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Jean-François-Régis Souvignet

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 21 October 1844 in Monistrol-sur-Loire, Haute-Loire (France)

died: 30 June 1900 in Hulan, Harbin, Heilongjiang (China)


priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society;

vicar apostolic  of Southern Manchuria (now archdiocese of Shenyang)

born: 08 November 1854 in Chindrieux, Savoie (France)

Noël-Marie EMONET

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 20 April 1849 in Massingy, Haute-Savoie (France)


priest of the apostolic vicariate of Southern Manchuria



professed religious, Sisters of Providence of Portieux

born: 1848 in Parey-Saint-Césaire, Meurthe-et-Moselle (France)


professed religious, Sisters of Providence of Portieux

born: 1860 in Wettolsheim, Haut-Rhin (France)

died: 03 July 1900 in Shenyang (a.k.a. Mukden), Liaoning (China)

Edouard Agnius

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society;

born: 27 September 1874 in Haubourdin, Nord (France)

Jean-Marie Viaud

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 05 June 1864 in Saint-Julien-de-Concelles, Loire-Atlantique (France)

Jules-Joseph Bayart

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 31 March 1877 in Hem, Nord (France) 

died: 11 July 1900 in Yazichang, Chenjia, Panshan, Panjin, Liaoning (China)

Auguste-Jean-Louis-Marie Le Guevel

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 21 March 1875 in Vannes, Morbihan (France) 

Louis-Marie-Joseph Bourgeois

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 21 December 1863 in Chapelle-des-Bois, Doubs (France)

died: 15 July 1900 in Lianshan, Huludao, Liaoning (China)

Louis-Pierre-Marie Leray

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 08 October 1872 in Ligné, Loire-Atlantique (France) 

died: 16 July 1900 in Yuqing, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang (China)

Jean-François Georjon

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 03 August 1869 in Marlhes, Loire (France) 

died: 19 July 1900 in Beilinzi, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang (China)

Marie-Victor LOMÜLLER

professed priest, Jesuits

born: 17 January 1852 in Muttersholtz, Bas-Rhin (France)

died: 26 April 1902 in Suzhuang, Shijiazhuang, Hebei (China)

Zhu YINhong Andreas [朱银鸿.安德

priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)

born: 03 September 1876 in Yongjia, Wenzhou, Zhejiang (China)

died: 03 October 1903 in Ninghai, Zhejiang (China)

Ernest Trécul

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 09 January 1879 in La Bazoche-Gouet, Eure-et-Loire (France) 

died: 16 October 1904 in Daqingshan, Yichun, Heilongjiang (China)

Henri-Georges MUSSOT

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 26 June 1854 in Ouge, Haute-Saône (France) 

died: 05 April 1905 in Batang, Garzê, Sichuan (China)

Jean-André Soulié

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 06 October 1858 in Saint-Juéry, Aveyron (France) 

died: 14 April 1905 in Yarigongxiang, Batang, Garzê, Sichuan (China)

Pierre-Marie Bourdonnec

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 18 June 1859 in Ploumilliau, Côtes-dʼArmor (France) 

died: 23 July 1905 in Tatochilong, Markam, Chamdo, Tibet Autonomous Region (China)

Jules-Étienne Dubernard

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 08 August 1840 in Ussel, Corrèze (France) 

died: 26 July 1905 in Cigu, Deqen, Diqing, Yunnan (China)

Jean-Marie Lacruche

priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)

born: 16 March 1871 in Cunlhat, Puy-de-Dôme (France)

Jean-Raymond Vermorel (Léon)

professed religious, Marist Brothers of the Schools

born: 22 August 1879 in Cours-la-Ville, Rhône (France)

Marius-Maximin Durand (Louis-Maurice)

professed religious, Marist Brothers of the Schools

born: 29 May 1883 in Saint-Blandine, Isère (France)

Armand-Paul Guillot (Joseph-Amphien)

professed religious, Marist Brothers of the Schools

born: 19 August 1885 in Ayn, Savoie (France)

Prosper Paysal (Prosper-Victor)

professed religious, Marist Brothers of the Schools

born: 30 November 1877 in Cyres, Haute-Loire (France)

