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1) 17 January in Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa (Spain)



professed religious, Company of Mary

born: 08 February 1875 in Falces, Navarra (Spain)


competent forum: San Sebastián

CCS protocol number: 1044

type of cause: heroic virtues



opening of informative process: 30 October 1961

closing of informative process: 30 April 1964

decree on writings: 21 December 1968

introduction of cause: 07 January 1982

opening of apostolic process: 1982

closing of apostolic process: 1983

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 21 December 1984

publication of Positio: 1996

particular congress of theological consultors: 08 October 2013

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 20 January 2015

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 22 January 2015


postulator: Rev. Javier Carnerero Peñalver, osst

petitioner: Compañia de Maria, Alto San Bartolome, 24, Apdo. 56, 20009 Donostian (Guipúzcoa), SPAIN

website: www.lestonnac-odn.org



2) 23 January in Montecchio, Reggio Emilia (Italy)




professed religious, Servite Nuns

born: 08 March 1883 in Lagnasco, Cuneo (Italy)


competent forum: Reggio Emilia-Guastalla

CCS protocol number: 1183

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 08 September 1967

closing of informative process: 21 November 1970

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 26 November 1971

opening of cognitional process:

closing of cognitional process:

decree on writings: 21 March 1975

decree on validity of informative and cognitional processes:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Franco M. Azzalli, osm

petitioner: Monastero Serve di Maria, S. Maria dell’Olmo, Strada Bassa, 3, 42027 Montecchio (RE), ITALY



Note: In Italian, the religious name is “Maria Teresa di Gesù Sacramentato”                    



3) 05 February in Villabate, Palermo (Italy)



priest of the archdiocese of Palermo

born: 25 December 1921 in Villabate, Palermo (Italy)


competent forum: Palermo

CCS protocol number: 1627

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 15 July 1988

opening of diocesan inquiry: 14 October 1988

closing of diocesan inquiry: 2004

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:



petitioner: Parrocchia di S. Agata, Via Tenente Arrigo, 90039 Villabate (PA), ITALY

                     Parrocchia Maria SS. Immacolata, Via Sperone, 144, 90123 Palermo (PA), ITALY




4) 06 February in Hinojosa del Duque, Córdoba (Spain)



child of the diocese of Córdoba

born: 06 July 1942 in Hinojosa del Duque, Córdoba (Spain)


competent forum: Córdoba

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:



petitioner: PP. Carmelitas, C/ Corredera, 66, 14270 Hinojosa del Duque (Córdoba), SPAIN




5) 20 February in Foggia (Italy)



titular archbishop of Hadrianopolis in Honoriade;

former bishop of Troia and of Foggia

born: 08 March 1881 at Baronissi, Salerno (Italy)


competent forum: Foggia-Bovino

CCS protocol number: 1855

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 13 April 1992

opening of diocesan inquiry: 12 September 1992

closing of diocesan inquiry: 24 May 2008

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 27 May 2009

publication of Positio: 2019

particular congress of theological consultors: 02 June 2020

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 17 November 2020

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 23 November 2020


postulator: Rev. Orazio Pepe

petitioner: Arcidiocesi di Foggia-Bovino, Via Oberdan 13, 71100 Foggia, ITALY

website: www.fortunatomariafarina.it



6) 10 March in Sóller, Mallorca, Islas Baleares (Spain)



layperson of the archdiocese of Mallorca

born: 19 October 1912  in Sóller, Mallorca, Islas Baleares (Spain)


competent forum: Mallorca

CCS protocol number: 2179

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 25 June 1997

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry: 30 December 2006

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 11 April 2008

publication of Positio: 2009

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 23 February 2023


postulator: Rev. Luis Manuel Cuña Ramos

petitioner: Parròquia de Sant Bartomeu, Gran Via, 1, 07100 Sóller (Mallorca), SPAIN




