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~ News 2006 ~

Twenty Decrees Promulgated

VATICAN CITY - Today, 16 December 2006, Pope Benedict XVI received Card. José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, in a private audience. During that audience, the Holy Father authorized the Congregation to promulgate the following decrees regarding:


S. of Lipnica

A. Galvão de França J.A. Houben

A.E. Milleret de Brou

C. Liviero

S. Papczyński

C. Chludzinska

J.G. Castang

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of Blessed SZYMON OF LIPNICA, professed priest of the Order of Friars Minors (Observants); born around 1439 in Lipnica Murowana, Małopolskie (Poland), and died on 18 July 1482 in Kraków, Małopolskie (Poland); cult confirmed on 24 February 1685;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of Blessed ANTÔNIO GALVÃO DE FRANÇA (in religion: ANTÔNIO OF SAINT ANNE), professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor (Discalced); born in 1739 in Guaratingetá, São Paulo (Brazil), and died on 23 December 1822 in São Paulo (Brazil); beatified on 25 October 1998;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of Blessed JOANNES ANDREAS HOUBEN (in religion: CHARLES OF SAINT ANDREW), professed priest of the Congregation of the Passion; born on 11 December 1821 in Munstergeleen, Limburg (Netherlands), and died on 05 January 1893 in Dublin (Ireland); beatified on 16 October 1988;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of Blessed ANNE-EUGÉNIE MILLERET DE BROU (in religion: MARIE-EUGÉNIE OF JESUS), founder of the Institute of the Religious of the Assumption; born on 26 August 1817 in Metz, Moselle (France), and died on 10 March 1898 in Auteuil, Hauts-de-Seine (France); beatified on 09 February 1975;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God CARLO LIVIERO, bishop of Città di Castello and founder of the Congregation of the Little Handmaids of the Sacred Heart; born on 29 May 1866 in Vicenza (Italy), and died on 07 July in Fano, Pesaro-Urbino (Italy); declared venerable on 01 July 2000;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God JAN PAPCZYŃSKI (in religion: STANISŁAW OF JESUS AND MARY), professed priest and founder of the Marian Clerics of the Immaculate Conception; born on 18 May 1631 in Podegrodzie, Małopolskie (Poland), and died on 17 September 1701 in Góra Kalwaria, Mazowieckie (Poland); declared venerable on 13 June 1992;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God CELINA CHLUDZIŃSKA BORZĘCKA, widow and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection; born on 29 October 1833 in Antavilis (a.k.a. Antowil), Vilniaus rajonas (then in Poland, now in Lithuania), and died on 26 October 1913 in Kraków, Małoploskie (Poland); declared venerable on 11 February 1982;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God JEANNE-GERMAINE CASTANG (in religion: MARIE-CÉLINE OF THE PRESENTATION), professed religious of the Order of Poor Clares; born on 24 May 1878 in Nojals, Dordogne (France), and died 30 May 1897 in Bordeaux, Gironde (France) ; declared venerable on 22 January 1957;

M. Gómez González

A. Daronch A. Berkenbrock E. Barredo Fernández

M. Alonso Fuente

T. Lacunza Unzu

E. Izquierdo Palacios

E. Anuncibay Letona M.C. Fradera M.R. Fradera

M.M. Fradera

L. Justo

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God MANUEL GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ, priest of the diocese of Feredico Westphalen; born on 29 May 1877 in San José de Ribarteme, Pontevedra (Spain); and ADÍLIO DARONCH, child of the diocese of Feredico Westphalen; born on 25 October 1908 in Dona Francisca, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil); both killed in odium fidei on 21 May 1924 in Feijão Miúdo, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil);

- the martyrdom of the Servant of God ALBERTINA BERKENBROCK, child of the diocese of Tubarão; born on 11 April 1919 in São Luís, Imaruí, Santa Catarina (Brazil), and killed there in odium fidei  on 15 June 1931;

- the martyrdom of the Servant of God EUFRASIO BARREDO FERNÁNDEZ (in religion, EUFRASIO OF THE CHILD JESUS), professed priest of the Order of Discalced Carmelites; born on 08 February 1897 at Cancienes, Asturias (Spain), and killed in odium fidei on 12 October 1934 at Oviedo, Asturias (Spain);

