835) see no. 12  

          Agramunt Riera, Juan [Piarists; Valencia] (815) see no. 133 

  1. Aguilar Donis, Juan & 5 Companions [Dominicans and Laity; Almería] (2203)

  2. ALÁEZ VAQUERO, Ignacio & 8 Companions [Seminarians, Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Madrid]

  3. Alcalá Pérez, Mariano & 18 Companions [Mercedarians; Lleida] (932)

  4. ALMAZÁN FRANCOS, Isidro & 7 Companions [Laity; Madrid]

  5. Alonso Fuente, Laurentino, Virgilio LACUNZA UNZU, & 44 Companions [Marist Brothers; Barcelona] (1153)

          Alonso Gutiérrez, Rafaél & 17 Companions [Laity; Valencia] (1268) see no. 12

          Alonso Santamaría, Marceliano & 3 Companions [Claretians; Valencia] (710) see no. 34

  1. Alonso Villar, Celestino José & 9 Companions [Dominicans; Oviedo] (971)

  2. ALTOLAGUIRRE y ALTOLAGUIRRE, Mariano of Saint Joseph & 9 Companions [Trinitarians; Jaén] (1074)

  3. Álvarez Benavides de la Torre, José & 116 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Almería] (1915)

  4. Ample Alcaide, Aurelio from Vinalesa & 16 Companions, along with Josefa Masiá Ferragud of the Purification [Capuchin Friars and Nuns, and Discalced Augustinian Nun; Valencia] (920)

  5. ANTON GÓMEZ, José & 3 Companions [Benedictines; Madrid] (2621)

  6. Anuncibay Letona, Ovidio Bertrán & 5 Companions [Lasallians; Cartagena] (916)

  7. Aparicio Sanz, José & 73 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Valencia] (1267)

          Araguàs Guàrdia, Pasqual & 5 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Urgell] (1916) see no. 172

  1. ARAMBARRI FUENTE, Aurelia & 3 Companions [Servants of Mary, Ministers of the Sick; Madrid] (2365)

  2. ARDIACA CASTELL, Eduardo and 43 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Alcalá de Henares]

          Arbona Estades, Bartomeu & 10 Companions [Jesuits; Barcelona] (660 see no. 114

  1. ARMENGOL SERRA, Josep Maria & 117 Companions [Laity; Barcelona] (2551)

          Arner Margalef, José & 14 Companions [Claretians; Vic] (831) see no. 34

  1. AROLAS VERGÉS, Pere & 197 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Girona]

  2. Arribas Hortigüela, Antonio & 6 Companions [Missionaries of the Sacred Heart; Girona] (2054)

  3. Arriola Uranda, Manuela of the Sacred Heart & 22 Companions [Sisters Adorers; Madrid] (726)

          Artigues Sirvent, Ramon [Jesuit; Lleida] (739)

  1. Asensio Barroso, Florentino [Diocesan Clergy; Barbastro-Monzón] (743)

  2. Asúa Mendía, Pedro de [Diocesan Clergy; Vitoria] (1027)

          Audí Cid, Francisco & 2 Companions [Jesuits; Tortosa] (664) see no. 114

  1. AVARIA TARAZONA, Antonio Vicente & 158 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Valencia] (3059)

  2. AYALA ASTOR, Joaquín & 86 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Cuenca] (3050)

  3. AZUARA MAGALLÓN, Jesús & 64 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Zaragoza]

  4. Baldillou Bullit, María of the Child Jesus & 5 Companions, along with Dolores & Concepción Aguiar-Mella Díaz [Sisters of the Pious Schools and Laity; Valencia and Madrid] (1466)

          BaldovÍ Trull, María Micaela & María Natividad Medes Ferris [Bernardines; Valencia] (1269) see no. 90