7) 10 March in Monroe, New York (United States)



founder, Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate

born: 06 May 1867 in Hanover, Oneida, New York (United States)


competent forum: New York

CCS protocol number: 3085

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 28 February 2013

opening of diocesan inquiry: 16 April 2013

closing of diocesan inquiry: 13 January 2015

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 29 April 2016

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Dr. Waldery Hilgeman

petitioner: Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate, Marycrest Convent,

                          P.O. Box 658, Monroe, NY 10949-0658, USA

website: www.parishvisitors.org



8) 12 March in Turin (Italy)



layperson of the archdiocese of Turin;

founder, Association of the Work of Our Lady of the Universe (n.o.)

born: 08 July 1906 in Mottatonda Nuova, Ferrara (Italy)


competent forum: Turin

CCS protocol number: 1297

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 27 October 1960

closing of informative process: 28 March 1978

decree on writings: 25 April 1980

introduction of cause: 02 August 1982

opening of apostolic process: 

closing of apostolic process:

decree on validity of informative process: 06 October 1989

publication of Positio: 1989

particular congress of theological consultors: 03 March 1995

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 03 October 1995

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 12 January 1996


postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano, ofm        

petitioner: Opera di Nostra Signora Universale, Via S. Francesco da Paola, 42, 10123 Torino, ITALY

website: www.istitutoflora.org 



9) 26 March in Florence (Italy)




professed religious, Sisters of Jesus the Redeemer

born: 01 January 1909 in Maranola, Formia, Latina (Italy)


competent forum: Sabina-Poggio Mirteto

CCS protocol number: 1181

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 21 May 1966

    opening of rogatory process (Gaeta): 1967

    opening of rogatory process (Rome): 1967

    closing of rogatory process (Gaeta): 1968

    closing of rogatory process (Rome): 1969

closing of informative process: 04 October 1971

decree on writings: 07 June 1974

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 04 May 1992

rescript of transfer of competent forum: 21 September 2015 (from Florence)

opening of supplementary inquiry: 24 November 2015

closing of supplementary  inquiry: 10 September 2016

decree on validity of supplementary inquiry: 17 February 2017

publication of Positio: 2017

particular congress of theological consultors: 12 December 2017

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 11 December 2018

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 21 December 2018


postulator: Dr. Giovanna Brizi

petitioner: [1884: Victorine Le Dieu de la Ruaudière (Marie Joseph of Jesus)]

website: www.suoregesuredentore.com



10) 05 April in Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico)



bishop of Saltillo;

founder, Guadalupan Catechists Sisters (n.o.)

born: 06 July 1858 in Bacubirito, Sinaloa (Mexico)


competent forum: Saltillo

CCS protocol number: 1769

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of diocesan inquiry: 12 February 1987

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 07 December 1990

closing of diocesan inquiry: 19 August 1995

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 23 November 1995

publication of Positio: 2001

particular congress of theological consultors: 05 November 2010

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 04 February 2014

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 07 February 2014

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 28 October 1999

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 05 January 2001

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 11 January 2002

    meeting of the Medical Board:


postulator: Dr. Silvia Mónica Correale

petitioner: Hermanas Catequistas Guadalupanas, Francisco Murguía  Nte. #473,

                          25000 Saltillo, Coah., MEXICO

website: www.jesusmariaechavarria.org.mx



11) 10 April in Brno (Czechia) in odium fidei, uti fertur



priest of the archdiocese of Bratislava

born: 26 January 1913 in Malé Bedzany, Topoľčany (Slovakia)


competent forum: Bratislava

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: martyrdom



rescript of transfer of competent forum: (Brno)

rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry: 11 April 2023

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Dr. Terézia Valúšková

petitioner: Bratislavská Arcidiecéza, Špitálska 7, 814 92 Bratislava 1, SLOVAKIA

website: www.alfonzpaulen.sk



12) 19 April in Madrid (Spain)



priest of the diocese of Vitoria;

founder, Secular Institute Alliance in Jesus through Mary (n.o.)

