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~ Burundi ~

Postcolonial Period (independence 01 July 1962)

Gabriel Gihimbare

auxiliary bishop-elect of Gitega

born: 01 June 1926 in (Burundi)

died: 13 December 1964 in Kanyinya, Kirundo (Burundi)

Gabriel Ngeza

priest of the archdiocese of Bujumbura

born: 14 June 1915 in Gitega (Burundi)

died: 02 May 1972 in Gitega (Burundi)

Siméon Rwabaye

layperson of the archdiocese of Bujumbura; married

born: 1931 in Butahama, Mabayi, Cibitoke (Burundi)

disappeared: 08 May 1972 in Bujumbura (Burundi)

François Xavier Mutérâgiranwa

priest of the archdiocese of Bujumbura

born: 28 November 1906 in (Burundi)

died: 10 May 1972 in Bujumbura (Burundi)

Jean Bosco Ngendakumana

professed religious, Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy

born: in (Burundi)

Joseph Muke

professed religious, Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy

born: in (Burundi)

died: 13 May 1972 in Rugari, Muyinga (Burundi)

Martin Gakwâvu

priest of the diocese of Muyinga

born: 25 January 1941 in (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 near Mugera, Ruyigi (Burundi)

Marc Gahungù

priest of the diocese of Ngozi

born: 15 June 1931 in Bukeye, Muramvya (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 in Rumonge (Burundi)

Astère Hakizimâna

priest of the diocese of Muyinga

born: 08 September 1941 in Bukeye, Muramvya (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 in Gitega (Burundi)

Joseph Nikoyangize

professed religious, Sisters of Providence of Portieux

born: 1935 in Bukeye, Muramvya (Burundi)

Melchior Bivanda

professed religious, Sisters of Providence of Portieux

born: 15 September 1942 in Munanira, Muramvya (Burundi)

Donatien Nzeyimâna

professed religious, Sisters of Providence of Portieux

born: 1939 in Bukeye, Muramvya (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 in Bubanza (Burundi)

Jérôme Nsangûyé

priest of the diocese of Ngozi

born: 06 March 1943 in (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 in Ngozi (Burundi)

Paul Ntirâmpéba

priest of the diocese of Muyinga

born: 04 July 1915 in (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 in Gisanze, Muyinga (Burundi)

Protais Ruhaya

priest of the diocese of Muyinga

born: 29 May 1940 in (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 in Gitega (Burundi)

Thomas Samândari

priest of the archdiocese of Gitega

born: 1927 in Giheta, Gitega (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 in Gitega (Burundi)

Marcel Simbândûmwe

priest of the diocese of Ngozi

born: 28 October 1932 in (Burundi)

died: 15 May 1972 in Ngozi (Burundi)

Michel Kayóya

priest of the diocese of Muyinga

born: 08 December 1934 in Kibumbu, Muramvya (Burundi)

died: 17 May 1972 in Gitega (Burundi)

Sébastien Girukubônyé

priest of the diocese of Ngozi

born: 07 July 1963 in Kayanza (Burundi)

died: 1972 in Ngozi (Burundi)

Théophile Karênzo

priest of the archdiocese of Gitega

born: May 1934 in (Burundi)

died: 1972 in Gitega (Burundi)

Pascal Kayéhe

priest of the diocese of Ngozi

born: 03 April 1932 in Gahombo, Ngozi (Burundi)

died: 1972 in (Burundi)

Émile Ndigîriye

priest of the archdiocese of Gitega

born: 24 December 1912 in (Burundi)

died: 1972 in Gitega (Burundi)

Berthilde Ndayishimiye (Yacintha)

professed religious, Bene Tereziya Sisters

born: in (Burundi)

died: 1972 in Ruganza, Kayanza (Burundi)

Louis Bakama

professed religious, Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy

born: in (Burundi)

Zacharie Kahungu 

professed religious, Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy

born: in (Burundi)

