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~ “Beatifications” before 1662 ~

     The following list combines the research from Giuseppe Löw in his article “Canonizzazione” [Enciclopedia Cattolica (Vatican City: 1949-54)] and Pierre Delooz in his book Sociologie et Canonisation (Liège: Faculté de droit, 1969) concerning papal canonizations until the establishment from the Congregation from Rites (as the Congregation for Causes from Saints was known until 1969)  in 1588.

Boniface IX
Eugene IV
Callixtus III
Sixtus IV

[Bd.] Nicola de Guarutti

from Tolentino

(c. 1246-1305)

beat. 01 March 1400

can. 01 February 1447

[Bd.] Andrea Corsini


beat. 21 April 1440

can. 22 April 1629

Bd. Ambrogio Sansedoni

(c. 1220-86)

beat. 14 September 1443

St. Alberto degli Abati

from Trapani

(c. 1240-1307)

beat. 15 October 1457

Ss. Berardo de’ Leopardi

from Calvi and 4 Companions [*]

(† 1120)

beat. 07 August 1481

* The others being Pietro de’ Bonanti from Sangemini, Ottone de’ Petricchi from Stroncone, Accursio Vacuzio from Aguzzo and Adiuto from Narni.
Sixtus IV
Innocent VIII
Julius II
Leo X

Bd. Katarina Ulfsdotter from Vadstena

(c. 1332-81)

beat. 16 August 1482

Bd. Giovanni Bono


beat. 1483

[Bd.] Albertus “Magnus”

(c. 1200-80)

beat. 1484

eq. can. 16 December 1931

Bd. Notker

Balbulus  from Sankt Gallen

(c. 840-912)

beat. 1512

[Bd.] Francesco Martolilla from Paola


beat. 7 July 1513

can. 01 May 1519

Leo X

Bd. Lucia from


(? -1400)

beat. 4 June 1514

[Bd.] Giovanni from Capestrano


beat. 31 December 1514

can. 16 Oct. 1690

Bd. Osanna Andreasi

from Mantova


beat. 20 January 1515

Bd. Corrado Confalonieri from Piacenza

(c. 1290-1351)

beat. 12 July 1515

[Bd.] Margherita Di Bartolomeo from Cortona


beat. 1515

can. 16 May 1728

Leo X

Ss. Daniele Fasanella

from Belvedere

and 6 Companions

(† 1227) [**]

beat. 22 January 1516

[Bd.] Filippo Benizi


beat. 24 January 1516

can. 12 April 1671

[Bd.] Isabel de Aragão

from Portugal


beat. 15 April 1516

can. 24 June 1626

Bd.  Veronica Negroni from



beat. 15 December 1517

Bd.  Jean de Châtillon

[Jean of the Grating]


beat. 1517

** The others being Angelo from Castrovillari, Samuele from Castrovillari, Donnolo from Montalcino, Leone from Corigliano, Nicola from Sassoferrato and Ugolino from Cerisano.
Leo X
Clement VII

Bd. Isabelle from France
(c. 1225-70)

beat. 03 January 1521

[Bd.] Caterina dei Vigri from Bologna


beat. 16 February 1524

can. 22 May 1712

[Bd.] Lorenzo Giustiniani


beat. 19 July 1524

can. 16 October 1690

Bd. Giacomo Salomoni from Venice


beat. 25 June 1526

c.m.o. 22 September 1621

[Bd.] Jacek Odrowąź


beat. 11 February 1527

can. 17 April 1594

Clement VII

Bd. Pierre de



beat. 09 April 1527

Bd. Louis d’Alleman


beat. 09 April 1527

[Bd.] Agnese Segni from Montepulciano

(c. 1268-1317)

beat. 1532

can. 10 December 1726

Bd. Verdiana degli Attavanti from Castelfiorentino

beat. 20 September 1533
Paul III
Pius IV
Pius V

  Bd. Guglielmo Cuffitelli
from Noto
(c. 1300-1404)

beat. 09 April 1537

[Bd.] Raimundo de Peñafort

(c. 1175-1275)
beat. 03 June 1542

can. 29 April 1601

Bd. Gonçalo de Amarante
(c. 1187-1259)

beat. 16 September 1561
Bd. Margherita di Savoia
beat. 28 February 1566

Bd. Yves from Chartres

(c. 1040-1116)

beat. 18 December 1570

Gregory XIII

Bd. Guálter from Guimarães

(? -1259)

beat. 17 December 1577

Bd. Guido Pagnotelli

from Cortona


beat. 1583

Clement VIII
Paul V

[Bd.] Juan González Martínez from Sahagún

(c. 1430-79)

beat. 19 June 1601

can. 16 October 1690

[Bd.] Colette Boylet


beat. 1604

can. 24 May 1807

[Bd.] Stanisław Kostka (1550-68)

beat. 14 August 1605

can. 31 December 1726

[Bd.] Luigi Gonzaga


beat. 19 October 1605

can. 31 December 1726

[Bd.] Salvador Grionesos [Pladevall  Bien]

from Horta


beat. 05 February 1606

can. 17 April 1938

Paul V

[Bd.] Luis Bertrán Eixarch


beat. 19 July 1608

can. 12 April 1671

[Bd.] Iñigo de Loyola

[Iñigo López de Loyola]


beat. 27 July 1609

can. 12 March 1622

[Bd.] Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda Ahumada  of Jesus
[Teresa from Ávila]

beat. 24 April 1614
can. 12 March 1622
[Bd.] Filippo Neri

beat. 11 May 1615
 can. 12 March 1622

[Bd.] Tomás García Martínez from Villanueva


beat. 07 October 1618

can. 01 November 1658

Paul V
Gregory XV

[Bd.] Pascual Baylón Yubero


beat. 29 October 1618

can. 16 October 1690

[Bd.] Isidro “the Farmer”

(c. 1080- c. 1130)

beat. 02 May 1619

can. 12 March 1622

[Bd.] Francisco Javier

[Francisco de Jaso Azpilcueta]


beat. 25 October 1619

can. 12 March 1622

[Bd.] Pedro de Garavito Villela de Sanabria from Alcántara
beat. 18 April 1622
can. 28 April 1669

[Bd.] Giacomo Gangale

from the Marches

(c. 1394-1476)

beat. 12 August 1624

can. 10 December 1726

Urban VIII

[Bd.] Chiara of the Cross from Montefalco


beat. 14 August 1624

can. 08 December 1881

[Bd.] Francisco de Borja Aragón


beat. 23 November 1624

can. 12 April 1671

[Bd.] Andrea Avellino (1521-1608)

beat. 10 June 1625

can. 16 October 1690

[Bd.] Felice Porri
from Cantalice

beat. 01 October 1625
can. 22 May 1712
[Bd.] Maria Maddalena
de’ Pazzi

beat. 08 May 1626
can. 28 April 1669
Urban VIII
[Bb.] Pedro Bautista Blásquez, Paulus Miki,
and 24 Companions

(† 1597)
beat. 14 September 1627
can. 09 June 1862

[Bd.] Rita Lotti

from Cascia

(c. 1381-1457)

beat. 01 October 1627

can. 24 May 1900

[Bd.] Gaetano Thiene

beat. 08 October 1629
can. 12 April 1671
[Bd.] Juan Ciudad
[Juan of God]

beat. 21 September 1630
can. 16 October 1690
[Bd.] Yosafat Kuntsevich
[Йосафат Кунцэвіч]
(c. 1580-1623)
beat. 16 May 1643
can. 29 June 1867



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Last modified: 02/23/25