born: 26 April 1885 in Elduayen, Guipúzcoa (Spain)


competent forum: Madrid

CCS protocol number: 1247

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 11 May 1982

opening of cognitional process: 27 November 1982

closing of cognitional process: 1986

decree on validity of cognitional process: 06 February 1987

publication of Positio: 1990

particular congress of theological consultors: 12 December 1995

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 02 April 1996

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 25 June 1996



petitioner: Alianza en Jesús por María, C/ Cardenal Cisneros, 55, 28010 Madrid, SPAIN

website: www.alianzajm.org



13) 28 April in Bologna (Italy)



professed religious, Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

     under the Protection of Saint Joseph;

founder, Adorers Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament (n.o.)

born: 17 April 1886 in Faenza, Ravenna (Italy)


competent forum: Bologna

CCS protocol number: 1481

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 12 July 1985

opening of diocesan inquiry: 30 November 1985

closing of diocesan inquiry: 28 February 1989

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 17 October 1992

publication of Positio: 2002

particular congress of theological consultors: 30 September 2014

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 04 June 2024

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 20 June 2024


postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano, ofm        

petitioner: Ancelle Adoratrici del SS. Sacramento, Via A. Murri 70, 40131 Bologna, ITALY

website: www.madremariacostanza.net



14) 13 May in Turin (Italy)



professed religious, Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers);

founder, Union of Catechists of Jesus Crucified and Mary Immaculate

born: 09 February 1871 in Vinchio, Asti (Italy)


competent forum: Turin

CCS protocol number: 1292

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 11 January 1961

closing of informative process: 31 January 1977

decree on writings: 11 April 1980

decree on validity of informative process: 14 November 1986

publication of Positio: 1986

particular congress of theological consultors: 27 June 1989

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 16 January 1990

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 03 March 1990


postulator: Frt. Felicien Bora, fsc

petitioner: Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane – Provincia Italia, V.le del Vignola, 56, 00196 Roma, ITALY




15) 15 May in Barcelona (Spain)



cofounder, Carmelite Sisters of Saint Joseph (n.o.)

born: 30 August 1871 in Villanueva y Geltrú, Barcelona (Spain)


competent forum: Barcelona

CCS protocol number: 1210

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 25 September 1975

opening of cognitional process: 1976

closing of cognitional process: 1979

decree on validity of cognitional process: 19 April 1985

publication of Positio: 1991

particular congress of theological consultors: 21 November 1997

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 02 June 1998

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 03 July 1998


postulatorDr. Giovanna Brizi

petitionerCarmelites de Sant Josep, C/ Lloret de Mar 66, 08031 Barcelona, SPAIN

website: www.carmelitasdesanjose.com



16) 17 May in Jilava, Bucharest (Romania) in odium fidei



priest of the archdiocese of Bucharest

born: 25 December 1873 in Istanbul (Türkiye)


competent forum: Bucharest

CCS protocol number: 1837

type of cause: martyrdom



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 18 February 1992

opening of diocesan inquiry: 26 October 2002

closing of diocesan inquiry: 13 June 2003

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 30 November 2006

publication of Positio: 2012

particular congress of theological consultors: 09 October 2012

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 19 February 2013

promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 27 March 2013

beatification: 31 August 2013


postulator: Rev. Francisc Ungureanu

petitioner: Arhiepiscopia Romano-Catolică, Str. General Berthelot 19, 010164 Bucureşti, ROMANIA

                     Parohiei Romano-Catolice “Preasfânta Inimă a lui Isus”, Str. Cpt. Demetriade 3, sector 1,

                          011848 Bucureşti, ROMANIA

website: www.vladimirghika.ro



17) 01 June in Pontremoli, Massa-Carrara (Italy)



founder, Missionary Sisters of the Good News (n.o.)

born: 28 August 1876 in Casola in Lunigiana, Massa-Carrara (Italy)


competent forum: Massa Carrara-Pontremoli

CCS protocol number: 2633

type of cause: heroic virtues



opening of diocesan inquiry: 04 September 2005

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 14 September 2005

closing of diocesan inquiry: 01 June 2008

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 29 May 2009

publication of Positio: 2012

particular congress of theological consultors: 10 January 2017

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 05 February 2019

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 12 February 2019


postulator: Fra Francesco Maria Ricci, op

petitioner: Suore Missionarie del Lieto Messaggio, Via Madonna del Buon Consiglio, 1,