Bernard Ngendabanyikwa

professed religious, Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy

born: in (Burundi)

died: 24 October 1973 in Musenyi, Gitega (Burundi)

Arnold Knevels (Anicet)

priest of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)

born: 09 May 1939 in Bocholt, Maaseik, Limburg (Belgium)

died: 01 May 1980 in Muyange, Gihanga, Bubanza (Burundi)

Basile Samoya

professed priest, Bene Paulo Brothers

born: 09 May 1945 in Mayuyu, Bujumbura Rural (Burundi)

Hérmenegilde MANIRAKIZA

professed religious, Bene Paulo Brothers

born: 18 September 1965 in Manyika, Rutana (Burundi)

died: 21 October 1993 in Munanira, Rutegama, Muramvya (Burundi)

André-Avellin NTAKIBIRYA

professed priest, Bene Paulo Brothers

born: 1946 in Kibumbu, Muramvya (Burundi)

died: 21 October 1993 in Giheta, Gitega (Burundi)

Athanase GAHUNGU

professed religious, Bene Paulo Brothers

born: 1952 in Vyiniro, Karuzi (Burundi)

died: 23 October 1993 in Giheta, Gitega (Burundi)


priest of the archdiocese of Gitega

born: 28 March 1953 in Gitongo, Mutaho, Gitega (Burundi)

died: 24 October 1993 in Giheta, Gitega (Burundi)

Libératrice Ntirandekura

professed religious, Bene Tereziya Sisters

born: 1943 in Gisuru, Gitega (Burundi)

Odile Gatoto

professed religious, Bene Tereziya Sisters

born: 1957 in Bukeye, Muramvya (Burundi)

Godeberthe Cishahayo

novice, Bene Tereziya Sisters

born: 1968 in Ntita, Gitega (Burundi)

Albert Rukarambuzi

young layperson of the diocese of Bubanza;


born: 08 November 1965 in Muyaga, Ruyigi (Burundi)

died: 24 October 1993 in Ruyigi (Burundi)

Firmin Nyedetse

priest of the diocese of Ruyigi

born: in (Burundi)

died: 26 October 1993 in Rusengo, Ruyigi (Burundi)

Cyrille Ndayemeye

priest of the diocese of Ruyigi

born: in (Burundi)

died: 26 October 1993 in Rusengo, Ruyigi (Burundi)


professed religious, Bene Yozefu Brothers

born: 1956 in Mubuga, Gitega (Burundi)

died: 27 October 1993 in Gitega (Burundi)


priest of the diocese of Bubanza

born: in (Burundi)

died: 26 November 1993 in Gihanda, Bubanza (Burundi)

Zacharie Nduwimana

priest of the diocese of Muyinga

born: in Busiga, Ngozi (Burundi)

died: 27 April 1995 in Muyinga (Burundi)


priest of the diocese of Ngozi

born: in Camugani, Ngozi (Burundi)

died: 04 July 1995 in Rwisabi, Ngozi (Burundi)

Anastase Bivugire

priest of the diocese of Bubanza

born: in (Burundi)

died: 05 July 1995 in Mpanda, Bubanza (Burundi)

Jacques Ntamitalizo

professed priest, Salesians of Don Bosco

born: 14 September 1942 in Rungu, Haut-Uele (Rwanda)

died: 10 July 1995 in Bujumbura (Burundi)


priest of the diocese of Bururi

born: 15 June 1949 in (Rwanda)

died: 10 September 1995 in Muswahili, Bujumbura (Burundi)

Maximilien BITARIHO

priest of the archdiocese of Bujumbura

born: 24 December 1936 in Karuzi (Burundi)

died: 15 September 1995 in Masango, Bubanza (Burundi)

ALdo Marchiol

professed priest, Xaverian Missionaries

born: 19 March 1930 in Udine (Italy)

Ottorino Maule

professed priest, Xaverian Missionaries

born: 07 April 1942 in Gambellara, Vicenza (Italy)

