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~ 1906 ~


1) 19 January in Sevilla (Spain)



archbishop of Seville;

founder, Handmaids of the Divine Heart

born: 14 January 1835 in San Fernando, Cádiz (Spain)


competent forum: Sevilla

CCS protocol number: 152

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process:

closing of informative process:

decree on writings: 25 March 1945

introduction of cause: 19 February 1956

decree « non cultu »: 24 January 1958

opening of apostolic process:

closing of apostolic process:

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 20 April 1968

publication of Positio: 1978

particular congress of theological consultors: 15 March 1983

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 24 March 1983

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 24 September 1983

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 24 May 1985

    meeting of the Medical Board: 05 March 1986

    particular congress of theological consultors: 04 July 1986

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 07 October 1986

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 10 November 1986

beatification: 29 March 1987

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 11 April 2011 (Jaén)

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 07 April 2013



petitioner: Esclavas del Divino Corazón, C/ Maestro Ángel Llorca, 11 bis, 28003 Madrid, SPAIN

                     [1908: Celia Méndez Delgado (María Teresa of the Heart of Jesus);

                      1977: María Dolores Romero Algarín (Belen)]

website: adcspinola.net



2) 20 January in Casoria, Naples (Italy)




founder, Oblation Sisters of  the Blessed Sacrament *

born: 01 May 1856 in Naples (Italy)


competent forum: Naples

CCS protocol number: 762

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 1927

closing of informative process: 1940

decree on writings: 01 March 1955

introduction of cause: 04 May 1972   

opening of apostolic process: 1972

closing of apostolic process: 1973

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 19 May 1978

publication of Positio: 1989

particular congress of theological consultors: 25 January 1994

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 03 May 1994

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 02 July 1994

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1995

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1995

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 29 March 1996

    meeting of the Medical Board: 15 February 2001

    particular congress of theological consultors: 02 October 2001

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 06 November 2001

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 20 December 2001

beatification: 27 April 2003

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 14 April 2011

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 08 July 2011

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 19 January 2012

    meeting of the Medical Board: 20 March 2014

    particular congress of theological consultors: 24 June 2014

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 16 September 2014

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 17 September 2014


canonization: 17 May 2015


postulator during canonization: Rev. Nunzio D’Elia

petitioner: Suore Vittime Espiatrici di Gesù Sacramentato, Via Roma, 57, 80018 Mugnano di Napoli (NA), ITALY

                     [1916: Maria Pia Brando] 

website: www.mariacristinabrando.it

Note: While this is the legal name of the institute in the one English-speaking country where it is established, its website offers a more literal translation for its Italian name: “Expiatory Victims of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament”.



3) 26 January on the road to Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes (France)




professed religious,  Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration

born: 22 August 1842 in  Rokosz, Wielkopolskie (Poland)


competent forum: Lviv of the Latins

CCS protocol number: 2503

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of transfer of competent forum: 03 September 2002 (from Nice)

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 24 September 2002

opening of diocesan inquiry: 25 October 2002

closing of diocesan inquiry: 15 June 2005

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 06 June 2008

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 06 November 2003

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 04 March 2004

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle:


postulator: Fra Zbigniew Suchecki, ofmconv

petitioner: Siostry Klaryski od Wieczystej Adoracji, ul. Gdańska, 56, 85-021 Bydgoszcz, POLAND

                     Siostry Klaryski od Wieczystej Adoracji, ul. Grunwaldzka, 8, 57-200 Ząbkowice Śl., POLAND




4) 08 February in Savona (Italy)



founder, Sisters of the Holy Family of Savigliano (n.o.)

born: 05 September 1843 in Savigliano, Como (Italy)


competent forum: Turin

CCS protocol number: 1371

type of cause: heroic virtues



opening of informative process: 31 January 1964

closing of informative process: 18 March 1980

decree on validity of informative process: 13 October 1989   

publication of Positio: 1990

particular congress of theological consultors: 05 October 1993

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 14 December 1993

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 26 March 1994

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 26 March 1993

    meeting of the Medical Board: 26 May 1994

    particular congress of theological consultors: 21 October 1994

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 13 December 1994

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 15 December 1994

beatification: 17 May 1995



petitioner: Suore della Sacra Famiglia, Via S. Pietro, 9, 12038 Savigliano (CO), ITALY




5) 25 March in Waldbreitbach, Neuwied (Germany)




founder, Franciscan Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Angels

born: 24 February 1826 in Schönstatt bei Vallendar, Mayen-Koblenz (Germany)


competent forum: Trier

CCS protocol number: 1207

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 18 March 1957

closing of informative process: 1972

decree on writings: 21 November 1980

decree on validity of informative process: 19 February 1999   

publication of Positio: 1999

particular congress of theological consultors: 19 April 2005

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 06 December 2005

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 28 April 2006

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1998 (Trier)

