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~ Beatifications after 1662 (2) ~

Pius VI
Pius VII

[Bd.] Juan de Ribera


beat. 18 September 1796

can. 12 June 1960

[Bd.] Giuseppe Maria Tomasi


beat. 29 September 1803

can. 12 October 1986  

[Bd.] Veronica Giuliani


beat. 17 June 1804

can. 26 May 1839

[Bd.] Francesco De Geronimo


beat. 11 May 1806

can. 26 May 1839

[Bd.] Crispino Fioretti from Viterbo


beat. 07 September 1806

can. 20 June 1982

Pius VII

[Bd.] Josep Oriol Bogunyà


beat. 21 September 1806

can. 20 May 1909

[Bd.] Alfonso de’ Liguori


beat. 15 September 1816

can. 26 May 1839

Bd. Francisco Martín Fernández de Posadas


beat. 20 September 1818

[Bd.] Juan Bautista García López-Rico

of the Conception


beat. 26 September 1819

can. 25 May 1975

Bd. Julián Martinet Gutiérrez of Saint Augustine


beat. 23 May 1825

Gregory XVI

[Bd.] Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez


beat. 05 June 1825

can. 15 January 1888

Bd. Ippolito Galantini


beat. 29 June 1825

[Bd.] Angelo Falcone

from Acri


beat. 18 December 1825

can. 15 October 2017

Bd. Maria Vittoria Fornari Strata


beat. 21 September 1828 

Bd. Sebastiano Valfrè


beat. 31 August 1834

Gregory XVI
Pius IX

[Bd.] Juan Macías


beat. 22 October 1837

can. 28 September 1975

[Bd.] Martín de Porres Velázquez


beat. 29 October 1837

can. 06 May 1962

[Bd.] Maria Francesca Gallo of the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ


beat. 12 November 1843

can. 29 June 1867

[Bd.] Pedro Claver Sobocano


beat. 21 September 1851

can. 15 January 1888

[Bd.] Paolo Danei of the Cross


beat. 01 May 1853

can. 29 June 1867

Pius IX

[Bd.] João de Brito


beat. 21 August 1853

can. 22 June 1947

[Bd.] Andrzej Bobola


beat. 30 October 1853

can.17 April 1938

[Bd.] Juan Grande Román


beat. 13 November 1853

can. 02 June 1996

[Bd.] Mariana de Jesús Paredes Flores


beat. 20 November 1853

can. 09 July 1950

[Bd.] Germaine Cousin


beat. 07 May 1854

can. 29 June 1867

Pius IX

[Bd.] Jan Sarkander


beat. 06 May 1860

can. 21 May 1995

[Bd.] Giovanni Battista De Rossi


beat. 13 May 1860

can. 08 December 1881

[Bd.] Benedetto Giuseppe Labre


beat. 20 May 1860

can. 08 December 1881

[Bd.] Giovanni Leonardi of the Mother of God

(c. 1541-1609)

beat. 10 November 1861

can. 17 April 1938

[Bd.] Marguerite-Marie Alacoque


beat. 18 September 1864

can. 13 May 1920

Pius IX

[Bd.] Petrus Kanis

[Petrus Canisius]


beat. 20 November 1864

can. 21 May 1925

Bd. Maria Fontanella of the Angels


beat. 14 May 1865

[Bd.] Jan Berchmans


beat. 28 May 1865

can. 15 January 1888

Bd. Benedetto Passionei from Urbino


beat. 10 February 1867

Bb. Alfonso Navarette Benito and 204 Companions

(† 1617-32)

beat. 07 July 1867


[Bd.] Alonso de Orozco Mena


beat. 15 January 1882

can. 19 May 2002

[Bd.] Carlo Melchiori from Sezze


beat. 22 January 1882

can. 12 April 1959

[Bd.] Umile Pirozzo from Bisignano


beat. 29 January 1882

can. 19 May 2002

[Bd.] Louis-Marie Grignion


beat. 22 January 1888

can. 20 July 1947

[Bd.] Klemens Maria Hofbauer


beat. 29 January 1888

can. 20 May 1909


[Bd.] Egidio Maria Pontillo


beat. 05 February 1888

can. 02 June 1996

[Bd.] Felice Amoroso from Nicosia


beat. 12 February 1888

can. 23 October 2005

[Bd.] Jean-Baptiste de La Salle


beat. 19 February 1888

can. 24 May 1900

Bd. Josefa María Albiñana Gomar of Saint Agnes [Inés of Benigánim]


beat. 26 February 1888

[Bd.] Pierre-Louis-Marie Chanel


beat. 17 November 1889

can. 12 June 1954


[Bd.] Jean-Gabriel Perboyre


beat. 20 November 1889

can. 02 June 1996

[Bd.] Antonio Maria Zaccaria


beat. 03 January 1890

can. 27 May 1897

[Bd.] Pompilio Maria   Pirrotti of Saint Nicholas


beat. 26 January 1890

can. 19 March 1934

Bd. Giovanni Giovenale Ancina


beat. 09 February 1890

[Bd.] Francesco Saverio Maria Bianchi


beat. 22 January 1893

can. 21 October 1951


[Bd.] Gerardo Maiella


beat. 29 January 1893

can. 11 December 1904

Bd. Leopoldo Croci from Gaiche


beat. 12 May 1893

Bd. Antonio Baldinucci


beat. 16 April 1893

Bd. Rodolfo Acquaviva

and 4 Companions

(† 1583)

beat. 30 April 1893

[Bd.] Pere Sans Jordà 

and 4 Companions

(† 1583)

beat. 14 May 1893

can. 01 October 2000


[Bd.] Juan de Ávila


beat. 15 April 1894

eq. can. 31 May 1970

Bd. Diego José López-Caamaño from Cadiz


beat. 22 April 1894

[Bd.] Bernardino Realino


beat. 12 January 1896

can. 22 June 1947

[Bd.] Teofilo De Signori  from Corte


beat. 19 January 1896

can. 29 June 1930

[Bd.] Jean-Gabriel-Taurin Dufresse and 49 Companions

(† 1798-1856)

beat. 27 May 1900

can. 19 June 1988;

01 October 2000


Bd. Maria Maddalena Martinengo


beat. 03 June 1900

Bb. Dénis Berthelot of the Nativity and Redento Rodríguez of the Cross

(† 1638)

beat. 10 June 1900

[Bd.] Jeanne de Lestonnac


beat. 23 September 1900

can. 15 May 1949

Bd. Antonio Grassi


beat. 30 September 1900

[Bd.] Maria Crescentia Höss


beat. 07 October 1900

can. 25 November 2001



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Last modified: 02/22/25