Catina Gubert

layperson of the archdiocese of Trent;

member, Lay Volunteer International Association

born: 08 December 1921 in Fiera di Primiero, Trent (Italy)

died: 30 September 1995 in Buyengero, Bururi (Burundi)

Michel Sinankwa

priest of the archdiocese of Bujumbura

born: 30 August 1937 in (Burundi)

died: 21 October 1995 in Ngagara, Bujumbura Mairie (Burundi)


priest of the diocese of Ngozi

born: in Rwisabi, Ngozi (Burundi)

died: 01 March 1996 in Gerangabo,Mutaho,Gitega (Burundi)

Yvon Mpengekeze

priest of the diocese of Ruyigi

born: 28 January 1953 in Kiguhu, Rutana (Burundi)

Léocadie Ndihokubwayo

professed member, Secular Institute of the Militants of the Holy Virgin

born: in Rumeza, Bururi (Burundi)

died: 06 June 1996 in Gisuru, Ruyigi (Burundi)

Sophiya Nsengiyumva

professed religious, Bene Bernadeta Sisters

born: 02 February 1959 in Kivoya, Bujumbura (Burundi)

died: 16 June 1996 in Gitega (Burundi)

Nestor Bandyayera

professed religious, Bene Yozefu Brothers

born: 1962 in Nyarusange, Gishubi, Gitega (Burundi)

died: 01 August 1996 in Gitega (Burundi)

Joachim Ruhuna

archbishop of Gitega

born: 27 October 1933 in Gatonde, Karuzi (Burundi)

Irénée Gakobwa

professed religious, Bene Tereziya Sisters

born: 16 June 1942 in Gitongo, Gitega (Burundi)

Concessa Ndacikiriwe

layperson of the archdiocese of Gitega;

member, Foyers de Charité 

born: 1943 in Gitongo, Gitega (Burundi)

died: 09 September 1996 in Murongwe, Gitega (Burundi)

Claudine Buchwalder

professed member, Secular Institute of the Schönstatt Sisters of Mary

born: 09 May 1939 in Basel (Switzerland)

died: 01 May 1997 on the road to Karinzi, Kayanza (Burundi)

Générose Toyi

professed religious, Bene Tereziya Sisters

born: 1972 in Mugera, Gitega (Burundi)

died: 30 June 1999 in Mubimbi, Bujumbura Rural (Burundi)

Berthilde Ndayishimiye

professed religious, Bene Tereziya Sisters

born: 1939 in Bukeye, Muramvya (Burundi)

died: 08 November 1999 in Musenyi, Gitega (Burundi)

Antonio Bargiggia

professed religious, Brothers of the Poor

born: 31 March 1945 in Milan (Italy)

died: 03 October 2000 in Buterere, Bujumbura (Burundi)

Gina Simionato

professed religious, Sisters Teachers of Saint Dorothy (Passi)

born: 31 March 1945 in Santa Cristina di Quinto, Treviso (Italy)

died: 15 October 2000 in Gihiza, Gitega (Burundi)

Michael Courtney

titular archbishop of Eanach Dúin;

apostolic nuncio to Burundi

born: 05 February 1945 in  Summerhill, Nenagh, Tipperary (Ireland)

died: 29 December 2003 in Bujumbura (Burundi)


professed priest, Jesuits

born: 03 October 1946 in Kigarama (Burundi)

died: 04 February 2006 in Kanyosha, Bujumbura (Burundi)

Lucia Pulici

professed religious, Xaverian Missionary Sisters, Society of Mary

born: 08 September 1939 in Desio, Milan (Italy)

Olga Raschietti

professed religious, Xaverian Missionary Sisters, Society of Mary

born: 22 August 1931 in Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza (Italy)

Bernardetta Boggian

professed religious, Xaverian Missionary Sisters, Society of Mary

born: 17 March 1935 in Ospedaletto Euganeo, Padua (Italy)

died: 07 September 2014 in Kamenge, Bujumbura (Burundi)


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Last modified: 01/03/25