Jacques Rosaz (Marius)

professed religious, Marist Brothers of the Schools

born: 26 May 1886 in Soucy, Savoie (France)

died: 25 February 1906 in Nanchang, Jiangxi (China)


priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)

born: 13 June 1861 in Aversa, Caserta (Italy)

died: 25 September 1907 in Dawan, Jiangxi (China)

Pierre-Marie-Georges SAFFROY

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born:29 December 1877 in Vic-sur-Seille, Moselle (France) 

died: 14 September 1909 in Tianjin (China)

Raymond-Lindor MÉRIGOT

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 23 January 1881 in Saint-Léger-en-Yvelines, Seine-et-Oise (France)

died: 20 December 1910 in Ruanjiazhang, Qingin, Yunnan (China)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 14 March 1876 in Castelló de Farfanya, Noguera, Lleida (Spain)

died: 13 June 1913 in Zhenmaxie, Yan’an, Shanxi (China)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 16 June 1879 in Hasselt, Limburg (Belgium)

died: 14 June 1922 in Xindiamba, Hubei (China)

Pasquale Angelico Melotto

professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 16 February 1864 in Lonigo, Vicenza (Italy)

died: 04 September 1923 in Henan (China)

Achiel Soenen

professed priest, Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheut)

born: 05 April 1886 in Poelkapelle, West-Vlaanderen (Belgium)

died: 26 December 1923 in Hejiao, Baotou, Inner Mongolia (China)  

Dieudonné-Charles Piton

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 12 November 1861 in La Pommeraye, Maine-et-Loire (France) 

disappeared: 05 January 1924 in Mosuoying, Bajie, Anning, Yunnan (China)

Frederik van Praet

professed priest, Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheut)

born: 1876 in Leerbeek, Gooik, Vlaams-Brabant (Belgium)

died: 05 June 1924 in Teresou, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia (China)  

Aurelio Maiques Oltra

professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 13 June 1876 in Alcocer de Planes, Alicante (Spain)

died: 04 August 1926 in Qiaodizhen, Xianyang, Shaanxi (China)

Karel Victor RUYFFELAERT (Kamiel)

professed priest, Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheut)

born: 27 October 1886 in Eine, Oudenaarde, Oost-Vlaanderen (Belgium)

died: 12 August 1926 in Gangfangyingzi, Bautou, Inner Mongolia (China)

Frans Lauwers

professed priest, Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheut)

born: 14 February 1899 in Antwerp (Belgium)

died: 20 August 1926 in Towmusu, Zhangjiakou, Hebei (China)

Henri Dugout

professed priest, Jesuits

born: 18 September 1875 in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique (France)

Candido Vanara

professed priest, Jesuits

born: 10 March 1879 in Finalmarina, Finale Ligure, Savona (Italy)

died: 24 March 1927 in Nanjing, Jiangsu (China)

Leo Van den Bossche

professed priest, Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheut)

born: 14 December 1866 in Opbrakel, Brakel, Oost-Vlaanderen (Belgium)

Wang Iosephus

priest of the diocese of Ningxia

born: in (China)

died: 10 September 1927 in Heixunyingzi, Bautou, Inner Mongolia (China)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 28 June 1896 in Oberkirch, Ortenaukreis (Germany)

died: 03 November 1927 in Chiaoehling, Shuozhou, Shanxi (China)

Walter Coveyou (WALTER of the Seven Sorrows of Mary)

professed priest, Passionists

born: 17 October 1894 in Potoskey, Michigan (United States)

Lawrence Seybold (CLEMENT of Saint Michael)

professed priest, Passionists

born: 18 April 1896 in Dunkirk, New York (United States)

Claude Holbein (GODFREY of jesus)

professed priest, Passionists

born: 04 February 1899 in Baltimore, Maryland (United States)

died: 24 April 1929 in Huachiao, Hunan (China)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 30 September 1893 in Antwerp (Belgium)

died: 25 August 1929 in Fangshajiang, Hubei (China)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor;

apostolic vicar of Yichang

born:04 November 1877 in Zussen, Limburg (Belgium)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 13 February 1894 in Vlijtingen, Riemst, Limburg (Belgium)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 24 September 1900 in Koningshooikt, Lier, Antwerp (Belgium)

died: 09 September 1929 in Xiaotang, Hubei (China)


priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)

born: 14 April 1879 in Roches, Jura Bernois (Switzerland)

disappeared: 16 October 1930 in Pengze, Jiujiang, Jiangxi (China)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 25 August 1881 in Hasselt, Limburg (Belgium)

died: 07 April 1931 in Badong, Hubei (China)