  1. BARBERO BERMEJO, Benedicto Teodoro & 18 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Plasencia]

  2. Barbal Cosan, Jaume Hilari [Lasallian; Tarragona] (596)

           Baro Riera, Aquilino & 3 Companions [Marist Brothers; Urgell] (680) see no. 80

  1. Barredo Fernández, Eufrasio of the Child Jesus [Discalced Carmelite; Oviedo] (1835)

  2. Basulto Jiménez, Manuel & 5 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Jaén] (1960)

          Becerril Moreno, Guzmán & 41 Companions [Marist Brothers and Laity; Madrid] (1491) see no. 80

  1. BLANCO SÁNCHEZ, Rufino & 70 Companions [Laity; Madrid]

  2. BorrÀs Ferré, Manuel & 146 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Religious; Tarragona] (917)

  3. Cabanes Badenas, Vicente, & 18 Companions, along with Carmen García Moyon [Amigonians and Laity; Valencia] (1692)

  4. Calasanz Marqués, José & 31 Companions [Salesians; Valencia] (812)

          Canadell Quintana, Enric [Piarist; Girona] (722) see no. 133

          Cardona Meseguer, Maties & Francesc Carceller Galindo [Piarists; Tortosa] (723) see no. 133

  1. CARMONA GÓMEZ, Tomás & 34 Companions  [Diocesan Clergy, Friars Minor, Augustinian, and Laity; Mérida-Badajoz]

          CARRIÓ BERTRÁN, Andreu [Jesuit; Orihuela] (560) see no. 114

          Casals Mas, Mateu & 7 Companions [Claretians; Barcelona] (683) see no. 34

  1. Casals Mas, Mateu, Teófilo CASAJÚS ALDUÁN, Ferran SAPERAS ALUJA, & 106 Companions [Claretians; Barcelona et al.] (831)                  

          Casals Sunyer, Cándido & 7 Companions [Claretians; Barcelona] (794) see no. 34

  1. Casamitjana Carrera, Floro & 9 Companions [Dominicans; Toledo] (1110)                  

          Casanovas Perramón, Ignasi [Piarist; Vic] (721) see no. 133

  1. Castaño González, Raimundo Joaquín & José María González Solís [Dominicans; Bilbao] (977)

  2. Castelló Aleu, Francesc de Paula [Laity; Lleida] (1530)

  3. CEREIJO MUIÑOS, Manuel & 16 Companions [Mercedarians; Madrid]

  4. Chumillas Fernández, Victor & 21 Companions [Friars Minor; Toledo] (1591)

          Codina Picasso, Frederic & 10 Companions [Claretians; Lleida] (730) see no. 34

  1. COMERMA BARRERA, Matilde and Dolors ROCA VILARDELL [Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception; Barcelona]

          Cordero Cordero, Tomás & 14 Companions [Claretians; Ciudad Real] (965) see no. 157

          Corral García, Olegario & Marcial Mayorga Paredes [Jesuits; Santander] (836) see no. 114

  1. Corres Díaz de Cerio, Braulio María, Federico Rubio Álvarez, & 69 Companions [Hospitallers of Saint John of God; Barcelona, Madrid] (693)

  2. Cortés Bueno, Melchora Adoración & 14 Companions [Daughters of Charity; Madrid] (2268)

  3. Cuartas Cristóbal, Ángel & 8 Companions [Diocesan Seminarians; Oviedo] (1911)

  4. CULEBRAS BARBA, Julio [Laity; Barcelona] (2594)

  5. DACHS CARNÈ, Josep & 80 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Tarragona]

          de la Yglesia Varo, María [Sister of the Pious Schools; Madrid] (1503) see no. 24

          de Velasco Nieto, Ignacio & 6 Companions [Jesuits; Madrid] (543) see no. 114

  1. DÍAZ-CANEJA PIÑAN, Moisés & 87 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Málaga]

  2. Díez Bustos de Molina, Victoria [Teresian Institute; Cordoba] (1079)

  3. Díez Tejerina, Niceforo of Jesus & Mary & 25 Companions [Passionists; Ciudad Real] (700)

  4. Domènech Bonet, Benet from Santa Coloma de Gramenet & 2 Companions [Capuchins; Vic] (840)

  5. Echevarría Gorostiaga, Felix & 6 Companions [Friars Minor; Plasencia] (1050)

  6. ELÍAS MEDINA, Juan & 126 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Franciscans, Daughter of the Patronage of Mary, and Laity; Córdoba]

