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~ Modern Martyrs of Korea ~

(† 1901-74)

Hong Yong-ho FrancisCUS BORGIA AND 80 COmpanions

from the Clergy, CONSECRATED PERSONS, and Lay Faithful

of the Dioceses of Pyongyang, SEOUL AND OTHERS



1.       sin jae-sun Augustinus

           [신재순 아우구스티노]

           young layperson of the diocese of Jeju

           born: 07 February 1884 in Jeonju, Jeollabuk (South Korea)

           died: 28 May 1901 in Jeju (South Korea)






           [강창희 야고보]

           layperson of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: September 1912 in Pyongwon-gun, Phyŏngannam (North Korea)

           died: late October 1945 in Pyongyang (North Korea)






           [김운삼 요셉]  

           young layperson of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 29 June 1934 in Yonggang, Phyŏngannam (North Korea)

           died: December 1949 in Pyongyang (North Korea)






           [송은철 파트리치오]

           young layperson of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 18 May 1933 in Pyongyang (North Korea)

           died: late December 1949 to early January 1950 in Pyongyang

                     (North Korea)





           [백응만 다마소]

           priest of the diocese of Chunchon

           born: 26 September 1906 in Incheon (South Korea)

           died: 05 January 1950 in Pyongyang (North Korea)





6.       Yun Ui-byeong Paulus

           [윤의병 바오로]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 27 September 1889 in Seoun-myeon,

                            Anseong, Gyeonggi (South Korea)

           disappeared: 24 June 1950 in Unnyul, Hwanghaenam (North Korea)





           [앤서니 콜리어]

           priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban

           born: 20 June 1913 in Clogherhead, Louth (Ireland)

           died: 27 June 1950 in Chuncheon , Gangwon (South Korea)





8.       I Hyeon-jong IACOBUS

           [이현종 야고보 신부]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 07 September 1922 in Yongin, Gyeonggi (South Korea)


           [서봉구 마리노]

           young layperson of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 03 July 1926 in Hoengseong, Gangwon (South Korea)

           died: 03 July 1950 in Seoul (South Korea)




           [제임스 매긴]

           priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban

           born: 15 November 1911 in Butte, Montana (United States)

           died: 04 July 1950 in Samcheok, Gangwon (South Korea)





11.     I Yeo-gu MATTHIAS

           [이여구 마티아]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 06 February 1897 in Gunpo, Gyeonggi (South Korea)

           disappeared: 17 July 1950 in Anak, Hwanghaenam (North Korea)





12.     Choe Jong-su Ioannes

           [최종수 요한]

           layperson of the diocese of Daejeon

           born: 1881 in Yakhyeon, Seoul (South Korea)

           died: 20 July 1950 in Gongju, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)






           [패트릭 라일리]

           priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban

           born: 21 October 1915 in Drumraney, Westmeath (Ireland)

           died: 29 August 1950 in Gangneung, Gangwon (South Korea)





14.     Baeng nag-seon IOANNES APOSTOLus

           [백낙선 요한 사도]

           layperson of the diocese of Daejeon

           born: 28 July 1896 in Seosan, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)

           died: 12 September 1950 in Seosan, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)





15.     Gim Jeong-hi Andreas

           [김정희 안드레아]  

           layperson of the archdiocese of Seoul; married

           born: 10 February 1895 in Seoul (South Korea)

          disappeared: 16 September 1950 in Seoul (South Korea)





16.     Gim Han-su Laurentius

           [김한수 라우렌시오]  

           layperson of the archdiocese of Seoul; married

           born: 07 December 1886 in Sinheungri, Gongju,

                            Chungcheongnam (South Korea)

17.     Jo Jong-gug Marcus

           [조종국 마르코]  

           layperson of the archdiocese of Seoul; married

           born: 30 April 1897 in Seoul (South Korea)

18.     Song Gyeong-seob Lucas

           [송경섭 루카]  

           layperson of the archdiocese of Seoul; married

           born: 29 August 1916 in Jeju (South Korea)

           disappeared: 16 September 1950 in Seoul (South Korea)




19.     I Jae-hyeon Iosephus

           [이재현 요셉]  

