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~ 1896 ~


1) 27 January in Gilet, Valencia (Spain)



priest of the diocese of Tortosa;

founder, Society of Saint Teresa of Jesus

born: 16 October 1840 in Vinebre, Tarragona (Spain)


competent forum: Tortosa/Barcelona

CCS protocol number: 484

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 1925

closing of informative process: 1927

decree on writings: 10 April 1959

introduction of cause: 15 July 1965

decree « non cultu »:

opening of apostolic process: 1966

closing of apostolic process: 1968

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 21 June 1969

congress of CCS officials and consultors: 02 December 1975

plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 27 January 1976

papal confirmation of plenary session sentence:

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 15 May 1976

    opening of informative process on miracles for beatification: 1926

    closing of informative process on miracles for beatification: 1927

    opening of apostolic process on miracles for beatification: 1966

    closing of apostolic process on miracles for beatification: 1967

    decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes on miracle: 21 June 1969

    meeting of the Medical Board: 21 September 1977

    congress of CCS officials and consultors: 17 October 1978

    plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 30 January 1979

    papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: 24 February 1979

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 10 May 1979

instantanea, perfecta constantique sanatione tum sororis Antoniae Barrera Reig, e Societate Sanctae Teresia a Iesu, a tuberculose pulmonari cum implicationibusin stomacho et intestinis, die 15 Iulii 1923; tum sororis Mariae a Cingulo Montfort Ferrando, e Societate Sanctae Teresia a Iesu, a pulmonare tuberculosi, nocte intra diem 8 et 9 Novembris 1923

beatification: 14 October 1979

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 18 May 1990

    meeting of the Medical Board: 26 February 1992

    particular congress of theological consultors: 30 June 1992

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 01 December 1992

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 21 December 1992

canonization: 16 June 1993


petitioner: Compagnia di S. Teresa di Gesù, Via Val Cannuta, 134, 00166 Roma, ITALY

                     Companyia Santa Teresa de Jesús, Carrer Napols, 351 1r, 08025 Barcelona, SPAIN

                     [1936: Saturnina Jassá Fontcuberta (Saturnina of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus);

                      1936 Sp: Mercè Prat i Prat (Maria Mercè of the Sacred Heart);

                      1958: Maximina García Presa (Maximina of Jesus Crucified)]

website: www.stjteresianas.pcn.net



2) 11 February in L’Aquila (Italy)



founder, Zelatrix Sisters of the Sacred Heart

born: 29 March 1824 in L’Aquila (Italy)


competent forum: L’Aquila

CCS protocol number: 2144

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 15 March 1997

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 24 February 2007

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Bernardo Mauri, sss

petitioner: Zelatrici del Sacro Cuore, Via S. Chiara d’Aquili, 20, 67100 L’Aquila, ITALY

website: www.suorezelatriciferrari.org



3) 23 February in Petrinci, Sodražica (Slovenia)



layperson of the archdiocese of Ljubljana

born: 19 July 1835 in Janeži, Sodražica (Slovenia)


competent forum: Ljubljana

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 23 November 2021

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Franci Petrič

petitioner: Kulturno društvo Magdalene Gornik, Medvedica 9, 1290 Grosuplje, SLOVENIA

website: www.magdalenagornik.com



4) 08 March in Tanger (Morocco)




professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor;

apostolic prefect of Morocco

born: 19 July 1835 in Orio, Gipuzkoa (Spain)


competent forum: Tanger

CCS protocol number: 3751

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 14 October 2024

opening of diocesan inquiry: 19 January 2025

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano, ofm        

petitioner: Archidiocèse de Tanger, Sidi Bouabid, 55, 90000 Tanger, MOROCCO

website: diocesistanger.org



5) 05 April in Córdoba (Argentina)




widow; founder, Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus (n.o.)

born: 27 November 1823 in Córdoba (Argentina)


competent forum: Córdoba (Argentina)

CCS protocol number: 110

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of diocesan inquiry: 1941

    opening of rogatory process: 1952 (Buenos Aires)

    closing of rogatory process: 1952 (Buenos Aires)

closing of diocesan inquiry: 1954

decree on writings: 15 June 1960

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 07 April 1989

publication of Positio: 1990

session of historical consultors: 12 December 1995

particular congress of theological consultors: 25 January 1997

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 07 October 1997

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 18 December 1997

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 16 August 2012 (Tucumán)

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 26 November 2012

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 25 October 2013

    meeting of the Medical Board: 07 July 2016

    particular congress of theological consultors: 19 January 2017

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 25 April 2017

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 04 May 2017

beatification: 25 November 2017


postulator: Dr. Silvia Mónica Correale

petitioner: Esclavas del Corazón de Jesús, Calle Sarmiento 1263, X5004EYO Córdoba, ARGENTINA

website: www.esclavasargentinas.com.ar



6) 06 April in Verona (Italy)



priest of the archdiocese of Verona;

founder, Ursuline Sisters, Daughters of Mary Immaculate (n.o.)

