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~ Colombia ~

     Colombia has had a political history which was marked by a long and embittered rivalry between Conservatives, who supported church involvement in politics, and Liberals, who were mostly anticlericals. The riches acquired by the church were confiscated when the Liberals came to power in the 1860’s. None of these riches were returned when the Conservatives came back to power in 1880. From then, the clergy heavily depended on the annual appropriation provided by the state. While it is true that the clergy helped to ease the social and economic hardship of the masses that looked upon for protection from the brutal repressions of the ruling establishment, they could also be (and actually were) accused of having exploited the situation of the proletarian with their promises of eternal reward after a life of patient endurance. When the Liberals came back to power in 1930, they easily gained the support of the oppressed peasantry and working class with their palpable social reforms.            

     With the accession of the Conservatives in 1946 and the assassination of the leader of the Liberals in 1948, the feud between their members and supporters aggravated and ushered a period of intense national chaos and lawlessness called La Violencia (1948-1957). The excesses in the atrocity perpetrated by the warring sides cost the lives of more than 200,000 people. Along with banks, stores, and other edifices of the ruling class, churches were looted and burned and clergymen killed. Yet parish priests and bishops were known to have provoked and even led Conservative forces in slaughtering peasants and Protestants. However, no collegial decision from the Colombian episcopate rendered formal support for the Conservatives, and priests attempted to show neutrality and desire for the restoration of peace. An agreement signed by both Conservatives and Liberals in 1957, which called for an equal share of power, reduced the passions of the civil war.

Gabino Orduz Lamus

priest of the diocese of Málaga-Soatá

born: in San Andrés, García Rovira (Colombia)

died: 29 June 1931 in Molagavita, Santander (Colombia)

José de los Santos Ruiz 

priest of the archdiocese of Nueva Pamplona

born: in (Colombia)

died: 30 May 1932 in Bochalema, Norte de Santander (Colombia)

Modest Arnaus Saurina

professed priest, Claretians

born: 15 November 1896 in Oristà, Osona, Barcelona (Spain)

died: 15 March 1947 in Bajo Baudó, Choco (Colombia)

Simon de Zorroza

professed priest, Passionists

born: in (Spain)

died: 11 April 1948 in Melgar, Tolima (Colombia)

Luis Mariano Torres

professed priest, Company of Mary (Montfort Missionaries)

born: 1924 in San Juan de Rioseco, Cundinamarca (Colombia)

died: 29 March 1950 in El Engaño, Paratebueno, Cundinamarca (Colombia)

Jaime Castillo Walteros

priest of the diocese of Apartadó

born: in (Colombia)

died: 30 July 1950 in Santa Catalina, San Pedro de Urabá, Antioquia (Colombia)

Teodoro Sánchez

priest of the diocese of Ibagué

born: in (Colombia)

died: 15 October 1957 in La Tolda, Roncesvalles, Tolima (Colombia)


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Last modified: 01/03/25