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 26 July 1909 in Ichon, Kangwon (North Korea)

20.     jeong jin-gu Matthias

           [정진구 마티아]   

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 16 February 1920 in Mapo, Seoul (South Korea)

21.     baeg nam-chang AGAPITUS

           [백남창 아가피토] 

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 02 November 1920 in Seosan, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)

           disappeared: 17 September 1950 in Seoul (South Korea)





22.     Jeong Nam-gyu Ioannes Baptista

           [정남규 요한 세례자] 

           layperson of the archdiocese of Seoul; married

           born: 15 June 1886 in Seoul (South Korea)

           disappeared: 17 September 1950 in Seoul (South Korea)






           [패트릭 브레넌]

           priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban;

           apostolic prefect of Gwangju

           born: 13 March 1901 in Chicago, Illinois (United States)

24.     JeAN-MARIE-Désiré POLLY

           [데지레 폴리]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 27 October 1884 in Vernosc, Ardèche (France)

25.     Philippe-François PERRIN

           [필립 페랭]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 17 June 1885 in Rigny-sur-Arroux, Saône-et-Loire (France)

26.     Joseph-Emile Molimard

           [조제프 몰리마르]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 22 March 1897 in Vauvert, Gard (France)

27.     Robert Richard

           [조제프 몰리마르]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 31 October 1900 in Paris (France)

28.     JeAn-Antoine Colin

           [장 콜랭]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 25 December 1903 in Bayeux, Cavaldos (France)

29.     Marius Cordese

           [마리우스 코르데스]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 05 September 1909 in Paris (France)

30.     Pierre-Carlos Leleu

           [피에르 를뢰]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 03 November 1909 in Orchies, Nord (France)


           [토머스 쿠삭]

           priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban

           born: 23 October 1910 in Ballycotton, Liscannor, Clare (Ireland)

32.     John O’Brien

           [존 오브라이언]

           priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban

           born: 01 December 1918 in Donamon, Roscommon (Ireland)

33.     Gang Man-su IOSEPHUS

           [강만수 요셉]

           priest of the diocese of Daejeon

           born: 18 February 1924 Gongseri, Asan, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)

           died: 24 September 1950 in Daejeon (South Korea)





           [강영걸 바오로]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 24 June 1904 in Pyongyang (North Korea)

           died: 23 September 1950 in Pyongyang (North Korea)





35.     Jeon Gi-su Gregorius

           [전기수 그레고리오]

           young layperson of the archdiocese of Gwangju;


           born: 29 December 1922 in Naju, Jeollabuk (South Korea)

36.     Go Gwang-gyu PETRUS

           [고광규 베드로]

           young layperson of the archdiocese of Gwangju;


           born: 10 July 1925 in Mokpo, Jeollanam (South Korea)

           died: 26 September 1950 in Jeonju, Jeollabuk (South Korea)



37.     Yun gaB-su simon

           [윤갑수 시몬]

           layperson of the diocese of Daejeon

           born: 10 December 1896 in Kaepung, Hwanghaebuk (North Korea)

           died: 27 September 1950 in Yesan, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)





38.     yun boG-su Raimundus

           [윤복수 라이문도] 

           layperson of the diocese of Daejeon

           born: 09 September 1897 in Kaesong, Hwanghaebuk (North Korea)

39.     Bag yeong-og Andreas

           [박영옥 안드레아]

           layperson of the diocese of Daejeon; married

           born: 29 December 1914 in Dangjin, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)

40.     Song Sang-won Ioannes

           [송상원 요한] 

           layperson of the diocese of Daejeon

           born: 19 April 1924 in Nonsan, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)

           died: 28-29 September 1950 in Dangjin,

                            Chungcheongnam (South Korea)




41.     I Sun-seong Andreas

           [이순성 안드레아]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 28 November 1895 in Ichon, Kangwon (North Korea)

           died: ca. October 1950 in Chŏngbong, Hwanghaebuk (North Korea)





42.     Jang Jeong-eon Maria (Maria Agneta)

           [장정온 마리아 (마리아 악니다)]

           professed religious, Maryknoll Sisters of Saint Dominic

           born: 26 September 1906 in Incheon (South Korea)

           died: ca. 04 October 1950 in Pyongyang (North Korea)