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God MARIANO ALONSO FUENTE (in religion, LAURENTINO), born on 21 November 1881 in Castrecías, Burgos (Spain), and killed in odium fidei on 08 October 1936 in Montcada, Barcelona (Spain), TRIFÓN LACUNZA UNZU (in religion, VIRGILIO), born on 03 July 1891 in Ciriza, Pamplona (Spain), and killed in odium fidei on 08 October 1936 in Les Corts, Barcelona (Spain), and 44 COMPANIONS from the Institute of the Marist Brothers  of the schools, killed during the religious persecution in the Spanish Civil War in 1936;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God ENRIQUE IZQUIERDO PALACIOS, born on 17 February 1890 in Oviedo, Asturias (Spain), and killed in odium fidei on 23 December 1936 in Santander, Cantabria (Spain), and 13 COMPANIONS from the Order of the Friars Preachers (Dominicans), killed during the religious persecution in the Spanish Civil War in 1936;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God ESTEBAN ANUNCIBAY LETONA (in religion, OVIDIO BERTRÁN), born on 26 December 1892 in Mijancas, Vitoria (Spain),  and killed in odium fidei on 18 November 1936 in Lorca, Cartagena (Spain), and 5 COMPANIONS from the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle) and the diocesan clergy of Cartagena, killed during the religious persecution in the Spanish Civil War in 1936;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God MARIA CARME FRADERA FERRAGUTCASAS, born on 25 October 1895 in Riudarenas, Girona (Spain); MARIA ROSA FRADERA FERRAGUTCASAS, born on 20 November 1900 in Riudarenas, Girona (Spain); and MARIA MAGDALENA FRADERA FERRAGUTCASAS, born on 12 December 1902 in Riudarenas, Girona (Spain); professed religious of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; killed in odium fidei on 27 September 1936 in Lloret de Mar, Girona (Spain);

- the martyrdom of the Servant of God LINDALVA JUSTO DE OLIVEIRA, professed religious of the Society of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul; born on 20 October 1953 in Sitio Malhada da Areia, Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), and killed in odium fidei on 09 April 1993 in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil);

M. Esquiú

S. Micalizzi J. Olallo Valdés Kaszap I.

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God MAMERTO ESQUIÚ, professed priest, Order of Friars Minor, and bishop of Córdoba in Argentina; born on 11 May 1826 in Piedra Blanca, Catamarca (Argentina), and died on 10 January 1883 in El Suncho, Córdoba (Argentina);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God SALVATORE MICALIZZI, professed priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians);
born on 05 November 1856 in Naples (Italy), and died there on 14 October 1937;

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God JOSÉ OLALLO VALDÉS, professed religious of the Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John of God; born on 12 February 1820 in Havana (Cuba), and died on 07 March 1889 in Camagüey (Cuba);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God KASZAP ISTVÁN, seminarian of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits); born on 25 March 1916 in Székesfehérvár, Fejér (Hungary), and died there on 17 December 1935.

Posted by:

Charles G. Braganza 



Margherita Occhiena Declared “Venerable”

VATICAN CITY -  Today, 15 November 2006, in the chapel of the community of the Salesians of Don Bosco in the Vatican, Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, read the decree which recognizes the heroicity of the life and the virtues of Margherita Occhiena (1788-1856), mother of St. John Bosco.

   The Congregation for the Causes of Saints, at the invitation of Pope Benedict XVI, had promulgated the decree on 23 October.

   The declaration coincides with the 150th anniversary of Occhiena’s death which is being commemorated by members of the Salesian Family throughout the world. At the end of the short ceremony the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco,  Fr Pascual Chávez, said: “This is a memorable day for the Salesian Family which sees Mamma Margherita take a further step towards the altars. It is an event the whole Salesian world has been waiting for and for which it has been preparing with many initiatives in honor of the mother of Don Bosco.”

Posted by:

Charles G. Braganza 



Canonization Announced

VATICAN CITY - At 11 a.m. this morning, in the Consistory Hall of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, Pope Benedict XVI held an ordinary public consistory during the celebration of midday prayers for the canonization of Blesseds:


  •  FILIPPO SMALDONE, priest, founder of the Institute of the Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Hearts;

  •  ROSA VENERINI, founder of the Congregation of the Religious Venerini Sisters;

  •  THÉODORE GUÉRIN (ANNE-THÉRÈSE),  founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods.

The canonization ceremony will take place on Sunday, 15 October 2006.