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1999

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 26 January 2001

    meeting of the Medical Board: 08 June 2006

    particular congress of theological consultors: 26 January 2007

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 19 June 2007

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 06 July 2007

celeri, perfecta ac constanti sanatione dominae Monica Schneider, noctu inter dies 5 et 6 Septembris 1986 in valetudinarium loci s.v. Wadern, a "grave trauma cranio-encefalico aperto con frattura della calotta, sofferenza del tronco cerebrale con coma e midriasi bilaterale rigida, secondaria all'edema cerebrale diffuso."

beatification: 04 May 2008


postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano, ofm

petitioner: Waldbreitbacher Franziskanerinnen BMVA, Margaretha-Flesch-Straße 6,

                          56588 Waldbreitbach, GERMANY

website: www.rosa-flesch.de



6) 19 May in Lille, Nord (France)



layperson of the diocese of Lille; married

born: 19 November 1829 in Lille, Nord (France)


competent forum: Lille

CCS protocol number: 155

type of cause: heroic virtues



opening of informative process: 24 April 1912

closing of informative process: 20 May 1914

decree on writings: 27 February 1924

introduction of cause: 18 June 1930   

opening of apostolic process: 19 May 1932

decree « non cultu »: 16 January 1935

closing of apostolic process: 20 February 1936

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 25 July 1944

publication of Positio:

session of historical consultors:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:



petitioner: Comité de soutien à la Cause de Béatification de Philibert Vrau,

                          1030, rue d’Ypres, 59118 Wambrechies, FRANCE

                     [1908: Camille Feron Vrau]

website: www.philibert-vrau.com



7) 16 August in Barcelona (Spain)




founder, Congregation of the Mothers of the Abandoned

born: 06 December 1845 in Valle de Abdalajís, Málaga (Spain)


competent forum: Barcelona

CCS protocol number: 53

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 1932

closing of informative process: 1933

decree on writings: 26 February 1943

introduction of cause: 03 December 1944   

decree « non cultu »: 21 March 1946

opening of apostolic process: 1948

closing of apostolic process: 1949

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 04 May 1952

congress of CCS officials and consultors: 16 December 1969

plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 15 December 1970

papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: 31 May 1971

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 14 June 1971

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 18 October 1991

    meeting of the Medical Board: 04 February 1993

    particular congress of theological consultors: 07 May 1993

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 15 June 1993

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 06 July 1993

beatification: 16 October 1994


postulator: Rev. Marco Chiesa, ocd

petitioner: Congregación de Madres de Desamparados y San José de la Montaña,

                          Avda. Sn. José de la Montaña, 15, 46008 Valencia, SPAIN

website: www.madresdedesamparados.org



8) 19 August in Monteagudo, Navarra (Spain)



professed priest, Augustinian Recollects;

bishop of Pasto

born: 09 April 1848 in Alfaro, La Rioja (Spain)


competent forum: Tarazona/Pasto

CCS protocol number: 421

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process:

closing of informative process:

decree on writings: 23 November 1921

introduction of cause: 25 November 1925

decree « non cultu »: 23 June 1936

opening of apostolic process:

closing of apostolic process:

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 26 June 1940

antepreparatory congregation: 18 February 1947

preparatory congregation: 05 April 1960; 05 May 1964

general congregation: 19 January 1965

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 01 February 1975

    opening of apostolic process on miracle for beatification: 15 October 1951

    closing of apostolic process on miracle for beatification: 14 December 1951

    decree on validity of apostolic process on miracle: 18 December 1965

    meeting of the Medical Board: 29 November 1967

    particular congress of theological consultors: 25 February 1975

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 15 April 1975

    plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 17 April 1975

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 23 May 1975

beatification: 01 November 1975

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1989

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1989

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 24 November 1989

    meeting of the Medical Board: 03 October 1991

    particular congress of theological consultors: 20 December 1991

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 04 February 1992

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 07 March 1992

canonization: 11 October 1992


information: Agustinos Recoletos, Carrera 73 A N° 69 A - 69, Bogotá (Cundinamarca), COLOMBIA

                         Agustinos Recoletos, Avda. San Agustín, 15, 31522 Monteagudo (Navarra), SPAIN




9) 26 September in Kęty (Poland)



