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~ Without “Nihil Obstat” ~


This section contains beatification causes which are already in the preliminary stages of the diocesan investigation but have not received the decree “nihil obstat” from the CCS.


I. Recently added causes:


28 July 2018

  • ARRUPE GONDRA, Pedro (1909-91): professed priest

  • BADENI, Kazimerz Stanisław (Joachim) (1912-2010): professed priest

  • BARTOLINI, Agostino (198-2012): professed priest

  • CARBONARO, Elia (1893-1973): professed priest

  • CERRETELLI, Amata (1907-63): layperson

  • FEZZA, Maddalena (1811-77): layperson

  • LÓPEZ SENDÍN, Alfonso María (1906-2002): professed priest

  • OGU, Vivian Uchechi (1995-2009): child; martyr

  • PINHEIRO, Domingos Evangelista (1843-1924): diocesan priest; founder

  • TORBIŃSKI, Walenty (Gwala) (1908-99): professed religious

  • VALLAYIL, Philomina (Mary Francesca de Chantal) (1880-1972): professed religious

20 March 2018

  • CORBELLA PETRILLO, Chiara (1984-2012): layperson; married

  • DAL MONTE, João (Inácio from Ribeirão Preto) (1897-1963): professed priest; bishop

  • DI NATALE, Pietrino (1966-84): young layperson

  • LAMERA, Stefano (1912-97): professed priest

  • MAHIEU, Jean-Richard (François) [Acharya] (1919-2002): professed priest

  • MÍGUELEZ ROMERO, Salustiano (1919-99): professed priest

  • MOSHE HANNA, Cecilia (1931-2002): professed religious; martyr

  • SARAFINI, Cesare (Miguel Ángel from Cingoli) (1908-2013): professed priest

  • SPEYR, Adrienne von (1902-67): layperson; married; founder

  • TSEBROVS᾽KYI, Avhustyn-Klement (1888-1944): diocesan priest; married; martyr

  • URS VON BALTHASAR, Hans (1905-88) diocesan priest; founder; cardinal-designate

20 January 2018

  • BARANIAK, Antoni (1904-77): professed priest; bishop

  • BENZIGER, Adelrich (Aloysius of Saint Mary) (1864-1942): professed priest; bishop

  • BRANDÃO DE CASTRO, José (1919-99): professed priest; bishop

  • CUESTA VALLUERCA, Florencia (Trinidad of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) (1904-67): professed religious

  • FONTES, Genésia (1890-1960): layperson

  • GONÇALVES PEREIRA, Léo Tarcísio (1961-2007): professed priest; founder

  • TALAVERA, Hernando de (c. 1430-1507): professed priest; bishop

  • TÁVORA, José Vicente (1910-70): bishop

28 August 2017

  • ALMEIDA MERINO, Adalberto (1916-2008): bishop

  • FERNANDO, Richard Michael (1970-96): professed cleric

  • MYSKIW, Gabriel (Cristóforo) (1905-73): professed priest; founder

28 July 2017

28 June 2017

  • CORNACCHIOLA, Bruno (1913-2001): layperson; married

  • FIGUS, Anna (Anna of Jesus) (1900-95): founder

  • GACZEK, Wilhelm and 3 Companions (+ 1941-42): professed priests and religious; martyrs

  • GONZÁLEZ SABORÍO, Fernando (1927-57): diocesan

  • POWER, Michael (1804-47): bishop

  • SÁINZ OROZCO, Ramón (1882-1937) layperson; married; martyr

28 May 2017

  • ACUÑA ARIAS, María Isabel [Marisa] (1941-54): child

  • BALDESCHI, Giovanni Antonio (1763-1840): diocesan priest; founder

  • FERRARA, Alma (1914-2000): layperson; married

  • MORERA COLL, Juan (Casiano María from Madrid) (1892-1965): professed priest

  • POETHER, Bernhard (1906-42): diocesan priest; martyr

  • SANABRIA MARTÍNEZ, Víctor Manuel (1898-1952): bishop

28 April 2017

28 March 2017

28 December 2016

  • POPPE, Alicja (Maria Yelisaveta) (1884-1970): cofounder

  • ROCHE, Peter John (Alfred of Moodahadu) (1924-96): professed priest

  • VINCENZI, Laura (1963-87): young layperson

28 November 2016

28 October 2016

28 September 2016

  • SORGON, Sergio (Sergio of Saint Joseph) (1938-85): professed religious person; martyr