Posted by:

Charles G. Braganza 



Nineteen Decrees Promulgated

VATICAN CITY - Today, 26 June 2006, Pope Benedict XVI received Card. José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, in a private audience. During that audience, the Holy Father authorized the Congregation to promulgate the following decrees regarding:


P. Nardini

M.C. González-Ramos C. Starace

E. Eluvathingal

B. Pellesi

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God PAUL JOSEF NARDINI, priest of the diocese of Speyer and founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Family, born on 25 July 1821 in Germersheim, Rhineland Palatinate (Germany) and died on 27 January 1862 in Pirmasens, Rhineland Palatinate (Germany); declared venerable on 19 December 2005;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God MARÍA DEL CARMEN GONZÁLEZ-RAMOS GARCÍA-PRIETO (in religion: MARÍA DEL CARMEN OF THE CHILD JESUS), founder of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, born on 30 June 1834 in Antequera, Málaga (Spain) and died there on o9 November 1899; declared venerable on 07 April 1984;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God COSTANZA STARACE (in religion: MARIA MADDALENA OF THE PASSION), founder of the Compassionist Sisters Servants of Mary, born on 05 September 1845 in Castellamare di Stabia, Naples (Italy) and died there on 13 December 1921; declared venerable on 07 July 2003;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God ROSA ELUVATHINGAL (in religion: EUPHRASIA OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS), professed  religious of the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel, born on 07 October 1877 in Edathuruthy, Kerala (India) and died on 29 August 1952 in Ollur, Kerala (India); declared venerable on 05 July 2002;

- a miracle,  attributed to the intercession  of the Venerable Servant of God BRUNA PELLESI (in religion: MARIA ROSA), Professed  religious of the Congregation of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Christ, born on 11 November 1917 in Morano di Prignano sulla Secchia, Modena (Italy) and died on 01 December 1972 in Sassuolo, Reggio Emilia (Italy); declared venerable on 01 July 2000;

B. García-Paredes

M. Léibar S. Reynés

P. Canyelles

C. Alonso

A. Prat E. Sáiz S. Altolaguirre

F. Spoto

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God BUENAVENTURA GARCÍA-PAREDES PALLASÁ, professed priest of the Order of the Friars Preachers (Dominicans), born on 19 April 1866 in Castañedo, Valdés, Asturias (Spain) and died on 12 August 1936 in Fuencarral, Madrid (Spain), MIGUEL LÉIBAR GARAY, professed  priest of the Society of Mary (Marianists), born on 17 February 1885 in Arechavaleta, Guipúzcoa (Spain) and died on 28 July 1936 in Puente de Vallecas, Madrid (Spain), and 40 COMPANIONS from the Order of Friars Preachers and the Society Mary, killed in 1936;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God SIMÓ REYNÉS SOLIVELLAS, born on 23 January 1901 in Mancor, Mallorca, Islas Baleares (Spain) and died on 23 July 1936 in Barcelona (Spain), and 5 COMPANIONS, from the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters, Daughters of Mercy, along with PRUDÈNCIA CANYELLES GINESTÀ de Aguadé, layperson of the archdiocese of Barcelona, killed in 1936;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God CELESTINO JOSÉ ALONSO VILLAR, born on 15 June 1862 in Margolles (Spain) and died on 18 August 1936 in La Tejera (Spain), and 9 COMPANIONS, of the Order of the Friars Preachers, killed in 1936;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God ÀNGEL MARIA PRAT HOSTENCH, born on 29 April 1896 in Banyolas, Girona (Spain) and died on 29 July 1936 in Cervera, Lleida (Spain), and 16 COMPANIONS, from the Order of the Carmelites of the Ancient Observance, killed in 1936;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God ENRIQUE SÁIZ APARICIO, born on 01 December 1889 in Ubierna, Burgos  (Spain) and died on 02 October 1936 in Vallecas, Madrid (Spain), and 62 COMPANIONS, from the Salesian Society of Saint John Bosco, killed from 1936 to 1937;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God SANTIAGO ALTOLAGUIRRE y ALTOLAGUIRRE (in religion: MARIANO OF SAINT JOSEPH), born on 30 December 1857 in Yurre, Vizcaya (Spain) and died on 26 July 1936 in Villanueva del Arzobispo, Jaén (Spain), and 9 COMPANIONS, from the Order of the Most Holy Trinity, killed from 1936 to 1937;

- the martyrdom of the Servant of God FRANCESCO SPOTO, professed  priest of the Congregation of the Missionary Servants of the Poor, born on 08 July 1924 in Raffadali, Agrigento (Italy) and died on 27 December 1964 in Erira, Orientale (Democratic Republic of Congo);