43.     Yang DeoG-Hwan Andreas

           [양덕환 안드레아]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 31 October 1895  in Yesan, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)

           disappeared: 05 October 1950 in Teokchaeryeong,

                            Hamgyŏngnam  (North Korea)




44.     Yu Jae-og FRANCISCUS [유재옥 프란치스코]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 09 February 1898 in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi (South Korea)

           died: 05 October 1950 in Haeju, Hwanghaenam (North Korea)






45.     Seo Gi-chang Franciscus

           [서기창 프란치스코]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 29 January 1900 in Seoul (South Korea)

           died: 06-15 October 1950 in Songhwa, Hwanghaenam (North Korea)





46.     Seo Weon-Seog Angela (Joseph)

           [서원석 안젤라 (요셉)]

           professed religious, Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

           born: 27 April 1914 in Uiju, Phyŏnganbuk (North Korea)


           [서정요 프란치스코]

           layperson of the diocese of Pyongyang; married

           born: 08 January 1890 in Hoengseong, Gangwon (South Korea)


           [서경석 마르코]

           young layperson of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 25 April 1928 in Pyongyang (North Korea)

           died: 08 October 1950 in Pyongyang (North Korea)






           [이광재 티모테오]

           priest of the diocese of Chunchon

           born: 26 September 1906 in Incheon (South Korea)

           died: 09 October 1950 in Pyongyang (North Korea)






           [송해붕 세례자 요한]

           young layperson of the diocese of Incheon; catechist

           born:  04 February 1926 in Danam, Gyeyang, Bucheon, Gyeonggi

                       (South Korea)

           died: 11 October 1950 in Gochon, Gyeonggi (North Korea)




51.     Jeon Deog-pyo ANDREAS

           [전덕표 안드레아]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 03 October 1921 in Ŭnnyul, Hwanghaenam (North Korea)

           died: 12 October 1950 in Sariwon, Hwanghaebuk (North Korea)





52.     Gim Jeong-ja AGATHA (Angela)

           [김정자 안젤라]

           professed religious, Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres

           born: 16 February 1888 in Seoul (South Korea)

           died: 15 October 1950 in Maehwa-dong, Hwanghaenam (North Korea)





53.     Gim Jeong-sug Marianna

           [김정숙 마리안나]

           professed religious, Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres

           born: 18 October 1903 in Paju, Gyeonggi (South Korea)

           died: 17 October 1950 in Maehwa-dong, Hwanghaenam (North Korea)





54.     Hong Yong-ho FrancisCUS BORGIA

           [홍용호 프란치스코 보르지아]

           titular bishop of Auzia;

           apostolic vicar of Pyongyang

           born: 12 October 1906 in Pyongyang (North Korea)

55.     Seo Un-seoG BONIFATIUS

           [서운석 보니파시오]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 14 May 1922 in Uiju, Phyŏnganbuk (North Korea)


           [박용옥 티모테오]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 08 October 1913 in Gongdeok, Pyeongwon,

                           Phyŏngannam (North Korea)


           [이재호 알렉시오]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: April 1919 in Munsan, Seocheon, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)


           [홍건환 갈리스토]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 15 September 1913 in Uiju, Phyŏnganbuk (North Korea)


           [홍도근 요한 세례자]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: April 1915 in Uiju, Phyŏnganbuk (North Korea)


           [장두봉 안드레아]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 1917 in Jiangxi (China)


           [김필현 루도비코]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 08 March 1909 in Pyongyang (North Korea)

62.     Choe Hang-jun MATTHIAS

           [최항준 마티아]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 20 September 1920 in Seonchon, Unjon,

                      Phyŏnganbuk (North Korea)

63.     Seog won-seoB MARCUS

           [석원섭 마르코]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 1919 in Seonchon, Unjon, Phyŏnganbuk (North Korea)


           [이규식 베드로]

           young layperson of the diocese of Pyongyang;


           born: 09 October 1923 in Gangdong, Phyŏngannam (North Korea)


           [최삼준 프란치스코]

           layperson of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 1907 in Namsan-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu (South Korea)