28 August 2016

  • BLACK ELK, Nicholas (1863-1950): layperson; married

28 July 2016

  • GUARDINI, Romano (1885-1968): diocesan priest

  • MÖRL, Maria von (1790-1868): layperson

  • NASTASI, Gaetana [Agata Tanina] (1914-26): child

  • NOVAK, Jorge (1928-2001): professed priest; bishop

28 June 2016

28 May 2016

  • BURIK, Ivan (1928-91): diocesan priest; martyr

  • GROTE, Federico (1853-1940): professed priest

  • MANUEL (c. 1604-86): layperson

  • MÜLLER, Joseph (1894-1944): diocesan priest; martyr

  • MUNZIHIRWA, Christophe (1926-96): professed priest; bishop; martyr

  • SALVAIRE, Jorge María (1847-99): priest

  • SAVARIRAYAN, Lourdu Xavier (1910-72): diocesan priest

  • ŠIMRAK, Ivan [Ivica] (1912-44): diocesan priest; martyr

  • TÍMÁR [SCHMIDT] Monika (1937-62): professed religious

28 April 2016

  • WHITE, Jeremy Joyner (1938-90): layperson

  • WOJTCZAK,  Czesława (Maria Włodzimira)(1909-43): professed religious

28 March 2016

  • BHATTI, Clement Shabaz (1968-2011): layperson; martyr

  • CAMILLERI, Louis (1923-2011): professed religious

  • RIBEIRO, Arnaldo (1930-2009): bishop

28 February 2016

  • AZIANI, Andrea (1953-2008): layperson

  • MORTĘSKA, Magdalena (c. 1554-1631): professed religious

28 January 2016

  • ABDĀL, Thayr Saidālla and 44 Companions (+2010): diocesan priests and laypeople; martyrs

  • DE CARO, Alfonso (1940-77): diocesan priest

  • DIGAL, Bernard and 6 Companions (+2008): diocesan priest and laypeople; martyrs

  • PAGANI, Carmela (Pura) (1914-2001): professed religious

28 December 2015

  • BONI, Sante (Pellegrino) (1898-1990): professed religious

  • CALABRÒ, Italo (1925-90): diocesan priest

  • CECCHIN, Luigi [Luis](1924-2010): diocesan priest

  • DUTTON, Joseph (1843-1931): layperson

  • KOBÈS, Aloÿs (1820-72): professed religious; bishop; founder

  • WILLMANN, George (1920-77): professed priest

28 November 2015

  • ATKINSON, William Edward [Bill] (1946-2006): professed priest

  • BRANDIS, Maria Josefa (Leopoldina) (1815-1900): vowed sister; founder

28 October 2015

  • JOURNET, Charles (1891-1975): titular archbishop; cardinal

  • VACCARI, Giovanni (1913-71): professed religious

28 June 2015

  • CUIPA, Antonio and 81 Companions (+1549-1706): professed priests and religious and laypeople; martyrs

  • MESCHI, Isidoro (1945-91): diocesan priest

28 May 2015

  • AZZOPARDI, Mikiel (1910-87): diocesan priest

  • BARBERO BERMEJO, Benedicto Teodoro and 18 Companions (+1936): diocesan priests; martyrs

  • CHHMAR SALAS, Joseph and 33 Companions (+1972-78): bishops, diocesan priests, professed religious and laypeople; martyrs