M. Morelli

F. Pianzola A. Rosmini M. Claret Touche

I. Lete Landa

W. Malczewska

H. Jaegen

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God MARCO MORELLI, priest of the diocese of Imola and founder of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of the Agonizing Jesus, born on 03 March 1834 in Lugo, Ravenna (Italy) and died there on 27 June 1912;

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God FRANCESCO PIANZOLA, priest of the diocese of Vigevano and founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate, Queen of Peace, born on 05 October 1881 in Sartirana Lomellina, Pavia (Italy) and died on 04 June 1943 in Mortara, Pavia (Italy);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God ANTONIO ROSMINI, priest and founder of the Institute of Charity (Rosminians) and of the Congregation of the Rosminian Sisters of the Providence, born on 24 March 1797 in Rovereto, Trent (Italy) and died on 01 July 1855 in Stresa, Viterbo (Italy);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God MARGUERITE-CÉLINE CLARET DE LA TOUCHE (in religion: MARIA LUISA), professed religious of the Visitation Nuns; founder of the Institute of the Sisters of Bethany and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, born on 15 March 1868 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines (France) and died on 14 May 1915 in Vische Canadese (Italy);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God REGINA LETE LANDA (in religion: ISABEL OF JESUS), professed religious of the Congregation of the Mercedarian Sisters of Chairty, born on 07 September 1913 in Osintxu, Bergara, Guipúzcoa (Spain) and died on 13 October 1941 in Eibar, Guipúzcoa (Spain);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God WANDA JUSTYNA NEPOMUCENA MALCZEWSKA, layperson of the archdiocese of Łódź, born on 15 May 1822 in Radom, Mazowieckie (Poland) and died on 26 September 1896 in Parzno, Łódzkie (Poland);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God HIERONYMUS JAEGEN, layperson of the diocese of Trier, born on 23 August 1841 in Trier, Rhineland Palatinate (Germany) and died there on 26 January 1919.

Posted by:

Charles G. Braganza 



Twenty-two Decrees Promulgated

VATICAN CITY - Today, 28 April 2006, Pope Benedict XVI received Card. José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, in a private audience. During that audience, the Holy Father authorized the Congregation to promulgate the following decrees regarding:


R. Guízar Valencia

F. Smaldone R. Venerini

T. Guérin

B. Moreau

M. de la Mata

M. López Maturana

- a miracle, attributed to the intercession of Blessed RAFAEL GUÍZAR VALENCIA, bishop of Vera Cruz, born on 26 April 1878 in Cotija, Michoacán de Ocampo (Mexico) and died on 06 June 1938 in Mexico City (Mexico); beatified on 29 January 1995;

- a miracle, attributed to the intercession of Blessed FILIPPO SMALDONE, priest of the archdiocese of Lecce, founder of the Congregation of the Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, born on 27 July 1848 in Naples (Italy) and died on 04 June 1923 in Lecce (Italy); beatified on 08 May 1996;

- a miracle, attributed to the intercession of Blessed ROSA VENERINI, founder of the Congregation of the Religious Venerini Sisters, born on 09 February 1656 in Viterbo (Italy) and died on 07 May 1728 in Rome (Italy); beatified on 04 May 1952;

- a miracle, attributed to the intercession of Blessed ANNE-THÉRÈSE GUÉRIN (in religion: THÉODORE), founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods, born on 02 October 1798 in Etables, Côtes-d’Armor (France) and died on 14 May 1856 in Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana (United States of America); beatified on 25 October 1998;

- a miracle, attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God BASILE-ANTOINE-MARIE MOREAU, priest and founder of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, born on 11 February 1799 in Laigné-en-Belin, Sarthe (France) and died on 20 January 1873 in Le Mans, Sarthe (France); declared venerable on 12 April 2003   

- a miracle, attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God MARIANO DE LA MATA APARICIO, professed priest, Augustinians, born on 31 December 1905 in La Puebla de Valdavia, Palencia (Spain) and died on 5 April 1983 in São Paulo (Brazil); declared venerable on 20 December 2004;

- a miracle, attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God MARGARITA MARÍA LÓPEZ DE MATURANA ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE, founder of the Institute of the Mercedarian Missionaries of Bérriz, born on 25 July 1884 in Bilbao (Spain) and died on 23 July 1934 in San Sebastián, Vizcaya (Spain); declared venerable on 16 March 1987;