  7. Eraña Guruceta, Carlos & 2 Companions [Marianists; Ciudad Real] (1488)

          Erdoiza Zamalloa, Luis of Saint Miguel of the Saints & 3 Companions [Trinitarians; Cuenca] (935) see no. 6

          Espejo Martos, Francisca of the Incarnation [Trinitarian Nun; Jaén] (1598) see no. 6

  1. Esteban Lacal, Francisco & 22 Companions [Oblates of Mary Immaculate; Madrid] (2274)

  2. Esténaga Echevarría, Narciso & 10 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Lasallians, and Laity; Ciudad Real] (915)

  3. FÀbrega JuliÀ, Bernat [Marist Brother; Burgos] (606)

  4. Faúndez López, Antonio & 3 Companions [Friars Minor and Diocesan Clergy; Cartagena] (1035)

  5. Fernández Arenillas, Eusebio of the Child Jesus & 15 Companions [Discalced Carmelites; Toledo] (1078)

  6. Fernández de Fuentes, Florentino & 3 Companions [Dominicans; Barcelona] (1085)

  7. Fernández de Legaria Goñi, Teófilo & 4 Companions [Picpus; Madrid] (758)

  8. FERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ, José María & 38 Companions [Vincentians and Laity; Madrid] (2609)  

  9. Fortuño Almela, Pascual & 3 Companions [Friars Minor; Valencia] (1155)

          FRADE EIRAS, Berardo from Visantoña & 6 Companions [Capuchins; Oviedo] (757) see no. 79

  1. Fradera Ferragutcasas, María Carmen, María Rosa, & María Magdalena [Missionary Sisters  of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; Girona] (753)

  2. FUEYO CASTAÑON, Genaro & 3 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Oviedo] (2160)

  3. GARCÍA COMERÓN, Bienvenido Hermógenes & 4 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Ciudad Rodrigo] (2450)

  4. García Méndez, Juan María of the Cross [Dehonian; Valencia] (951)

  5. García-Paredes Pallasá, Buenaventura & 41 Companions [Dominicans and Marianists; Madrid et al.] (1094)

  6. GARCÍA SEGURA, Rafael & 168 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Lleida] (2588)

  7. García Solanas, María Montserrat & 9 Companions [Minim Nuns and Laity; Barcelona] (2126)

          Garde Serrano, Millán [Diocesan Laborer Priest; Cuenca] (2233) see  no. 169

  1. Gasco del Tejo, Rafaél & Gabino Gasco García-Fanjul [Laity; Lleida] (1867)

          Gelada Hugas, Joaquim & 2 Companions [Claretians; Santander] (701) see no. 34

  1. Gil Barcelón, Ricardo & Antonio Isidoro Arrué Peiró [Orionists; Valencia] (2065)

  2. Giménez Malla, Ceferino [Laity; Barbastro-Monzón] (1922)

  3. Giménez Martín, Cayetano & 15 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Granada] (2298)

  4. Ginard Marti, María de los Ángeles [Zelatrix Sister of the Eucharistic Cult; Madrid] (1547)

  5. GINER GINER, Vicente & 11 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Orihuela-Alicante]

  6. Giner Gomis, María Patrocinio of Saint Joseph [Claretian Sister; Valencia] (1802)

          Girón Puigmitjà, Jaume & 59 Companions [Claretians; Solsona] (742) see no. 34

  1. Gómez Gutiérrez, Eusebio & 58 Companions [Marist Brothers; Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Alicante] (1921)

