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1) 24 March in Ronda, Málaga (Spain)



(Diego José from Cádiz)

professed priest, Capuchin Franciscans

born: 30 March 1747 in Cádiz, Sevilla (Spain)


competent forum: Málaga/Seville

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 27 September 1826

closing of informative process: 17 November 1858

introduction of cause: 15 January 1863

decree « non cultu »: 24 February 1867

opening of apostolic process: 29 August 1865

closing of apostolic process: 12 September 1865

decree on writings: 27 April 1871

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 07 March 1872

antepreparatory congregation: 12 June 1877

preparatory congregation: 03 February 1880

general congregation: 24 April 1883

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 10 February 1884

    opening of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification: 

    closing of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification: 

    opening of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification: 

    closing of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification: 

    decree on validity of apostolic processes on miracles:

    antepreparatory congregation on miracles: 29 December 1891

    preparatory congregation on miracles: 20 December 1892

    general congregation on miracles: 21 March 1893

    promulgation of decree on miracles: 01 April 1894

beatification: 22 April 1894


postulator: Fra Carlo Calloni, ofmcap

petitioner: Fraternidad de Capuchinos, Ronda de Capuchinos, 1, 41009 Sevilla, SPAIN




2) 10 June in Avezzano, L’Aquila (Italy)




founder, Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity (Trinitarian Sisters of Rome)

born: 10 November 1734 in Rome (Italy)


competent forum: Avezzano   

CCS protocol number: 2091   

type of cause: heroic virtues   


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 16 February 1996

opening of diocesan inquiry: 29 June 1996

closing of diocesan inquiry: 10 June 2001

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 12 April 2002

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Javier Carnerero Peñalver, osst

petitioner: Suore Trinitarie di Roma, Via della Madonna del Riposo, 71, 00165 Roma, ITALY

website: www.trinitarieroma.it



3) 28 June in Cres, Primorje-Gorski Kotar (Croatia)




professed religious, Benedictine Nuns

born: 28 December 1735 in Cres, Primorje-Gorski Kotar (Croatia)


competent forum: Krk

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: March 2023

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Josip Kidjemet

petitioner: Samostanska Crkva Sv. Petra Apostola, Obala sv. Benedikta 17, 51557 Cres, CROATIA





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Last modified: 12/18/24