28 April 2015

  • MANGHISI, Pietro (1889-1953): priest; martyr

  • OʼTOOLE, Declan (1971-2002): priest; martyr

  • PERIN, Santo (1917-45): diocesan priest

28 March 2015

  • ALBERS, Theresia (1872-1949): foundress

  • DEI CAS, Giosuè (1880-1932): professed religious

  • DIANA, Giuseppe (1958-94): diocesan priest; martyr

  • GIRÓN FERNÁNDEZ, Francisco (1938-2009): diocesan priest

28 February 2015

  • BONNÍN AGUILÓ, Eduardo (1917-2008): layperson

  • GONZÁLEZ METOLA, Francisco (1905-67): diocesan priest

  • LIMA, Manuel Armindo de and 3 Companions (+1982): priest and laity; martyrs

28 January 2015

  • BALLERINI, Paolo Angelo (1814-97): bishop

  • GABANA, Giuseppe (1904-44): diocesan priest; martyr

  • SEIDENBUSCH, Johann Georg (1641-1729): priest

28 December 2014

28 November 2014

  • SMALDONE, Enrico (1914-67): diocesan priest

28 October 2014

  • EVOLO, Fortunata (Natuzza) (1938-2009): layperson; marrried

  • FORTUNA, Cármen Antunes de Matos [Carmita] (1937-80): layperson

28 September 2014

28 August 2014

  • BRACCI, Giuseppe (Giacinto): professed priest

  • GENTILI, Mario (1928-2006): professed religious

  • LO DICO, Angelina (1900-32): layperson

  • LOBO, Fermín Emilio (Antonio de Jesús) (1873-1942): professed priest

  • TAJANLANGIT, Amador (1911-77): layperson; married

  • TORO, Reginaldo (1830-1904): professed priest; bishop; founder

28 July 2014

  • KÖNIG, Heinrich (1900-42): diocesan priest; martyr

28 June 2014

  • BERLINSANI, Cosimo (1619-94): professed priest; founder

  • MORONI, Anna (1613-75): founder

28 May 2014

  • GERLICH, Fritz Michael (1861-1934): layperson; married; martyr

28 April 2014

  • NAOUSSI, Robert (c. 1940-70): layperson

  • PELAFIGUE, Auguste [Nonco] (1888-1977): layperson

28 February 2014

22 December 2013

  • PAREDES PÉREZ, Joaquín Carlos (Jesús de la Cruz) (1911-98): professed priest

  • PERA, Luigi (1879-1952): professed priest

  • TOMANOVÁ, Anna Boshuslava (1904-57): layperson

  • YI BYEOK Ioannes Baptista and 132 Companions (+1785-1879): laypeople; martyrs

28 November 2013

  • DE BAR, Catherine (Mechtilde of t he Blessed Sacrament) (1614-98): founder

  • TOÉ, Alexandre (1967-96): professed priest

  • VAKAYIL, George (1883-1931): diocesan priest

  • WACHIRA, Mariano and Natalina GAKUI, along with Aloys KAMAU, Cecilia WANGECI, and 23 Companions (+1952-55): professed religious and laypeople; martyrs

28 October 2013

  • CHERUBINI, Marianna Fortunata (Maria Giuseppa of the Sacred Hearts) (1788-1844): professed religious

  • CINQUINA, Giuseppe (1918-45): diocesan priest

  • CYPHER, Michael Jerome (Casimir) (1941-75): professed priest; martyr

  • PICCIRILLI, Felice (1912-68): diocesan priest

28 September 2013

  • BARAČ, Nedjelko (Dominik) (1912-45): professed priest; martyr

  • DENIS, Henri [Benoit (Benedicto) Thuận] (1880-1933): professed priest

  • GRIGOLINI, Teresa (1853-1931): professed religious

28 August 2013

28 June 2013

  • ARAGÃO, Antônio Campelo de (1904-84): professed religious; bishop; founder

  • NOÈ, Carlo (1878-1960): diocesan priest

28 May 2013

28 March 2013

  • KALINIĆ, Ivan (Rafo) (1910-43): professed priest; martyr

  • KUHARIĆ, Franjo (1919-2002): bishop; cardinal

  • SZYMANOWSKA, Maria Zofia (1910-1983): layperson

28 February 2013

  • OLAECHEA LOIZAGO, Marcelino (1888-1972): professed priest; bishop

  • PENIDO, Maurílio Teixeira-Leite (1895-1970): diocesan priest

28 December 2012

  • MARONIC, John (1922-85): professed priest

28 November 2012

  • AFFRE, Denis-Auguste (1793-1848): bishop

  • BIFFI, Eugenio (1829-96): bishop

  • BOLZ, Eugen (1881-1945): layperson; married; martyr

  • ENFERT, Paulin (1853-1922): layperson

  • HIEBER, Augustinus (1886-1968): diocesan priest

  • HOPFENMÜLLER, Lorenz (Otto) (1844-90): professed priest

  • LÜTHEN, Bernhard (Bonaventura) (1846-1911): professed priest

  • PFEIFFER, Markus (Pankratius): professed priest

28 October 2012

28 September 2012

  • DINIS DA FONSECA, Alberto (1884-1962): layperson; married

  • MORO, Aldo (1916-78): layperson; married

  • SINIBALDI, Antonio (1937-87): professed priest

28 August 2012

  • COUTINHO, José da Silva (1897-1973): diocesan priest

28 July 2012

  • DALOISO, Benedetta (Maria Immacolata) (1933-85): professed religious

  • LAZAGA, Dalisay (1940-71): professed religious

28 June 2012

  • BALBOA UGARTE, Catalina (Catalina of Saint Matthew of the Conception) (1648-95): professed religious

