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Non-Catholic Models

The Second Vatican Council has affirmed that our separated brothers and sisters in the Christian faith, although estranged from us due to doctrinal differences, also live in “the life of grace” that “build up and give life to the church” (Unitatis redintegratio, 3).  As it is true in the Catholic faith, several members of the Orthodox and Protestant churches have responded generously to this divine grace by allowing the Spirit to work fully in and through their lives - even to the point of martyrdom - for the sake of the Reign. These women and men have left such a powerful testimony that members of their churches have chosen to commemorate them in their liturgical calendars.

Believing that their lives, too, could provide eloquent inspiration to late modern Christians, the Hagiography Circle has allotted this special section of our website to memorialize several of these non-Catholic models of holiness and to further knowledge of their testimonies among our Catholic readers.


Dietrich Bonhöffer Janani Luwum Maria Skobtsova André Trocmé Dag Hammarskjöld
Albert Schweitzer Eberhard Arnold Lucian Tapiedi Martin Luther King Jr. Corrie Ten Boom
Manche Masemola Bernard Miseki Wang Zhiming Pandita Ramabai Andrew Kaguru
  Esther John   (Qamar Zia) Elizaveta Feodorovna Alexander Men’ Daw Pwa Sein William Wilberforce
Toyohiko Kagawa Kaj Munk Jonathan Myrick Daniels Elizabeth Cady Stanton Sojourner Truth
Florence Nightingale Martin Niemöller Albert John Mvumbi Luthuli Chrysostomos Kalafates Mary Slessor
Elizabeth Fry Nathan Söderblom Martyrs of Memphis Chiune (Sempo) Siguhara  


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Last modified: 02/26/25