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~ Italy ~

Angelo Tarticchio

priest of the diocese of Trieste

born: 01 January 1907 in Galižana (a.k.a. Gallesano), Istarska (then in Italy; now in Croatia)

died: 19 September 1943 in Rovinj (a.k.a. Rovigno), Istarska (then in Italy; now in Croatia)

Giuseppe Gabana

priest of the Military Ordinariate of Italy

born: 26 April 1904 in Carzago Riviera, Brescia (Italy)

died: 04 March 1944 in Trieste (Italy)

Luigi Bovo

priest of the diocese of Padua

born: 31 January 1907 in Este, Padua (Italy)

died: 25 September 1944 in Bertipaglia, Maserŕ di Padova, Padua (Italy)


priest of the diocese of Imola

born: 24 October 1882 in Lugo, Ravenna (Italy)

died: 03 April 1945 in Campanile, Santa Maria in Fabriago, Lugo, Ravenna (Italy)

Giuseppe Jemmi

priest of the diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla

born: 26 December 1919 in Montecchio Emilia, Reggio Emilia (Italy)

died: 19 April 1945 in Felina, Castelnovo Monti, Reggio Emilia (Italy)


priest of the diocese of Imola

born: 07 August 1909 in Conselice, Ravenna (Italy)

died: 09 May 1945 in Spazzate-Sassatelli, Imola, Bologna (Italy)


priest of the diocese of Imola

born: 30 September 1890 in Imola, Bologna (Italy)

died: 31 May 1945 in Belricetto, Lugo, Ravenna (Italy)

Beatrice Manzoni Ansidei

layperson of the diocese of Imola; married;

member, Saint Vincent de Paul Society

born: 17 February 1881 in Lugo, Ravenna (Italy)

died: 07 July 1945 in Belricetto, Lugo, Ravenna (Italy)



priest of the diocese of Imola

born: 05 August 1905 in San Prospero, Imola, Bologna (Italy)

died: 10 September 1945 in Casalfiumanese, Bologna (Italy)


priest of the diocese of Carpi

born: 18 January 1888 in Ganaceto, Modena (Italy)

died: 15 January 1946 in Fossoli, Modena (Italy)

Umberto Pessina

priest of the diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla

born: 26 April 1902 in San Sisto di Poviglio, Reggio Emilia (Italy)

died: 18 June 1946 in Correggio, Reggio Emilia (Italy)


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Last modified: 01/03/25