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1) 08 February in Northridge, Los Angeles, California (United States)



founder, Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart

born: 07 October 1922 in Košice (Slovakia)


competent forum: Los Angeles

CCS protocol number: 3236

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 19 April 2016

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Dr. Waldery Hilgeman

petitioner: Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart, 9814 Sylvia Ave., Northridge,

                            CA 91324-1759, UNITED STATES

website: www.sacredheartsisters.com



2) 12 March in Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago)



professed priest, Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans);

archbishop of Port of Spain

born: 27 August 1929 in Woodbrook, Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago)


competent forum: Port of Spain

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues


opening of diocesan inquiry: 09 December 2013

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 2014

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Rev. Anthony De Verteuil, cssp

petitioner: Archdiocese of Port of Spain, 27 Maraval Road, Port of Spain, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

website: www.catholictt.org



3) 25 April in Montevergine, Avellino (Italy)



professed priest, Benedictines (Subiaco Cassinese Congregation)

born: 14 September 1920 in Petruro di Forino, Avellino (Italy)


competent forum: Montevergine

CCS protocol number: 

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 2019

opening of diocesan inquiry: 08 February 2020

closing of diocesan inquiry: 01 December 2023

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Fra Massimiliano Noviello, ofmcap

petitioner: Santuario Abbazia di Montevergine, 83013 Mercogliano (AV), ITALY

website: www.santuariodimontevergine.com



4) 29 April in Beckley, West Virginia (United States)



layperson of the diocese of Erie

born: 16 September 1911 in Erie, Pennsylvania (United States)


competent forum: Erie

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of transfer of competent forum: (Wheeling-Charleston)

rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Rev. Thomas McSweeney

petitioner: Association for the Cause of Gertrude A. Barber, 100 Barber Place, Erie, PA 16507, USA

website: drbarber.org



5) 03 May in Punoh Mahadji, Basilan (Philippines) in odium fidei, uti fertur



professed priest, Claretians

born: 29 November 1965 in Olongapo City, Zambales (Philippines)


competent forum: Basilan

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: martyrdom



rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry: 03 May 2021

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 



postulator: Rev. Krzysztof Gierat, cmf

petitioner: Claretian Missionaries ‒ Philippine Province, 8-B Mayumi Street, U.P. Village Diliman 1101,

                          Quezon City, PHILIPPINES




6) 04 May in Rome (Italy)



layperson of the diocese of Rome; married

born: 10 June 1914 in Teora, Avellino (Italy)


competent forum: Rome

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 




petitioner: Movimento per l’amore gioioso del Padre, P.za Giovanni Paolo II, 10, 22100 Como, ITALY

website: www.almaferraraoperadoro.it



7) 24 May in Francavilla Fontana, Brindisi (Italy)



bishop of Oria;

founder, Oblates of Nazareth

born: 19 January 1903 in Martina Franca, Taranto (Italy)


competent forum: Oria

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Rev. Andrea Casarano

petitioner: Diocesi di Oria, Via Cattedrale, 9, 72024 Oria (BR), ITALY

                     Oblate di Nazareth, Via Giovanni XXIII, 46 70011 Alberobello (BA), ITALY 

website: oblatedinazareth.com



8) 04 June in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)



priest of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers);

archbishop of Ouagadougou;


born: 03 September 1917 in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)


competent forum: Ouagadougou

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:



petitioner: Archidiocèse de Ouagadougou, 01 B.P. 90, Ouagadougou 01, BURKINA FASO

website: catholique.bf



9) 06 June in Chiavenna, Sondrio (Italy) in odium fidei



professed religious, Daughters of the Cross

born:  20 August 1939 in Colico, Lecco (Italy)


competent forum: Como

CCS protocol number: 2680

type of cause: martyrdom



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 30 September 2005

opening of diocesan inquiry: 23 October 2005

closing of diocesan inquiry: 06 June 2006

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 11 January 2008

publication of Positio: 2017

particular congress of theological consultors: 06 February 2020

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 16 June 2020

promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 19 June 2020

beatification: 06 June 2021


postulator: Dr. Francesca Amedea Consolini

petitioner: Fondazione Suor Maria Laura, Via L. Perpenti,  10, 23022 Chiavenna (SO), ITALY