  2. GÓMEZ LLOR, José & 54 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Cartagena] (2765)

  3. GONZÁLEZ DE CORDOVA, Francisco & 79 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Santander] (2654)

  4. González-DÍEZ GonzáleZ-NÚÑEz, Andrés from Palazuelo & 31 Companions [Capuchins; Madrid] (962)

  5. González Garcia, Crisanto, Aquilino Baro Riera, Cipriano José Iglesias Bañuelos, Guzmán Becerril Merino, & 64 Companions [Marist Brothers and Laity; Barcelona, Lleida, et al.] (621)

  6. GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Leopoldo & 67 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Málaga]

          González Hernández, Manuel & 3 Companions [Jesuits; Ciudad Real] (590) see no. 114

  1. González Nombela, Liberio & 12 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Toledo] (1730)

          González RamOS CAMPOS, Ángel from Cañete & 6 Companions [Capuchins; Malaga] (790) see no. 79

  1. GONZÁLEZ-SERNA RODRÍGUEZ, Manuel & 20 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Seville]

  2. González Trujillano, María Asumpta & 2 Companions [Franciscan Missionaries of the Mother of the Divine Shepherd; Madrid] (2288)     

  3. GorosterraTzu JauNArena, José Xavier & 5 Companions [Redemptorists; Cuenca] (1087)

  4. Guardiet Pujol, Josep [Diocesan Clergy; Barcelona] (1699)

  5. Guerrero Martín, Esteban [Laity; Madrid] (1502)

  6. GULLÓN YTURRIAGA, María del Pilar & 2 Companions [Laity; Astorga] (2681)  

  7. GUTIÉRREZ DÍEZ, Ignacio & 6 Companions (+1936-37) [Diocesan Clergy; León]

  8. Heredia Zubía, Pio & 17 Companions [Trappists and Bernardines; Santander and Valencia] (2112)

  9. Hinojosa Naveros, María Gabriela & 6 Companions [Visitation Nuns; Madrid] (1471)

  10. HOYO MIGENS, Manuel de & 57 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Málaga]

  11. Huguet Cardona, Joan [Diocesan Clergy; Minorca] (769)

  12. Huix Miralpeix,  Salvi [Oratorian; Lleida] (665)                       

          Iglesias Bañuelos, Cipriano José & 20 Companions [Marist Brothers; Zaragoza] (970) see no. 80

  1. ILLERA DEL OLMO, Teodoro & 15 Companions [Saint Peter « ad Vincula », Capuchinesses of the Mother of the Good Shepherd, Franciscans of the Sacred Heart, and Laity;  Barcelona] (2648)

          Iñiguez de Ciriano, Isidro & 3 Companions [Picpus; Madrid] (1014) see no. 69

  1. Iñiguez de Heredia Alzola, Mauricio & 23 Companions [Hospitallers of Saint John of God; Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, and Malaga] (2066)

  2. IRURITA ALMÁNDOZ, Manuel & 4 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Barcelona] (2506)

  3. Iza Aregita, Hermenegildo of the Assumption & 5 Companions [Trinitarians; Ciudad Real] (1920)

  4. IZQUIERDO IZQUIERDO, Manuel & 129 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Jaén]

  5. Izquierdo Palacios, Enrique & 13 Companions [Dominicans; Santander] (1131)

  6. Jovaní Marín, Joaquín & 14 Companions [Diocesan Laborer Priests; Tortosa] (927)

  7. LACABA ANDIA, María del Carmen & 13 Companions [Conceptionist Nuns; Madrid] (2779)

  8. Laplana Laguna, Cruz & Fernando Español Berdie [Diocesan Clergy; Cuenca] (860)

          Lizárraga Ochoa de Zabalegui, Apolonia of the Blessed Sacrament

          & 24 Companions [Carmelites of Charity; Barcelona and Valencia] (1596) see no. 128 & no. 175