born: 24 September 1813 in Verona (Italy)


competent forum: Verona

CCS protocol number: 1117

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors: 17 April 1985

publication of Positio: 1987

particular congress of theological consultors: 16 January 1990

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 06 November 1990

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 22 January 1991

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 08 May 1987

    meeting of the Medical Board: 24 April 1997

    particular congress of theological consultors: 23 January 1998

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 01 April 1998

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 06 April 1998

beatification: 25 October 1998



petitioner: Suore Orsoline Figlie di Maria Immacolata, Via Muro Padri, 24, 37129 Verona, ITALY

website: www.orsolineverona.it



7) 15 May in Paris (France)



priest of the archdiocese of Paris;

founder, Sons of Saint Francis de Sales,

Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate,

and Association of Saint Francis de Sales

born: 11 December 1838 in Paris (France)


competent forum: Paris

CCS protocol number: 277

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process:

closing of informative process:

decree on writings: 28 February 1940

introduction of cause:

decree « non cultu »:

opening of apostolic process:

closing of apostolic process:

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes:

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:



petitioner: Fils de Saint François de Sales, 22, rue de Varenne , 75007 Paris, FRANCE

                     [see also 1891: Carole-Barbe Colchen Carré de Malberg]

website: www.francoisdesales.com



8) 02 June in Paris (France)




founder, Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

born: 16 September 1825 in Paris (France)


competent forum: Rome/Paris

CCS protocol number: 1766

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 07 January 1993

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 02 December 1994

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Marco Chiesa, ocd

petitioner: Suore di Nostra Signora della Mercede, Via Ostriana, 24, 00199 Roma, ITALY




9) 08 June in Ambiatibe, Antananarivo (Madagascar) in odium fidei



professed priest, Jesuits

born: 28 November 1838 in Monlogis, Polminhac, Cantal (France)


competent forum: Antananarivo

CCS protocol number: 453

type of cause: martyrdom



opening of informative process:

closing of informative process:

introduction of cause: 26 June 1940

decree on writings: 28 May 1941

decree « non cultu »:

opening of apostolic process:

closing of apostolic process:

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 04 March 1951

antepreparatory congregation: 25 October 1961

preparatory congregation:

general congregation: 

promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 08 April 1964

beatification: 17 October 1965

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 03 March 2005 (Antananarivo)

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 28 August 2005

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 24 November 2006

    meeting of the Medical Board: 07 May 2009     

    particular congress of theological consultors: 15 July 2009; 14 July 2010; 21 May 2011

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 08 November 2011

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 19 December 2011

canonization: 21 October 2012 


postulator during canonization: Rev. Anton Witwer, sj

petitioner: Communauté Bx. Berthier, Maison St-Joseph, Amalamahitsy, Antananarivo 101, MADAGASCAR




10) 05 July in Champion, Wisconsin (United States)



layperson of the diocese of Green Bay

born: 30 January 1831 in Dion-le-Val, Chaumont-Gistoux (Belgium)


competent forum: Green Bay

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:



petitioner: The National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, 4047 Chapel Drive, New Franken, WI 54229, USA

website: championshrine.org



11) 25 September in Parzno, Kluki, Bełchatów (Poland)



layperson of the archdiocese of Łódź

born: 15 May 1822 in Radom (Poland)


competent forum: Łódź

CCS protocol number: 861

type of cause: heroic virtues



opening of informative process: 1929

closing of informative process: 1962

decree on writings: 13 April 1965

opening of supplementary inquiry:

closing of supplementary inquiry:

decree on validity of informative process and supplementary inquiry: 22 November 1991

publication of Positio: 1992

particular congress of theological consultors: 10 May 2005

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 21 February 2006

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 26 June 2006



petitioner: Wicepostulacja W. Malczewskiej, ul. Worcella 1,  90-458 Łódź, POLAND

website: wandamalczewska.republika.pl



12) 30 September in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, Québec (Canada)



professed priest, Redemptorists

born: 24 November 1867 in Lévis, Québec (Canada)


competent forum: Québec/Liège

CCS protocol number: 972

type of cause: heroic virtues



opening of informative process:

closing of informative process:

decree on writings:

introduction of cause: 22 February 1922   

decree « non cultu »:

opening of apostolic process:

closing of apostolic process:

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes:

publication of Positio: 1981

particular congress of theological consultors: 10 April 1990

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 05 March 1991

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 14 May 1991


postulator: Rev. Antonio Marrazzo, cssr

petitioner: Pères Rédemptoristes, 10018 Rue Royale, C.P. 1000, Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Que., G0A 3C0, CANADA




13) 02 November in Vic, Barcelona (Spain)




professed religious, Carmelite Sisters of Charity “Vedruna”

born: 31 October 1835 in Calella, Barcelona (Spain)


competent forum: Vic

CCS protocol number: 509

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on writings: 01 November 1955

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 17 March 1995

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors: 25 November 2003

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Sr. María Concepción López Ramos, ccv

petitioner: [see 1854: Joaquima de Vedruna Vidal de Mas (Joaquima of Saint Francis of Assisi)]




14) 14 December in São Paolo (Brazil)



professed priest, Scalabrinians;

cofounder, Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinian Sisters)

born: 03 October 1869 in Lombrici di Camaiore, Lucca (Italy)


competent forum: São Paolo

CCS protocol number: 2322

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 07 December 1999

opening of diocesan inquiry: 05 May 2000

closing of diocesan inquiry: 28 November 2001

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 21 February 2003

publication of Positio: 2008

session of historical consultors: 22 January 2008

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 08 July 2016


postulator: Rev. Graziano Battistella, cs

petitioner: Congregação dos Missionários de São Carlos, Rua Huet Bacelar, 657 – Ipiranga   

                          04275-000 – São Paulo – SP, BRAZIL

                     [see also 1948: Assunta Marchetti]





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Last modified: 01/21/25