                      Figlie della Croce – Casa Provinciale, Via S. Giovanna Elisabetta, 25, 00189 Roma, ITALY

                      [see also 1834: André-Hubert Fournet]

website: www.figliedellacrocesantandrea.it/srmarialaura/index.html




10) 23 June in Prilog, Orașu Nou, Satu Mare (Romania)



professed religious, Basilians of Saint Josaphat 

born: 13 October 1924 in Prilog, Orașu Nou, Satu Mare (Romania)


competent forum: Alba-Iulia și Făgăraș

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”:

opening of eparchial inquiry: 14 September 2018

closing of eparchial inquiry: 14 December 2020

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Rev. Cristian Barta

petitioner: Arhieparhia de Făgăraș și Alba Iulia, Str. Petru Pavel Aron 2, 515400 Blaj (AB), ROMANIA

information: Ordinul Sfântul Vasile cel Mare, Str. Principală nr. 113,

                             Prilog, Com. Orașu Nou, 447222 Satu Mare (SM), ROMANIA




11) 11 October in Pamplona, Navarra (Spain)



layperson of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei; married

born: 03 November 1918 in Zumárraga, Guipúzcoa (Spain)


competent forum: Pamplona-Tudela

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 2013

opening of diocesan inquiry: 14 June 2013

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Mons. Flavio Capucci

petitioner:  [see 1985: Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri Fernández de Heredia]

website: www.opusdei.es



12) 08 November in Valencia (Spain)



bishop of Sigüenza-Guadalajara

born: 24 November 1915 in Agullent, Valencia (Spain)


competent forum: Valencia

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 11 April 2016

opening of diocesan inquiry: 17 September 2016

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 



petitioner: Diócesis de Sigüenza-Guadalajara, C/ Mártires Carmelitas, 2, 19001 Guadalajara, SPAIN

                      Archidiócesis de Valencia, C/ Palau, 2, 46003 Valencia, SPAIN 

website: www.siguenza-guadalajara.org



13) 22 November in Belgrano, Bahía Blanca (Argentina)



layperson of the archdiocese of Bahía Blanca; married

member, Focolare Movement

born: 02 June 1925 in Saldungaray, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


competent forum: Bahía Blanca

CCS protocol number: 2755

type of cause: heroic virtues


rescript of “nihil obstat”: 15 December 2007

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Dr. Carlo Fusco

petitioner: [see 1985: María Cecilia Perrin de Buide]

website: www.focolares.org.ar



14) 24 December in Locri, Reggio Calabria (Italy)



layperson of the diocese of Locri-Gerace; married

born: 07 October 1955 in Locri, Reggio Calabria (Italy)


competent forum: Locri-Gerace

CCS protocol number:

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of “nihil obstat”: 2013

opening of diocesan inquiry: 18 May 2013

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Rev. Pietro Romeo

petitioner: [see 1996: Francesco Bono;

                       1951: Giovanni Battista Chiappe]




15) 30 December in Clarkston, Michigan (United States)



professed priest, Jesuits

born: 18 June 1914 in Midland, Pennsylvania (United States)


competent forum: Saint Louis

CCS protocol number: 2775

type of cause: heroic virtues



rescript of transfer of competent forum: 31 May 2007 (from Detroit)

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 31 May 2007

opening of diocesan inquiry:

closing of diocesan inquiry:

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 


postulator: Rev. Kristian Teater

petitioner: Fr. John Hardon S.J. Archive and Guild, 4440 Maryland Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108, USA

                      Marian Catechist Apostolate, 1032 Caledonia St., La Crosse, WI 54603, USA

website: www.hardonsj.org




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Last modified: 12/18/24