                          54027 Pontremoli (MS), ITALY




18) 06 June in Madrid (Spain)



founder, Missionaries of Charity and Providence (n.o.)

born: 04 November 1911 in Sinlabajos, Ávila (Spain)


competent forum: Albacete

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of transfer of competent forum: (from Madrid)

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 29 September 2010

opening of diocesan inquiry: 30 October 2010

closing of diocesan inquiry: 28 January 2012

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 21 June 2013

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Sr. Nidia Azucena Cisneros

petitioner: Misioneras de la Caridad y Providencia, Carretera de Liétor, 70, 02400 Hellín (Albacete), SPAIN




19) 26 June in Beirut (Lebanon)



[(خليل الحدّاد (يعقوب الكبّوشيّ]

professed priest, Capuchin Franciscans;

founder, Franciscan Sisters of the Cross

born: 01 February 1875 in Ghazīr, Kesrwan, Jabal Lubnān (Lebanon)


competent forum: Beirut of the Latins

CCS protocol number: 1024

 type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 27 September 1960

closing of informative process: 19 June 1964

decree on writings: 01 June 1968

introduction of cause: 24 February 1979

opening of apostolic process: 28 December 1979

closing of apostolic process: 01 January 1981

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 15 March 1985

publication of Positio: 1990

particular congress of theological consultors: 26 May 1991

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 17 November 1992

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 21 December 1992

     opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 17 February 2005

     closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 08 November 2005

     decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 10 February 2006

     meeting of the Medical Board: 22 March 2007

     particular congress of theological consultors: 01 June 2007

     ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 20 October 2007

     promulgation of decree on miracle: 17 December 2007

beatification: 22 June 2008


postulator: Fra Carlo Calloni, ofmcap

petitioner: [see 1915: Yūsuf Habīb Melkī (Līūnār from B‘abdāt)]

                     Sœurs Franciscaines de la Croix, Couvent de la Croix, B.P. 60096, Jall-Eddib, LEBANON

website: www.capucinsorient.org;



Note: In several Arabic circles, the first name is Romanized invariably as “Yaacoub,” “Yaqub,” Yaqoub,” “Yakub,” “Yakoub,” and “Y’qub”.                    



20) 27 June in Vigan, Ilocos Sur (Philippines)



bishop of Lipa;

founder, Missionary Catechists of the Sacred Heart

born: 09 December 1877 in Vigan, Ilocos Sur (Philippines)


competent forum: Nueva Segovia

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of diocesan inquiry: 11 January 2013

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 2014

closing of diocesan inquiry: 02 April 2016

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 02 June 2017

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:



petitioner: Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia, Vigan City, 2700 Ilocos Sur, PHILIPPINES

                     Missionary Catechists of the Sacred Heart, City Park Subdivision,

                          Sabang, Lipa City 4217, PHILIPPINES




21) 02 July in Osimo, Ancona (Italy)



young layperson of the diocese of Osimo

born: 20 November 1930 in Osimo, Ancona (Italy)


competent forum: Ancona-Osimo

CCS protocol number: 1515

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 22 March 1984

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:



petitioner: Arcidiocesi di Ancona-Osimo, Via Pio II, 1, 60121 Ancona, ITALY

                     Parrocchia di S. Maria della Misericordia, Via Ungheria, 127, 60027 Osimo (AN), ITALY




