1) 31 January in Turin (Italy)
priest of the
archdiocese of Turin;
founder, Society of Saint Francis de Sales (Salesians of Don Bosco)
and Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians
born: 16 August 1815 in Becchi, Castelnuovo, Asti (Italia)
competent forum: Turin
CCS protocol number:
not applicable
type of cause: heroic virtues
opening of informative process: 04 June
closing of informative process: 01 April
decree on
introduction of cause:
24 July 1907
decree « non cultu »:
opening of
apostolic process: 28 May 1909
closing of
apostolic process: 13 October 1917
decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes:
09 June 1920
antepreparatory congregation:
30 June 1925
preparatory congregation:
20 July 1926; 14 December 1926
general congregation: 08
February 1927
promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 20 February
competent forum for inquiry on
miracle for beatification: Turin
opening of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification: 1924
closing of apostolic process on 1° miracle for beatification: 1926
competent forum for inquiry on
miracle for beatification: Piacenza
opening of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification: 1925
closing of apostolic process on 2° miracle for beatification: 1926
decree on validity of apostolic processes on miracles:
22 March 1927
antepreparatory congregation on miracles:
24 January 1928
preparatory congregation on miracles:
11 December 1928
general congregation on miracles:
05 March 1929
promulgation of decree on miracles: 19
March 1929
[1] the rapid, complete and lasting healing of Sr. Provina Negro, a
thirty-one-year old professed religious of the Institute of the Daughters of
Mary, Help of Christians, from Giaveno (Italy), from a hemorrhaging stomach
ulcer, on 26 July 1906 in Turin (Italy);
[2] the rapid, complete and lasting healing of Teresa Callegari, a
twenty-six-year-old woman from Castel San Giovanni, from acute
post-infectious polyathritis and other lesions that had reduced her to a
state of marasmus, in January 1921 in her home. [AAS 21 (1929): 165-67]
beatification: 02 June 1929
decree on resumption of canonization cause:
17 June 1930
competent forum for inquiry on
miracle for canonization: Rimini
opening of apostolic process on 1° miracle for canonization: 26 October
closing of apostolic process on 1° miracle for canonization: 31
October 1931
competent forum for inquiry on
miracle for canonization: Bergamo
opening of apostolic process on 2° miracle for canonization: 31
August 1932
closing of apostolic process on 2° miracle for canonization: 03
September 1932
decree on validity of apostolic processes on miracles:
20 April 1932; (2°)
01 February 1933
antepreparatory congregation on miracles:
24 January 1933; (2°)
09 May 1933
preparatory congregation on miracles:
25 July 1933
general congregation on miracles:
14 November 1933
promulgation of decree on miracles: 19
November 1933
[1] the rapid, complete and lasting healing of Anna Maccolini, a
seventy-four-year old married woman, from Rimini (Italy), from severe
phlebitis in the left limb, toward the end of December 1930;
[2] the rapid, complete and lasting healing of Caterina Lanfranchi in
Pilenga, a
sixty-two-year-old married woman, from Urgnano (Italy), from severe chronic
arthritis of the knees and feet, on 6 May 1931 at the Basilica of Mart Help
of Christians in Turin (Italy). [AAS 26 (1934): 31-34]
consistories: 31 December 1933; 15 January
canonization: 01 April 1934
information: Società Salesiana di San Giovanni Bosco, Via
Marsala, 42, 00185 Roma, ITALY
Margherita Occhiena Bosco;
1857: Domenico Savio;
Augusto [August] Czartoryski;
1897: Andrea
1910: Michele Rua;
1931: Filippo
1943: Luigi Maria Olivares;
1963: Giuseppe
1969: Vera
2012: Silvio