  1. Lloret Martí, Ángeles of Saint Joseph & 16 Companions [Sisters of the Christian Doctrine; Valencia] (1167)

  2. López Hernando, Teodosio Rafaél & 3 Companions [Lasallians; Toledo] (546)

  3. López López, Alfonso & 5 Companions [Conventual Franciscans; Barcelona] (969)

  4. LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, Joaquín & 57 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity: Albacete]

  5. Marco Aleman, Alberto María, Agustín María García Tribaldos, & 23 Companions [Carmelites of the Ancient Observance and Lasallians; Madrid] (1115)

  6. Marina Álvarez, Ángel & 19 Companions [Dominicans; Ciudad Real] (2034)

  7. Martínez García, María Pilar of Saint Francis Borgia & 2 Companions [Discalced Carmelite Nuns; Sigüenza] (887)

  8. MARTÍNEZ GIL, Cipriano & 40 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Madrid] (2348)

  9. MARTÍNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Antonio & 99 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Ciudad Real] (3051)

  10. MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Antonio & 223 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Tortosa] (2541)

  11. Martínez Martínez, Emilio & 42 Companions [Jesuits and Diocesan Clergy; Madrid] (689)

  12. Martínez Pérez, Josefa & 12 Companions [Daughters of Charity; Valencia] (2052)

          MARTÍNEZ SIMÓN, Braulio & Lorenzo ISLA SANZ [Jesuits; Tarragona] (663) see no. 114

  1. Martínez Uriarte, Federico [Diocesan Clergy; Bilbao] (1089)

  2. MATEO DE GRACIA, Nicomedes (Nicomedes of Saint Augustine) [Augustinian Recollect; Madrid]

  3. Mateo García, Antero & 11 Companions [Dominican Sisters and Laity; Barcelona] (1003)

          Merino Vegas, Fortunato & 5 Companions [Augustinians and Diocesan Clergy; Malaga] (1694) see no. 149

  1. Moles Torrents, Josep & 77 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Urgell] (2021)

  2. Moragas Cantarero, María Sagrario of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga [Discalced Carmelite Nun; Madrid] (1067)

  3. Moro Briz, José Máximo & 4 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Ávila] (1071)

  4. Moyano Linares, Carmelo & 9 Companions [Carmelites of the Ancient Observance; Cordoba] (981)

  5. MULLERAT SOLDEVILLA, Marià [Laity; Tarragona] (2531)

  6. Munárriz Azcona, Felipe de Jesús & 50 Companions [Claretians; Barbastro-Monzón] (671

  7. Nadal Guiu, Josep & José Jordán Blecua [Diocesan Clergy; Lleida] (1585)

          NAVARRO MIQUEL, Carlos & 2 Companions [Piarists; Valencia] (815) see no. 133

  1. Navarro Rincón, José Antonio [Diocesan Seminarian; Cuenca] (1798)

  2. NIETO MARTÍN, Eustaquio & 45 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Sigüenza-Guadalajara] (2525)

          Olaso Zabala, Gabino & 12 Companions [Augustinians and Diocesan Clergy; Albacete] (1714) see no. 149

  1. Olivera Buera, Leonardo & 29 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Lasallians, and Carmelites of Charity; Valencia] (825)

  2. OLLER ANGELATS, Fidela & 2 Companions [Religious of Saint Joseph; Valencia] (2410)

  3. ORTEGA GARCÍA, Estanislao & 48 Companions, along with Manuel BERENGUER CLUSELLAS [Gabrielists and Diocesan Clergy; Barcelona and Girona] (2578)

  4. Palazuelos Maruri, Mauro & 17 Companions [Benedictines; Barbastro-Monzón] (2161)

  5. Palencia Marquina, Valentín & 4 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Burgos] (2122)

  6. Pamplona Polo, Dionisio & 12 Companions [Piarists; Lleida] (1485)

          Pan López, Ambrosio from Santibáñez & 2 Companions [Capuchins; Santander] (848) see no. 79