22) 04 July in Ronco, Brescia (Italy)




professed religious, Handmaids of Charity of Brescia

born: 26 May 1909 in Acquate, Lecco (Italy)


competent forum: Brescia

CCS protocol number: 1889

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 01 December 1992

opening of diocesan inquiry: 01 June 1993

closing of diocesan inquiry: 25 May 1995

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 10 November 1995

publication of Positio: 2015

particular congress of theological consultors: 10 March 2016

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 21 February 2017

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 27 February 2017

     opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 07 August 2012

     closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 20 November 2012

     decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 05 July 2013

     meeting of the Medical Board: 05 July 2018

     particular congress of theological consultors: 18 October 2018

     ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 16 April 2019

     promulgation of decree on miracle: 13 May 2019

beatification: 23 October 2021


postulator: Sr. Paolisa Falconi, adc

petitioner: [see 1855: Paola Di Rosa (Maria Crocifissa)]

website: www.ancelledellacarita.it



23) 20 July in Ragusa (Italy)




professed religious, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Ragusa

born: 30 August 1878 in Ragusa (Italy)


competent forum: Ragusa

CCS protocol number: 1754

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 12 November 1990

opening of diocesan inquiry: 12 June 1991

closing of diocesan inquiry: 27 June 1997

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 12 February 1999

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Sr. Concetta Aranzulla, isc

petitioner: [see 1910: Maria Schininà (Maria of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)]

website www.suoresacrocuorediragusa.it



24) 23 July in Teramo (Italy)




professed religious, Passionist Nuns

born: 02 May 1920 in Montegranaro, Ascoli Piceno (Italy)


competent forum: San Benedetto del Tronto-Ripatransone-Montalto

CCS protocol number: 2064

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of diocesan inquiry: 23 July 1995

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 19 September 1995

rescript of transfer of competent forum: 29 September 1995 (from Teramo-Atri)

closing of diocesan inquiry: 01 November 1997

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 07 November 2001

publication of Positio: 2008

particular congress of theological consultors: 16 May 2017

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 31 October 2018

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 07 November 2018 


postulator: Rev. Cristiano Massimo Parisi, cp

petitioner: Monastero delle Passioniste, Via Canali, 6, 63038 Ripatransone (AP), ITALY




25) 15 August in Heredia (Costa Rica)



child of the archdiocese of San José de Costa Rica

born: 05 March 1941 in San José (Costa Rica)


competent forum: San José de Costa Rica

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry: 19 March 2018

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Alejandro Jiménez Ramírez

petitioner: Arquidiócesis de San José, Avenida Cuarta entre Calle Central y calle Primera,

                          Apartado 497, 1000 San José, COSTA RICA




26) 17 August in Val di Fassa, Trent (Italy)



layperson of the diocese of Padua

born: 23 February 1924 in Perarolo di Vigonza, Padua (Italy)


competent forum: Padua

CCS protocol number: 2310

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 22 February 2000

opening of diocesan inquiry: 18 April 2001

closing of diocesan inquiry: 20 June 2007

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 21 November 2008

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Giovanni Vaccarotto

petitioner: Diocesi di Padova, Via Dietro Duomo, 15, 35139 Padova, ITALY

website: www.viniciobonifaciodallavecchia.org



27) 19 August in Sella di Borgo Valsugana, Trent (Italy)



layperson of the archdiocese of Trent; married;

prime minister of Italy

born: 03 April 1881 in Pieve Tesino, Trent (Italy)


competent forum: Rome

CCS protocol number: 1893

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 20 April 1993

opening of diocesan inquiry:

rescript of transfer of competent forum: (from Trent)

closing of diocesan inquiry: 28 February 2025

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Dr. Paolo Vilotta

petitioner: Associazione Alcide De Gasperi, presso la Curia Arcivescovile, P.za Fiera, 2, 38100 Trento, ITALY




28) 24 August in Nottoria di Norcia, Perugia (Italy)



layperson of the archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia

born:  12 June 1924 in Nottoria di Norcia, Perugia (Italy)


competent forum: Spoleto-Norcia

CCS protocol number: 1105

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 05 November 1984

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:



petitioner: Arcidiocesi di Spoleto-Norcia, Via Aurelio Saffi, 13, 06049 Spoleto (PG), ITALY

