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~ Beatifications after 1662 (3) ~

Pius X

[Bd.] Gaspare Del Bufalo


beat. 18 December 1904

can. 12 June 1954

Bd. Stefano Bellesini


beat. 27 December 1904

Bb. Agathange Noury from Vendôme and Cassien Vaz López-Netto from Nantes

(† 1638)

beat. 01 January 1905

[Bd.] Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney


beat. 08 January 1905

can. 31 May 1925

[Bb.] Marko Križevčanin

and 2 Companions

(† 1619)

beat. 15 January 1905

eq. can. 02 July 1995

Pius X

[Bd.] Julie Billiart


beat. 13 May 1906

can. 22 June 1969

[Bb.] Jerónimo Hermosilla Aransáez and 7 Companions

(† 1745-1861)

beat. 27 May 1906

can. 19 June 1988

[Bb.] Thérèse Lidoine of Saint Augustine and 15 Companions

(† 1794)

beat. 27 May 1906

eq. can.  18 December 2024

Bd. Bonaventura Gran Peris from Barcelona


beat. 10 June 1906

[Bd.] Marie-Madeleine Postel


beat. 17 May 1908

can. 24 May 1925

Pius X

[Bd.] Madeleine-Sophie Barat


beat. 24 May 1908

can. 24 May 1925

[Bd.] Gabriele Possenti of Our Lady of Sorrows


beat. 31 May 1908

can. 13 May 1920

[Bd.] Jeanne d’Arc


beat. 18 April 1909

can. 16 May 1920

[Bd.] Jean Eudes


beat. 25 April 1909

can. 31 May 1925

[Bd.] Francisco Fernández de Capillas
beat. 02 May 1909
can. 01 October 2000
Pius X
Benedict XV

[Bd.] Étienne-Théodore Cuenot and 34 Companions

(† 1815-61)

beat. 02 May 1909

can. 19 June 1988;

01 October 2000

Bd. Ana García Manzanas of Saint Bartholomew


beat. 06 May 1917

[Bd.] Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo


beat. 29 April 1917

can. 19 March 1934

[Bd.] Louise de Marillac


beat. 09 May 1920

can. 11 March 1934

[Bd.] Oliver Plunkett


beat. 23 May 1920

can. 12 October 1975

Benedict XV
Pius XI

Bd. Anna Maria Taigi


beat. 30 May 1920

[Bd.] Carolus Lwanga

and 21 Companions

(† 1885-86)

beat. 06 June 1920

can. 18 October 1964

Bb. Marie-Madeleine Fontaine and 3 Companions

(† 1794)

beat. 13 June 1920

Bd. Marie-Clotilde Paillot of Saint Francis Borgia and 10 Companions

(† 1794)

beat. 13 June 1920

[Bd.] Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus


beat. 29 April 1923

can. 17 May 1925

Pius XI

[Bd.] Michel Garicoïts


beat. 10 May 1923

can. 06 July 1947

[Bd.] Roberto Bellarmino


beat. 13 May 1923

can. 29 June 1930

[Bd.] Antonio Maria Gianelli


beat. 19 April 1925

can. 21 October 1951

[Bd.] Vincenzo Maria Strambi


beat. 26 April 1925

can. 11 June 1950

[Bd.] Giuseppe Cafasso


beat. 03 May 1925

can. 22 June 1947

Pius XI

Bb. Iphigénie Gaillard de Lavaldène and

31 Companions

(† 1794)

beat. 10 May 1925

[Bd.] Maria Micaela Desmaisières López de Dicastillo of the Blessed Sacrament


beat. 07 June 1925

can. 04 March 1934

[Bd.] Marie-Bernarde Soubirous


beat. 14 June 1925

can. 08 December 1933

[Bb.] Jean de Brébeuf

and 7 Companions

(† 1642-49)

beat. 21 June 1925

can. 29 June 1930

[Bb.] Laurent Imbert

and 78 Companions

(† 1839-46)

beat. 05 July 1925

can. 06 May 1984

Pius XI

[Bd.] Pierre-Julien Eymard


beat. 12 July 1925

can. 09 December 1962

[Bd.] André-Hubert Fournet


beat. 16 May 1926

can. 04 June 1933

[Bd.] Jeanne-Antide Thouret


beat. 23 May 1926

can. 14 January 1934

[Bd.] Bartolomea Capitanio


beat. 30 May 1926

can. 18 May 1950

Bb. Jacques Salès

and Guillaume Saultemouche

(† 1593)

beat. 06 June 1926

Pius XI

[Bd.] Lucia Filippini


beat. 13 June 1926

can. 22 June 1930

Bd. Ghébrē Michael


beat. 03 October 1926

Bd. Manuel Ruiz López

and 10 Companions

(† 1860)

beat. 10 October 1926

Bd. Jean-Marie du Lau d’Alleman and

190 Companions

(† 1792)

beat. 17 October 1926

Bd. Noël Pinot


beat. 31 October 1926

Pius XI

[Bd.] Giovanni Bosco


beat. 02 June 1929

can. 01 April 1934

[Bd.] Teresa Margherita  Redi of the Sacred Heart


beat. 09 June 1929

can. 19 March 1934

[Bd.] Claude La Colombière


beat. 16 June 1929

can. 31 May 1992

Bd. Gomidas  Keumurdjian


beat. 23 June 1929

[Bd.] Francesco Maria Croese from Camporosso


beat. 30 June 1929

can. 09 December 1962



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Last modified: 02/22/25