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~ 1589 ~


1) 04 January in Vicenza (Italy)



professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor;

founder, Dimesse Sisters, Daughters of Mary Immaculate

born: 1526 in Venice (Italy)


competent forum: Vicenza

CCS protocol number: 504

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 03 August 1615

closing of informative process: 1621

opening of apostolic process: 15 November 1624

    opening of rogatory process: 09 December 1624 (Venice)

opening of apostolic process: 03 June 1626

    closing of rogatory process: 07 September 1627 (Venice)

introduction of cause: 21 June 1670

decree « non cultu »: 19 June 1873

re-opening of apostolic process: 09 November 1874

closing of apostolic process: 24 May 1877

decree on writings: 09 April 1897

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 01 April 1907

session of historical consultors: 26 January 2016

publication of Positio: 2016

particular congress of theological consultors: 23 November 2021

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 20 June 2023

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 22 June 2023


postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano, ofm

petitioner: Frati Minori - Provincia Veneto-Friulana, Via P. Egidio Gelain, 1, 30175 Marghera (VE), ITALY

                      Suore Dimesse Figlie di Maria Immacolata, Via Cornaro, 34, 35038 Torreglia (PD), ITALY




2) 24 November in Popayán, Cauca (Colombia)




professed priest, Augustinians;

bishop of Popayán

born: c. 1508 in Coruńa del Conde, Burgos (Spain)


competent forum: Popayán

CCS protocol number: 2058

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 05 July 1995

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Rev. Josef Sciberras, osa

petitioner: Residencia Provincial OSA, Calle 79B No. 7-22, Santafé de Bogotá, COLOMBIA





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Last modified: 07/09/24