  1. PARÉS VILASAU, Gil & 11 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Oratorian, and Laity; Barcelona] (2744)

          Parte Saiz, Alfredo [Piarist; Santander] (764) see no. 133

          Pastor Cambeos, Aquilino & Manuel Galcerá Videllet [Diocesan Laborer Priests; Jaén] (2228) see  no. 169

  1. PAYÁ ALONSO DE MEDINA, Miguel & 90 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Valencia] (2800)

  2. Pelufo Esteve, Ricardo & 43 Companions [Friars Minor; Valencia] (2183)

          Pérez Laguna, Silvestre & 7 Companions [Hospitallers of Saint John of God; Malaga] (2076) see no. 96

          Peypoch Sala, Manuel [Jesuit; Vic] (662) see no. 114

  1. Polanco Fontecha, Anselmo & Felipe Ripoll Morata [Augustinian and Diocesan Clergy; Teruel] (728)

          Polo García, Lucas José [Diocesan Clergy; Madrid] (1566) see no. 121

  1. PONCE POZO, Juan de Dios & 70 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Orihuela-Alicante] (2467)

  2. Poveda Castroverde, Pedro [Diocesan Clergy; Madrid] (776)

  3. Prat Hostench, Ángel María & 16 Companions [Carmelites of the Ancient Observance; Barcelona] (1069)

  4. Prat Prat, Maria Mercè [Society of Saint Teresa of Jesus; Barcelona] (1454)           

  5. Puig Mirosa, Jaume & 19 Companions [Sons of the Holy Family and Laity; Barcelona, Girona, Lleida] (2019)

  6. Pujalte Sánchez, Rita Dolores & Francisca Aldea Araujo [Sisters of Charity of the Sacred Hearts; Madrid] (881)

  7. QUERALT LLORET, Vicenç & 20 Companions [Vincentians, Daughters of Charity, Diocesan Clergy, and Laity; Barcelona, Cartagena, and Valencia] (2573)

  8. Quintana Argos, Rosario from Soano & 2 Companions [Amigonian Sisters; Valencia] (1751)

  9. RENUNCIO TORIBIO, Vicente Nicasio & 11 Companions [Redemptorists; Madrid] (2724)

  10. ReynÉs Solivellas, Simó & 5 Companions, along with Prudencia Canyelles Ginestà [Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts, Franciscan Daughters of Mercy, and Laity; Barcelona] (1136)

  11. Ricart Olmos, María Guadalupe [Servite Nun; Valencia] (896)

  12. Rodríguez Alonso, Avelino & 103 Companions [Augustinians and Diocesan Clergy; Madrid et al.] (822)

  13. RODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Agustín & 99 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Toledo]

  14. Roig Diggle, Joan [Laity; Barcelona] (2245)

  15. ROJO ARCANO, Timoteo & 60 Companions [Diocesan Clergy: Madrid]

          ROSELL LABORA, Leoncio & 10 Companions [Hospitallers of Saint John of God; Valencia] (2066) see no. 96

  1. RUANO GARCÍA, Josefa of Saint John of God & María Dolores PUIG BONANY of Saint Eulalia [Little Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly; Valencia] (2067)

  2. RUBIO FERNÁNDEZ, Emilio & 51 Companions [Franciscans; Toledo] (3054)

  3. Ruiz Cano, José María, Jesús Aníbal Gómez y Gómez, Tomás Cordero y Cordero & 13 Companions [Claretians; Sigüenza and Ciudad Real] (793)