Friedrich Rapp (Konrad)

professed priest, Benedictines (Ottilien Congregation); 

apostolic pro-prefect of Yanji

born: 07 January 1896 in Elzach, Emmendingen (Germany)

died: 05 June 1932 in Toudao, Yongji, Jilin (China)

Franz Stimpfl (Othmar)

professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 24 January 1890 in Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Bolzano (Italy)

died: 25 March 1933 in Yongzhou, Hunan (China)

Johann Anton Jörg

priest of the Society of  Bethlehem Mission Immensee 

born: 16 May 1902 in Chur, Plessur, Graubünden (Switzerland)

died: 30 May 1935 in Tetu, Heilongjiang (China)

Baptistin-Henri BIRON

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 30 June 1882 in Paris (France) 

died: 20 August 1935 in Mabian, Sichuan (China)

Gerard Donovan

priest of the Maryknoll Missionary Society

born: 14 October 1904 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania (United States)

died: c. January 1938 near Huanren, Liaoning (China)

Frédéric Fourré

professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 1899 in Fougères, Ille-et-Vilaine (France)

Guo Luowang Maria

professed religious, Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

born: 25 December 1892 in (China)

Sheng Francisca Maria

professed religious, Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 

born: 16 March 1901 in (China)

Yu Magdalena Maria

professed religious, Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

born: 07 January 1908 in (China)

died: 29 April 1938 in Changle, Shandong (China)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 30 March 1906 in Hildfeld, Winterberg (Germany)

died: 14 June 1938 in Zhaigiazhuang, Xintai, Jinan (China)

Wang Kangxu IOANNES [王康恤若望] 

priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)

born: 25 December 1894 in Wanqingshan, Jiangshan, Quzhou, Zhejian (China)

died: 01 May 1939 in Sintai, Zhejiang (China)


professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 14 August 1886 in Ewijk,  Beuningen (Netherlands)

died: 07 October 1939 in Guocun, Yanhu, Yuncheng, Shanxi (China)

Victor-Michel Nussbaum

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 27 September 1884 in Schwenheim, Bas-Rhin (France) 

died: 17 September 1940 in Bamei, Deqen, Diqing, Yunnan (China)

Cesare Mencattini

priest of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions

born: 07 May 1910 in Soci di Bibbiena, Arezzo (Italy)

died: 12 July 1941 in Qimen, Anyang, Henan (China)

Robert John Cairns

priest of the Maryknoll Missionary Society

born: 21 August 1884 in Glasgow, Scotland (Great Britain)

died: 14 December 1941 in Shangchuan, Guangdong (China)

Carlo Osnaghi

priest of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions

born: 26 October 1899 in Milan (Italy)

died: 02 February 1942 in Yejigang, Suixian, Henan (China)

Lucien Boiteux

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 08 February 1902 in Surmont, Doubs (France)

died: 17 June 1950 in Changbinzi, Liangshan, Sichuan (China)

OTTO Rauschenbach

priest of the Maryknoll Missionary Society

born: 23 June 1898 in Saint Louis, Missouri (United States)

died: 14 May 1945 in Qilan, Yunan, Guangdong (China)

Matkovics János

professed priest, Salesians of Don Bosco

born: 04 November 1907 in Markotabödöge, Csornai, Győr-Moson-Sopron (Hungary)

died: 02 February 1944 in Renhua (a.k.a. Yanfa), Guangdong (China)

Vincenzo Munda

professed priest, Salesians of Don Bosco

born: 23 June 1889 in Canicattì, Agrigento (Italy)

died: 29 July 1945 in Nanxiong, Guangdong (China)

Marcel-Augustin Signoret

priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

born: 17 February 1902 in Gigondas, Vaucluse (France)

died: 27 January 1950 in Taihuzi, Anlong, Guizhou (China)


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Last modified: 01/03/25