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~ 1807 ~


1) 03 February in Turić, Gradačac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in odium fidei, uti fertur



professed religious, Franciscan Friars Minor

born: 22 May 1777 in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


competent forum: Vrhbosna-Sarajevo

CCS protocol number: 3181

type of cause: martyrdom



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 03 December 2014

opening of diocesan inquiry: 31 January 2015

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of informative process:

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano, ofm  

petitioner: Franjevački provincija Bosna Srebrena, Zagrebačka 18, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina

website: www.bosnasrebrena.ba




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Last modified: 07/08/24