5) 09 September in Port Louis (Mauritius)
professed priest, Congregation of
the Holy Spirit
born: 18 September
1803 in Croth, Eure (France)
competent forum:
Port Louis/Evreux
CCS protocol number: 301
type of cause: heroic virtues
opening of informative process:
closing of informative process:
decree on writings: 09 August 1916
introduction of cause:
26 June 1918
decree « non cultu »: 23 July 1920
opening of apostolic process:
closing of apostolic process:
decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes:
05 June 1936
antepreparatory congregation: 15 October 1957
congress of CCS officials and consultors: 17 November 1970
plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 21 December 1971
papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: 07 January 1972
promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 22 June
opening of cognitional process on miracle for
beatification: 1926
closing of
cognitional process on miracle for beatification: 1926
decree on validity of cognitional process on miracle:
06 December 1973
meeting of the Medical Board: 04 December 1975
congress of CCS officials and consultors: 18 January
plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 22 February 1977
confirmation of plenary session sentence: 14 April 1977
of decree on miracle: 07 July 1977
instantanea perfectaque sanatione domini Iosephi Edgradi Beaubois,
autochtoni Mauriciano, adhuc religionis Anglicanae asseclae (ante
recuperatam catholican fidem amplexatus est), annum circiter sexagesimum
quintum, ab eczemate acuto - cutis vitio vultus, caput et cervices correpta
erant - die 17 mensis Iulii anno 1923 in sepulcrum Iacobi Desiderati Laval
beatification: 29
April 1979
postulator: Rev. Orlando Zanovelli, cssp
petitioner: [see
1852: François-Marie-Paul Libermann]