28 May 2012

  • CHIAPPE, Giovanni Battista (1873-1951): bishop

  • JANER FERRÁN, Florencia (María de las Nieves) (1886-1935): professed religious

  • MACRÍ, Annarosa (1890-1918): layperson

  • TOSCANO, Antonio (1896-1946): diocesan priest

28 April 2012

28 March 2012

28 February 2012

  • GRZANKA, Marcjanna (1882-1941): layperson

  • VIGANI, Edoardo (Maurizio of  the Child Jesus) (1935-97): professed priest

28 January 2012

  • CARDOSO DA SILVA, Benigna (1928-41): child; martyr

  • OLIVEIRA, Maria Elizabeth de (1951-65): child

  • VENTRE, Maria Rachele (Mariele) (1939-95): layperson

28 December 2011

  • BOZOWSKI, Bronisław (1908-87): diocesan priest

28 November 2011

28 September 2011

28 July 2011

28 June 2011

  • BOTERO GONZÁLEZ, Emilio (1884-1961): bishop

  • CIMOLINO, Amelia (1912-2006): professed religious

  • DE SANTIS, Giuseppe (1924-2003): diocesan priest

  • KONTNY, Paweł (1910-45): professed priest; martyr

  • ONAMKULAM, Benedict (1929-2001): diocesan priest

28 May 2011

  • YUPANQUI, Francisco Tito (c. 1540-1616) layperson

28 March 2011

  • AAKEN, Agustín van (1914-90): professed priest; bishop

28 February 2011

28 January 2011

  • SANTORO, Andrea (1945-2006): diocesan priest; martyr

28 December 2010

  • GIACCONE, Emilio (1902-72): layperson

  • GRIMA, Franġisk (1908-39): diocesan priest

  • KRUSZEWSKI, Józef (Wincenty) (1843-1922): professed priest

  • OLÁEZ ANDA, Eugenio (1860-1933): diocesan priest; founder

  • SHAW, Pedro [Pa’i Puku] (1912-84): professed priest; bishop

28 November 2010

28 October 2010

28 September 2010

  • BOEHM, Franz (1880-1945): diocesan priest; martyr

28 August 2010

  • CAMILLERI, Ġemma (Maria Ġemma of the Eucharist) (1889-1973): professed religious

  • LONGO MORRONE, Battistina (1925-88): layperson; married

28 July 2010

28 June 2010

  • IGREJA, Edmundo Armando SaintʼClair (1914-96): diocesan priest; founder

  • KRANJČIĆ, Stjepan (1918-68): diocesan priest

  • MÚZQUIZ DE MIGUEL, José Luis (1912-83): priest of personal prelature

28 May 2010

  • GALLARDO, Rhoel (1965-2000): professed priest; martyr

  • PAGLIARICCIO, Alfonso Federico (1927-80): layperson; married

  • PERA, Teresa (1870-1938): professed religious

  • REGOUT, Robert (1896-1942): professed priest; martyr

28 April 2010

  • KANTER Károly (1853-1920): diocesan priest

  • LUDWIG, Gertruda (Leopolda) and Agnieszka (Stanisława) FALKUS (+1945): professed religious; martyrs

  • PAULEN, Alfonz (1913-54): diocesan priest; martyr

  • REGNO, Bernardo (1886-1977): professed priest; bishop

28 March 2010

  • HUMMEL Kornél (1907-1945): diocesan priest; martyr

  • KLAUSA, Gabriela (1870-1942): founder

  • KOTLARZ, Roman (1928-76): diocesan priest; martyr

  • TRIBBIOLI, Maria Agnese (1879-1965): founder

28 February 2010

  • ANDRÉ, Joseph (1908-73): diocesan priest

  • DE MARCHI, Antonio (Arcangelo from Rivai) (1886-1953): professed priest

  • KOGLBAUER, Mathias (Benno from Mönichkirchen) (1862-1925): professed religious

  • LEJEUNE, Léon (1876-1951): professed priest

  • RIGAUX veuve de BOURTONBOURT, Marie-Martine (1660-1732): layperson; founder

  • RUDERSTALLER, Michael (Theophilus from Ostermiething) and Josef SCHRÖCKSNADEL (Antonin from Linz) (+1946): professed priests; martyrs