C. Laplana

F. Español N. Estenaga

L. González

E. Fernández

F. Echevarría

T. López

S. Salkaházi

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God CRUZ LAPLANA LAGUNA, bishop of Cuenca, born on 3 May 1875 in Plan de Aragón, Huesca (Spain) and FERNANDO ESPAÑOL BERDIÉ, priest of the diocese of Cuenca, born on 11 October 1875 in Anciles (Spain), both died between  07-08 August 1936 near Cuenca (Spain);

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God NARCISO DE ESTENAGA ECHEVARRÍA, bishop of Ciudad Real, born on 29 October 1882 in Logroño, La Rioja (Spain) and died on 22 August 1936 near Ciudad Real (Spain), and 10 COMPANIONS;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God LIBERIO gonzález nombela, priest of the archdiocese of Toledo, born on 30 December 1895 in Santa Ana de Pusa, Toledo (Spain) and died on 18 August 1936 in “Cruz de Barcience” (Spain), and 12 COMPANIONS from the diocesan clergy of Toledo;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God OVIDIO FERNÁNDEZ ARENILLAS (in religion: Eusebio of the CHILD JESUS), professed priest, Discalced Carmelites, born on 21 February 1888 in Castilfalé, León (Spain) and died on 22 July 1936 in Toledo (Spain), and 15 COMPANIONS from the same religious order;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God FÉLIX ECHEVARRÍA GOROSTIAGA, professed priest Franciscan Friars Minor, born on 15 July 1893 in Ceánuri, Vizcaya (Spain) and died on 22 September 1936 ad Azuaga, Badajoz (Spain), and 6 COMPANIONS, from the same religious order;

- the martyrdom of the Servants of God DIODORO LÓPEZ HERNANDO (in religion: TEODOSIO RAFAEL), professed religious, Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers), born on 27 October 1898 in Salguero de Jarros, Burgos (Spain) and died between  06-07 August 1936 in “Boca del Congosto”, Los Yébenes, Toledo (Spain), and 3 COMPANIONS from the same institute;

- the martyrdom of the Servant of God SALKAHÁZI SÁRA, professed religious of the Institute of the Sisters of Social Service, born on 11 May 1899 in Košice (then in Hungary; now in Slovakia) and died on 27 December 1944 in Budapest (Hungary);

C. Sancha

L. Poloni M. Bucchi

E. González

C. Coromina

M.D. Márquez

M. Flesch

G. Nicoli

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God CIRIACO MARÍA SANCHA HERVÁS, cardinal, archbishop of Toledo, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Cardinal Sancha, born on 18 June 1833 in Quintana del Pidio, Burgos (Spain) and died on 25 February 1909 in Toledo (Spain);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Vincenza Maria POLONI (in religion: LUIGIA), founder of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Verona, born on 26 January 1802 in Verona (Italy) and died on 11 November 1855  in Verona (Italy);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God MARIA MATILDE bucchi (in religion: MARIA), founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Precious Blood of Monza, born on 18 May 1812 ad Agrate Brianza, Milan (Italy) and died on 01 March 1882 in Monza, Milan (Italy);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Esperança GONZÁLEZ PUIG (in religion: MARIA Esperança OF JESUS) , founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Handmaids of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, born on 19 May 1823 in Lleida (Spain) and died on 05 August 1885 in Lleida (Spain) ;

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Caterina Coromina AgustÍ, founder of the Institute of the Josephite Sisters of Charity, born on 19 October 1824 in Santa Eulàlia de Pardines, Vic, Barcelona (Spain) and died on 11 July 1893 in Vic (Spain);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God MARÍA DOLORES MÁRQUEZ ROMERO DE ONORO, founder of the Congregation of the Religious of St/ Philip Neri, Daughters of Our Lady of Sorrow, born on 23 December 1817 in Sevilla (Spain) and died on 31 July 1904 in Sevilla (Spain);

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God MARGARETHA Flesch (in religion: MARIA ROSA), founderof the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Angels, born on 24 February 1826 in Schönstatt bei Vallendar, Rhineland Palatinate (Germany) and died on 25 March 1906 in Waldbreitbach, Rhineland Palatinate (Germany);

­ the heroic virtues of the Servant of God GIUSEPPINA NICOLI, professed religious of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, born on 18 November 1863 in Casatisma, Pavia (Italy) and died on 31 December 1924 in Cagliari (Italy).

Posted by:

Charles G. Braganza 




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