[Ядвіга Бажэнцкая]

cofounder, Sisters of the Resurrection

born: 02 February 1863 in Zaniavičy (a.k.a. Zaniewicze;

           formerly Obrembszczyźna or Obrembščyzna), Grodno (Belarus)


competent forum: Rome/Kraków

CCS protocol number: 738

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process:

closing of informative process:

decree on writings: 24 May 1958

introduction of cause: 10 April 1964

decree « non cultu »:

opening of apostolic process:

closing of apostolic process:

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 27 June 1969

congress of CCS officials and consultors: 20 October 1981

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 12 January 1982

papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: 12 July 1982

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 17 December 1982


postulator: Rev. Andrzej Gieniusz, cr

petitioner: [see 1913: Celina Chludzińska Borzęcka]

website: www.zmartwychwstanki.org.pl



10) 09 November in Dijon, Côte-d’Or (France)




professed religious, Discalced Carmelite Nuns

born: 18 July 1880 in Avord, Cher (France)


competent forum: Dijon

CCS protocol number: 505

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 1931

closing of informative process: 1941

decree on writings: 28 January 1944

opening of supplementary inquiry: 1948

closing of supplementary inquiry: 1950

introduction of cause: 25 October 1961 

opening of apostolic process: 1963

closing of apostolic process: 1965

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 05 July 1969; 13 March 1970

particular congress of theological consultors: 24 November 1981

plenary session of cardinals and bishops: 06 April 1982

papal confirmation of plenary session sentence: 11 May 1982

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 12 July 1982

    competent forum for inquiry on miracle for beatification: Dijon

    opening of apostolic process on miracle for beatification: 1964

    closing of apostolic process on miracle for beatification: 1965

    decree on validity of apostolic process on miracle: 05 July 1969

    meeting of the Medical Board: 10 June 1983

    particular congress of theological consultors: 29 November 1983

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 24 January 1984

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 17 February 1984

the rapid, complete and lasting healing of Dom Jean-Marie Chanut, professed priest of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance, from tuberculosis of the kidneys, in January 1943 at the Abbey of Citeaux (France). [AAS 76 (1984): 917-19]

beatification: 25 November 1984

    competent forum for inquiry on miracle for beatification: Dijon

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 11 July 2011

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 25 August 2012

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 28 June 2013

    meeting of the Medical Board: 29 October 2015

    particular congress of theological consultors: 15 December 2015

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 09 February 2016

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 03 March 2016

the rapid, complete and lasting healing of [Marie-Paul Stevens,  from Malmedy (Belgium)] a thirty-nine-year-old woman, from Sjögren’s syndrome with systemic manifestations, on 2 April 2002 at the Carmelite Monastery of Dijon, Flavignerot (France). [AAS 109 (2017): 1246-48]

    consistory: 20 June 2016

canonization: 16 October 2016


postulator during canonization: Rev. Romano Gambalunga, ocd

petitioner: Carmel de Dijon, Flavignerot, 21160 Marsannay-la-Côte, FRANCE

website: elisabeth-dijon.org



11) 16 November in Pau, Pyrénées-Atlantique (France)




professed religious, Discalced Carmelite Nuns;

founder, Apostolic Carmel

born: 01 October 1823 in Istanbul (a.k.a. Constantinople) (Türkiye)


competent forum: Bangalore

CCS protocol number: 2176

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of transfer of competent forum: 16 May 1997 (from Bayonne)

opening of diocesan inquiry: 23 September 1999

closing of diocesan inquiry: 21 July 2000

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 12 January 2001

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 11 January 2002

publication of Positio: 2003

session of historical consultors: 14 October 2003

particular congress of theological consultors: 30 November 2012

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 01 July 2014

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 08 July 2014


postulator: Rev. Marco Chiesa, ocd

petitioner: Apostolic Carmel, P.O. Box 4107, 6 East Ed Road, “T” Block, P.O. Jayanagar, Bangalore 560041, INDIA

website: www.apostolic-carmel.org



12) 22 November in Palermo (Italy)



priest of the archdiocese of Palermo;

founder, Daughters of the Cross (n.o.)

born: 30 October 1841 in Palermo (Italy)


competent forum: Palermo

CCS protocol number: 1345

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 15 October 1982

opening of cognitional process: 26 November 1983

closing of cognitional process: 04 April 1986

opening of supplementary inquiry: 17 February 2004

closing of supplementary inquiry: 22 November 2006

decree on validity of cognitional process and supplementary inquiry: 08 February 2008

publication of Positio: 2012

session of historical consultors: 15 October 2013

particular congress of theological consultors: 02 February 2016

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 18 October 2016

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 01 December 2016


postulator: Rev. Mario Torcivia

petitioner: Figlie della Croce, Via del Celso, 123, 90134 Palermo, ITALY

website: www.figliedellacroce.net




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