6) 17 September in Genoa (Italy)
religious, Capuchin Franciscans
born: 27 December 1804 in Camporosso, Imperia (Italy)
competent forum:
CCS protocol number:
type of cause: heroic virtues
opening of informative process:
closing of informative process:
decree on
introduction of cause:
09 August 1896
decree « non cultu »:
opening of apostolic process:
closing of apostolic process:
decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes:
antepreparatory congregation:
preparatory congregation:
general congregation:
promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 18 December
opening of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification:
closing of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification:
opening of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification:
closing of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification:
decree on validity of apostolic processes on miracles:
antepreparatory congregation on miracles:
preparatory congregation on miracles:
general congregation on miracles:
promulgation of decree on miracles:
beatification: 30 June
decree on resumption of canonization cause:
opening of apostolic process on 1° miracle for canonization:
closing of apostolic process on 1° miracle for canonization:
opening of apostolic process on 2° miracle for canonization:
closing of apostolic process on 2° miracle for canonization:
decree on validity of apostolic processes on miracles:
antepreparatory congregation on miracles:
preparatory congregation on miracles:
general congregation on miracles:
promulgation of decree on miracles:
canonization: 09 December
information: Frati Minori Cappuccini – Provincia di Genova,
P.za Cappuccini, 1, 16122 Genova (GE), ITALY
Alessandro Faggioni (Felice Maria from Marola);
1918: Francesca
Teresa Rossi;
1969: Giovanni
Giuseppe Bonzi (Umile from Genoa)]
website: www.cappucciniliguri.it