           [강유선 요셉]

           layperson of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 08 March 1909 in Jiangxi (China)

           died: 18 October 1950 in Pyongyang (North Korea)




           [조문국 바오로] 

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: May 1921 in Pyongyang (North Korea)

           died: ca. 18 October 1950 in Nampo, Phyŏngannam (North Korea)






           [이경호 안셀모]

           priest of the diocese of Pyongyang

           born: 1918 in Jiangxi (China)

           died: ca. 23 October 1950 in Anju, Phyŏngannam (North Korea)





69.     Gim Gyo-myeong BENEDICTUS

           [김교명 베네딕토]

           priest of the diocese of Chuncheon

           born15 July 1912 in Hyeonbuk-myeon,

                            Yangyang, Gangwon (South Korea)

           died: late October 1950 in Uiju, Phyŏnganbuk (North Korea)




70.     Yu Yeong-geun IOANNES Baptista

           [유영근 세례자 요한]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 20 January 1907 in Asan, Chungcheongnam (South Korea)

           died: late October to early November 1950 in Yongyeon,

                      Jeju (South Korea)




71.     Anne-Marie-Joséphine Odouard

           (Béatrix de Marie)


           professed religious, Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres

           born: 04 February 1874 in Saint-Sauveur-en-Rue, Loire (France)

           died: 03 November 1950 near Manp’o, Chagang (North Korea)




72.     Marie-Pierre PAUL VILLEMOT

           [폴 비예모]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 28 June 1869 in Langres, Haute-Marne (France)

           died: 11 November 1950 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)






           [앙투안 공베르]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 25 April 1875 in Camboulazet, Aveyron (France)

           died: 12 November 1950 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)






           [쥘리앵 공베르]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 07 September 1877 in Camboulazet, Aveyron (France)

           died: 13 November 1950 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)





75.     Godelieve Devriese

           (Marie-Mechtilde OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT)

           [마리 메히틸드]

           professed religious, Discalced Carmelite Nuns

           born: 12 February 1889 in Ieper (Belgium)

           died: 18 November 1950 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)




76.     Patrick James Byrne

           [패트릭 번]

           priest of the Maryknoll Missionary Society;

           titular bishop of Gazera;            

           apostolic delegate to Korea

           born: 26 October 1888 in Washington D.C. (United States)

           died: 25 November 1950 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)



77.     Irène Bastin

           (Marie-thérèse OF THE CHILD JESUS)


           professed religious, Discalced Carmelite Nuns

           born: 05 July 1900 in Virton, Luxembourg (Belgium)

           died: 30 November 1950 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)




78.     Francis Canavan

           [프랜시스 캐너밴]

           priest of the Missionary Society of Saint Columban

           born: 15 February 1915 in Headford, Galway (Ireland)

           died: 06 December 1950 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)





79.     Joseph-François CADARS

           [조제프 카다르]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 27 September 1878 in Lédas-et-Penthiès, Tarn (France)

           died: 18 December 1950 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)





80.     JOSEPH-Constant Bulteau

           [조제프 뷜토]

           priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society

           born: 15 November 1901 in Les Brouzils, Luçon (France)

           died: 06 January 1951 in Chunggang, Chagang (North Korea)





81.     gim seon-yeong IOSEPHUS

           [김선영 요셉]

           priest of the archdiocese of Seoul

           born: 15 August 1898 in Gwangju, Gyeonggi (South Korea)

           died: 12 December 1974 in Heilongjiang (China)





competent forum: Seoul

CCS protocol number: 3117

type of cause: martyrdom  

rescript of transfer of competent forum: 26 April 2013 (from various dioceses)

rescript of “nihil obstat”: 03 July 2015

opening of diocesan inquiry: 22 February 2017

closing of diocesan inquiry: 07 June 2022

decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 14 December 2023

publication of Positio:

particular congress of theological consultors:

session of cardinal and bishop members of the CCS

postulator: Rev. Jeong Yeon-jeong Timothy

petitioner: [see Martyrs of Korea (I): Kim Tae-gŏn Andreas, Chŏng Ha-sang Paulus,

                           and 101 Companions]

website: cbck.or.kr/koreanmartyrs



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Last modified: 02/24/25