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Beatifications after 1662 (2)
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~ Beatifications after 1662 (1) ~

     The papal prerogative to declare the holiness of a departed member of the faithful is rooted in Pope Gregory IX’s Decretals (1234), which asserted that Rome alone had the exclusive right to canonize saints. However, significant changes in the canonization process began only after Pope Sixtus V created the Congregation of Rites in 1588, which was tasked, among others, to conduct processes of beatification and canonization.

     In 1634, through the decree Cælestis Hierusalem Cives, Pope Urban VIII forbade the existence of any public cultus for a purported saint unless his/her martyrdom or heroic virtues had been formally recognized by the Congregation of Rites. Likewise, the cultus of anyone regarded as a saint may not be licit unless a process per viam cultus proves that he/she had been the object of an immemorial public veneration at least one hundred years before the publication of the decree.

     In 1969, Paul VI divided the Congregation of Rites into two separate offices, one of which, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (CCS), was given complete and sole jurisdiction over all beatification and canonization proceedings from then onward. 

     Below are models of holiness who were formally beatified or canonized under the auspices of the CCS since its establishment.

Alexander VII
Clement IX
Clement X

[Bd.] François de Sales
beat. 08 January 1662
can. 19 April 1665

[Bd.] Pedro de Arbués


c.c. 23 March 1652

beat. 20 April 1664

can. 29 June 1867

[Bd.] Isabel Flores de Oliva

[Rosa from Lima]


beat. 15 Apr. 1668

can. 12 April 1671

[Bd.] Pius V

[Antonio Ghislieri]


beat. 01 May 1672

can. 22 May 1712

[Bd.] Juan de Yepes Álvarez of the Cross


beat. 21 April 1675

can. 27 December 1726

Clement X
Innocent XI
Clement XI
Benedict XIII

[Bd.] Francisco Solano Jiménez


beat. 20 June 1675

can. 27 December 1726

[Bb.] Nicolaas Pieck and 18 Companions

(† 1572)

c.c. 13 July 1649

beat. 24 November 1675

can. 29 June 1867

[Bd.] Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo Robledo


beat. 02 July 1679

can. 10 December 1726

[Bd.] Jean-François Règis


beat. 24 May 1716

can. 16 June 1737

[Bd.] Giacinta Marescotti


beat. 01 September 1726

can. 24 May 1807

Benedict XIII

Bd. Juan de Prado Díez


beat. 24 May 1728

[Bd.] Fidelis Roy from Sigmaringen


beat. 24 March 1729

can. 29 June 1746

[Bd.] Serafino Pampiani from Montegranaro


beat. 18 July 1729

can. 16 July 1767

[Bd.] Vincent de Paul


beat. 21 August 1729

can. 16 June 1737

[Bd.] Pierre Fourier


beat. 29 January 1730

can. 27 May 1897

Clement XII
Benedict XIV

[Bd.] Caterina de’ Ricci


beat. 23 November 1732

can. 29 June 1746

[Bd.] Giuseppe Desideri from Leonessa


beat. 22 June 1737

can. 29 June 1746

[Bd.] Alessandro Maria Sauli


beat. 23 April 1741

can. 11 December 1904

[Bd.] Camillo de Lellis


beat. 07 April 1742

can. 29 June 1746

[Bd.] Girolamo Emiliani [Miani]


beat. 29 September 1747

can. 16 July 1767

Benedict XIV
Clement XIII

[Bd.] José Calasanz Gastón


beat. 18 August 1748

can. 16 July 1767

[Bd.] Jeanne-Françoise Frémyot de Chantal


beat. 21 November 1751

can. 16 July 1767

[Bd.] Giuseppe Desa

from Copertino


beat. 24 February 1753

can. 16 July 1767

[Bd.] Gregorio Barbarigo


beat. 20 September 1761

eq. can. 26 May 1960

[Bd]. Simón de Rojas


beat. 19 May 1766

can. 03 July 1988

Clement XIII
Clement XIV
Pius VI

[Bd.] Leonardo Casanova from Porto Maurizio


beat. 19 June 1767

can. 29 June 1867

[Bd.] Bernardo Latini from Corleone


beat. 15 May 1768

can. 10 June 2001

[Bd.] Francesco Caracciolo


beat. 10 September 1769

can. 24 May 1807

Bd. Paolo Burali


beat. 08 June 1772

Bd. Bonaventura Lavanga from Potenza


beat. 26 November 1775

Pius VI

[Bd.] Miguel Argemir

Mijá of the Saints


beat. 02 May 1779

can. 08 June 1862

Bd. Mariana Navarro de Guevara Romero of Jesus


beat. 25 May 1783

[Bd.] Lorenzo Russo

from Brindisi


beat. 01 June 1783

can. 08 December 1881

Bd. Giovanna Maria Bonomo


beat. 09 June 1783

Bd. Nicolás Factor Estaña


beat. 27 August 1786

Pius VI

Bd. Gaspar de Bono Manzon


beat. 10 September 1786

[Bd.] Pacifico Divini from San Severino


beat. 13 August 1786

can. 26 May 1839

[Bd.] Tommaso Placidi from Cori


beat. 03 September 1786

can. 21 November 1999

[Bd.] Nicola Saggio

from Longobardi


beat. 17 September 1786

can. 23 November 2014

Bd. Sebastián de Aparicio Prado


beat. 17 May 1789

Pius VI

[Bd.] Giovan Giuseppe Calosinto of the Cross


beat. 24 May 1789

can. 26 May 1839

Bd. Andrés Hibernón Real


beat. 22 May 1791

Bd. Barbe Acarie

[Marie of the Incarnation]


beat. 05 June 1791

[Bd.] Caterina Tomàs  Gallard


beat. 12 August 1792

can. 22 June 1930

Bd. Bernardo Perani

from Offida


beat. 25 May 1795



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Last modified: 02/22/25