                     Parrocchia di S. Stefano, 06040 Nottoria di Norcia (PG), ITALY




29) 27 August in Vieste, Foggia (Italy)



priest of the diocese of Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo

born: 02 February 1926 in Vieste, Foggia (Italy)


competent forum: Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo

CCS protocol number: 2973

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 09 December 2010

opening of diocesan inquiry: 19 January 2015

closing of diocesan inquiry: 14 September 2019

opening of supplementary inquiry: May 2020

closing of supplementary inquiry: 12 December 2020

decree on validity of diocesan and supplementary inquiries: 10 February 2021

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Francesco Armenti

petitioner: Arcidiocesi di Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo, Via Campanile, 66,

                           71043 Manfredonia (FG), ITALY

website: www.donantoniospalatro.it



30) 30 August in Venegono, Varese (Italy)



professed priest, Benedictines (Cassinese Congregation);

archbishop of Milan; cardinal

born: 18 January 1880 in Rome (Italy)


competent forum: Milan

CCS protocol number: 1023

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process: 30 August 1957

     opening of rogatory process (diocese of Rome): 21 November 1959

     closing of rogatory process (diocese of Rome): 13 July 1961

closing of informative process: 31 October 1963

decree on validity of informative and rogatory processes: 18 July 1986

publication of Positio: 1989

particular congress of theological consultors: 12 October 1993

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 11 January 1994

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 26 March 1994

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 05 July 1985

    meeting of the Medical Board: 17 November 1994

    particular congress of theological consultors: 21 February 1995

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 02 May 1995

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 11 July 1995

beatification: 12 May 1996



petitioner: Casa Ildefonso Schuster, Via S. Antonio, 5, 20122 Milano, ITALY

                     Arcidiocesi di Milano, P.za Fontana 2, 20122 Milano, ITALY




31) 14 September in Marino, Rome (Italy)



parish abbot of the Basilica of Saint Barnabas in Marino

and titular bishop of Damiata;

founder, Little Disciples of Jesus

born: 03 March 1868 in Genzano, Rome (Italy)


competent forum: Albano

CCS protocol number: 3003

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of diocesan inquiry: 19 November 2011

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 17 January 2013

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Dr. Waldery Hilgeman

petitioner: Diocesi di Albano, P.za Vescovile, 11, 00041 Albano Laziale (RM), ITALY

website: www.sanbarnabamarino.it



32) 29 September in Lecco (Italy)



priest of the archdiocese of Milan;

founder, Secular Institute of the Little Apostles of Charity

born: 22 June 1898 in Cislago, Varese (Italy)


competent forum: Milan

CCS protocol number: 1562

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 23 June 1987

opening of diocesan inquiry: 24 November 1987

closing of diocesan inquiry: 23 February 1991

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 22 January 1993

publication of Positio: 1997

particular congress of theological consultors: 20 June 2003

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 02 December 2003

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 20 December 2003

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1993

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 1994

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 08 November 1996

    meeting of the Medical Board: 21 October 2004

    particular congress of theological consultors: 02 February 2005

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 03 May 2005

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 19 December 2005

beatification: 30 April 2006


postulator: Rev. Giuseppe Guerra, cm

petitioner: Piccole Apostole della Carità, Via Don Luigi Monza, 1, 22037 Ponte Lambro (CO), ITALY

website: www.luigimonza.it



33) 29 September in Trieste (Italy)



priest of the diocese of Trieste

born: 08 July 1890 in Trieste (Italy)


competent forum: Trieste

CCS protocol number: 2101

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 25 April 1996

opening of diocesan inquiry: 27 May 1996

closing of diocesan inquiry: 11 June 2000

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 01 February 2002

publication of Positio: 2004

particular congress of theological consultors: 13 February 2014

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 19 May 2015

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 05 June 2015


postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano, ofm        

petitioner: Associazione Siloe ‒ Amici di Marcello Labor, Via Besenghi, 16,  34143 Trieste, ITALY

website: marcellolabor.org



34) 14 October in Olmedo, Valladolid (Spain)




