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~ Cameroon ~

Henri de Maupeou d’Ableiges

professed priest, Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans)

born: 14 February 1902 in Saumur, Maine-et-Loire (France)

died: 21 April 1932 in Douala (Cameroon)


professed priest, Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians)

born: 02 December 1916 in Riedisheim, Haut-Rhin (France)

died: 30 August 1959 in Bonabéri, Littoral (Cameroon)


layperson of the diocese of Bafang; catechist

born: in (Cameroon)

died: 06 September 1959 in Banka, Bafang, Haut-Nkam (Cameroon)


professed religious, Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians)

born: 11 November 1907 in Albé, Bas-Rhin (France)


professed religious, Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians)

born: 23 July 1920 in Aix-la-Fayette, Puy-de-Dôme (France)

died: 30 November 1959 in Banka, Bafang, Haut-Nkam (Cameroon)

Gabriel Soh

young layperson of the diocese of Bafoussam

born: 1938 in Bamendjou, Hauts-Plateaux, Ouest (Cameroon)

died: 29 December 1959 in Bamendjou, Hauts-Plateaux, Ouest (Cameroon)

Aloys Tapieméné

layperson of the diocese of Bafoussam; married; catechist

born: 1913 in Bangang, Bamboutos, Ouest (Cameroon)

died: 30 January 1960 in Bamenda, Mezam, Nord-Ouest (Cameroon)

Pierre Boumsong

layperson of the archdiocese of Douala; catechist

born: in (Cameroon)

died: 21 June 1960 in Esseing, Ngambe, Sanaga-Maritime (Cameroon)

Jean Courtecuisse

professed priest, Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans)

born: 10 October 1920 in Sillé-le-Guillaume, Sarthe (France)

died: 15 August 1960 in Botko, Babimbi, Sanaga-Maritime (Cameroon)

Joseph Yamb

priest of the diocese of Eséka

born: 1922 in Makak, Nyong-et-Kéllé (Cameroon)

died: 01 May 1983 in Mandoumba, Matomb, Nyong-et-Kellé (Cameroon)

Jean Kounou

priest of the diocese of Mbalmayo

born: 1911 in (Cameroon)

Materne Bikoa

priest of the diocese of Mbalmayo

born: in (Cameroon)

died: 30 November 1983 in Mbokoulou, Mbalmayo, Nyong-et-So᾽o (Cameroon)

Joseph Mbassi

priest of the archdiocese of Yaoundé

born: 01 September 1952 in Loua I, Lekié (Cameroon)

died: 26 October 1988 in Mvolyé, Yaoundé (Cameroon)

Anthony Somsi Fontegh

priest of the diocese of Kumbo

born: in (Cameroon)

died: 24 May 1990 in Nso, Kumbo (Cameroon)

Yves-Joseph-Marie Plumey

professed priest, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate;

archbishop of Garoua

born: 29 January 1913 in Vannes, Morbihan (France)

died: 03 September 1991 in Ngaoundéré, Adamawa (Cameroon)

Marie-LÉone Bordy

professed religious, Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

born: 10 August 1921 in Eternoz, Doubs (France)

Germaine-Marie Husband

professed religious, Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

born: 15 August 1934 in Monieka, Equateur (Democratic Republic of Congo)

died: 11 August 1992 in Djoum, Dja-et-Lobo (Cameroon)

Engelbert Mveng

professed priest, Jesuits

born: 09 May 1930 in Enam-ngal, Mengueme, Nyong-et-So’o (Cameroon)

died: 24 April 1995 in Yaoundé (Cameroon)

Henryk Dejneka

professed priest, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

born: 20 March 1950 in Dołhobrody, Hanna (Poland)

died: 17 May 2001 in Karna, Mbe, Adamawa (Cameroon)

Yves-Marie-Dominique Lescanne

professed religious, Little Brothers of the Gospel

born: 20 March 1940 in Gironde (France)

died: 30 June 2002 in Maroua, Diamaré (Cameroon)

Anton Probst

professed religious, Claretians

born: 20 March 1935 in Messhofen, Roggenburg, Neu-Ulm (Germany)

died: 25 December 2003 in Akono, Méfou-et-Akono (Cameroon)


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Last modified: 12/18/24