  4. Ruiz de los Paños Angel, Pedro & 8 Companions [Diocesan Laborer Priests; Toledo] (1164)

          Ruiz Vallejo, Vidal & 8 Companions [Augustinians; Oviedo] (967) see no. 149

  1. Sáiz Aparicio, Enrique & 62 Companions [Salesians, Diocesan Clergy, and Laity; Madrid] (870)

  2. Samsó Elias, Josep [Diocesan Clergy; Barcelona] (2089)

  3. SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA, Basilio & 21 Companions [Religious and LaityÁvila]

  4. Sánchez Romero, Ascensión of Saint Joseph [Dominican Nun; Guadix] (2057)

          Santaella Gutiérrez, Martín & 2 Companions [Jesuits; Almería] (816) see no. 114

  1. Sanz Domínguez, Manuel of the Holy Family [Hieronymite; Madrid] (2165)

  2. SANZ LAVILLA, Félix & 251 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Barbastro-Monzón]

  3. Sanz Tejedor, Cirilo Bertrán, Inocencio Canoura Arnau of the Immaculata, & 7 Companions [Lasallians and Passionist; Oviedo] (595)

  4. SERNEGUET GÁLLEGO, María Desamparados & 5 Companions [Consecrated Persons and Laity; Madrid]

  5. SERRA JORDI, Jaume & 185 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Laity; Vic]

  6. Serra Sucarrats, Miguel & 213 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Consecrated Persons, and Laity; Segorbe-Castellón] (2229)

  7. Serrano López, Jacinto & 19 Companions [Dominicans and Diocesan Clergy; Valencia] (900)

          Simón Gómez, Eloy from Orihuela & 2 Companions [Capuchins; Orihuela] (844) see no. 79

  1. Sitjar Fortiá, Tomás & 11 Companions [Jesuits and Laity; Valencia] (833)

  2. Sojo López, Francisco Castor & 3 Companions [Diocesan Laborer Priest; Ciudad Real and others] (2234)

  3. Solá Garriga, Orencio Luis & 19 Companions, along with Antonio MATEO SALAMERO [Lasallians, Diocesan Clergy, and Laity; Madrid] (1738)

  4. Soler Munárriz, Vicente & 7 Companions [Augustinian Recollects and Diocesan Clergy; Granada] (1406)

  5. Tàpies Sirvant, Josep & 6 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Urgell] (612)

  6. Tarrés Puigpelat, Frederic from Berga & 25 Companions [Capuchins; Barcelona] (2360)

          Tena Montero de Espinosa, Ricardo [Jesuit; Badajoz] (605) see no. 114

          Torrero Luque, Antonio & 20 Companions [Salesians, Diocesan Clergy, and Laity; Seville] (862)  see no. 157

  1. TORRES TORRES, Joan & 20 Companions [Diocesan Clergy; Ibiza]

  2. Tristany Pujol, Lluc of Saint Joseph, Lleonard Josep Aragonés Mateu, Apolonia LizÁrraga Ochoa de Zabalegui of the Blessed Sacrament, & 61 Companions [Discalced Carmelites, Lasallians, Carmelite of Charity, and Carmelite Missionaries; Barcelona] (918)

  3. TURÓN AINSA, Luis & 112 Companions [Diocesan Clergy, Poor Clare, and Laity; Zaragoza, Barbastro-Monzón, Huesca, and Teruel-Albarracín] (2433)

  4. Urbano Porta, Mariano [Dominican; Zaragoza] (1053)

          Valentí de Martí, Joaquim Maria & 3 Companions [Jesuits; Girona] (691) see no. 114

  1. Valverde González, Victoria [Daughter of the Divine Shepherdess; Jaén] (1887)

  2. Velasco Tobar, Fortunato & 13 Companions [Vincentians; Teruel-Albarracín, Urgell, Sigüenza-Guadalajara and Oviedo] (1508)

  3. Ventaja Milan, Diego, Manuel Medina Olmos, & 7 Companions [Diocesan Clergy and Lasallians; Almería] (819)

          VILA HERNÁNDEZ, María Concepción, & 3 Companions [Poor Clares and Servant of Mary Immaculate; Valencia] (2452) see no. 136

  1. Vilar David, Vicente [Laity; Valencia] (1148)

  2. Vilaregut Farré, Joan of Jesus & 4 Companions [Discalced Carmelites and Diocesan Clergy; Lleida] (766)



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