professed religious, Dominican Nuns

born: 02 May 1904 in Eslava, Navarra (Spain)


competent forum: Zaragoza

CCS protocol number: 1658

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 03 February 1989

opening of diocesan inquiry: 18 April 1989

closing of diocesan inquiry: 08 September 1992

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 03 February 1995

publication of Positio: 1997

particular congress of theological consultors: 15 September 2008

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 17 March 2009

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 03 April 2009


postulator: Fra Massimo Mancini, op

petitioner: Madres Dominicas, Paseo de la Constitución, 18, 50360 Daroca (Zaragoza), SPAIN   

website: jesus-lopez-medel.es/Madre_Teresita/index.htm



35) 29 October in Vicenza (Italy)



professed priest, Xaverian Missionaries

born: 10 March 1874 in Barco di Bibbiano, Reggio Emilia (Italy)


competent forum: Vicenza

CCS protocol number: 2177

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 30 June 1997

opening of diocesan inquiry: 03 December 1997

closing of diocesan inquiry: 19 March 2001

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 05 April 2002

publication of Positio: 2005

particular congress of theological consultors: 14 September 2017

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 08 May 2018

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 19 May 2018


postulator: Rev. Faustino Turco, sx

petitioner: [see 1931: Guido Maria Conforti]

website: www.saveriani.org 



36) 04 December in Verona (Italy)



priest of the diocese of Verona;

founder, Poor Servants of Divine Providence

and Poor Sisters Servants of Divine Providence (n.o.)

born: 08 October 1873 in Verona (Italy)


competent forum: Verona

CCS protocol number: 1029

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of informative process:

closing of informative process:

decree on writings: 01 June 1968

introduction of cause: 06 March 1981

opening of apostolic process: 

closing of apostolic process: 

decree on validity of informative and apostolic processes: 31 March 1984

publication of Positio: 1985

particular congress of theological consultors: 08 October 1985

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 10 December 1985

promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 16 January 1986

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 31 March 1984

    meeting of the Medical Board: 02 July 1986

    particular congress of theological consultors: 19 December 1986

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 17 February 1987

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 16 March 1987

beatification: 17 April 1988

    opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 

    closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 

    decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 10 February 1995

    meeting of the Medical Board: 04 July 1996

    particular congress of theological consultors: 10 January 1997

    ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 08 April 1997

    promulgation of decree on miracle: 07 July 1997


canonization: 18 April 1999


information: Poveri Servi della Divina Provvidenza, Via S. Zeno in Monte, 23, 37129 Verona, ITALY

                         [1937: Francesco Maria Perez;

                          1986: Luigi Pedrollo]

                         Povere Serve della Divina Provvidenza, Alto San Nazaro, 1, 37129 Verona, ITALY

website: www.doncalabria.net



37) 08 December in Buenos Aires (Argentina)



professed priest, Jesuits

born: 21 September 1881 in Castilruiz, Soria (Spain)


competent forum: San Miguel (Argentina)

CCS protocol number: 1440

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of transfer of competent forum: 16 September 1983 (from Buenos Aires)

opening of diocesan inquiry: 29 June 1984

rescript of “nihil obstat”:

closing of diocesan inquiry: 31 July 2019

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Pascual Cebollada Silvestre, sj

petitioner: Compañia de Jesús, Sarandí, 65, C1081ACA Capital Federal, ARGENTINA

website: padremauricio.com



38) 22 December in Imola, Bologna (Italy)



priest of the diocese of Imola;

founder, Little Sisters of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

born: 03 June 1879 in Imola, Bologna (Italy)


competent forum: Imola

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 2015

opening of diocesan inquiry: 03 June 2016

closing of diocesan inquiry: 02 January 2024

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

session of historical consultors:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:


postulator: Rev. Marco Chiesa, ocd

petitioner: Piccole Suore di Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù, Via Emilia, 233, 40026 Imola (BO), ITALY

                      [1957: Antonietta Zanelli (Maria)]  

website: www.piccolesuoresantateresa.org




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