  • SOUČEK, Pavel (Jan) and 4 companions (+1943): professed priests; martyrs

  • ZAMOYSKA, Jadwiga (1831-1923): layperson; married

28 January 2010

  • ANDREOLI, Giovanni (1921-2003): diocesan priest

  • BEREZECKI, Zygfryd (1907-63): diocesan priest

  • CALABUIG ADÁN,  Rafael (Ignacio María) (1931-2005): professed priest

  • CASES DEORDAL, Josep Maria (1919-2002): bishop

  • COGNATA, Giuseppe (1885-1972): professed priest; bishop; founder

  • FENECH, Lwiġi (Avertan) (1871-1943): professed priest

  • GIRALDO JIMÉNEZ, Clemente (1840-1933): diocesan priest

  • LINDMAYR, Maria Anna (Josepha of Jesus) (1657-1726): professed religious

  • MEDRANO PARRA de BIANCHINI, María Esperanza (1928-2004): layperson; married

  • MONTES DE OCA, Salvador (Bernardo): bishop; novice; martyr

  • MORÍNIGO, María de la Cruz (1931-93): layperson

  • SAVIO, Vincenzo (1944-2004): professed priest; bishop

  • SEGURA, Clara (1978-95): young layperson

  • VERHAEGHE, Julia (1910-97): founder

28 December 2009

  • DÍAZ RODRÍGUEZ, Clemente (1848-1905): diocesan priest; founder

  • LAMPARELLI, Rosa (1910-2000): layperson

  • MIQUEL TICÓ, Lluís and 6 companions (+1936-38): diocesan priests and laypeople; martyrs

28 November 2009

  • CANDUGLIA, Antonio (1861-1907): professed priest; martyr

  • RIELO PARDAL, Fernando (1923-2004): layperson; founder

  • ROLIM, Inácio de Sousa (1800-99): diocesan priest

28 October 2009

28 September 2009

  • DUJARIÉ, Jacques-François (1767-1838): diocesan priest; founder

  • EVANS, William (1919-71): professed priest

  • KUBÍČEK, Ladislav (1926-2004): diocesan priest

  • SILVESTRI, Antonio Vincenzo Maria (1773-1837): diocesan priest

28 August 2009

  • BIANCHI, Ugo Donati (1930-99): bishop

28 July 2009

28 June 2009

  • LANZA, Giovanna (Nina) (1907-87): professed member of a secular institute

  • MONTELLA, Cristina (Rita of the Holy Spirit) (1920-92): professed religious

28 May 2009

  • COASSINI, Giovanni Battista (1887-1912): diocesan priest

  • FIZ GALENDE, Victorino (1902-89): diocesan priest

  • LIENGITZ, Elisabeth (Luka) (1861-90): professed religious

28 April 2009

  • DeLAMARRE, Elzéar (1854-1925) diocesan priest; founder

  • FERRAZZETTA, Arturo (Settimio) (1924-99): professed priest; bishop

  • SALTINI, Zeno (1900-81): diocesan priest; founder

28 March 2009

28 February 2009

28 January 2009

  • BERARDI, Francesco (Gabriele Maria) (1912-84): professed priest

  • MACOTELA DURÁN, María Cristina Olimpia (Margarita María) (1933-85): professed religious

  • ZESSNER-SPITZENBERG, Hans Karl von (1885-1938): layperson; married; martyr

28 December 2008

  • CHISHOLM, Caroline (1808-77): layperson; married

28 November 2008

  • VITELLI, Giuseppe (Carlo of Saint Pascal) (1818-78): professed religious

28 October 2008

  • CANNAVALE, Maria (1891-1967): layperson

  • PAIVA, Rosita (1909-91): founder

  • RODRÍGUEZ CAMPO, Nicolás (1830-1900): professed priest

  • VITALE, Salvatore (1904-81): diocesan priest; founder

28 September 2008

  • BARCIA GOYANES, Juan José (1901-2003): layperson; married

  • CHMIL’, Stepan (1914-78): professed priest; bishop

22 July 2008

  • ABREU ESPINAL, Juan Antonio (1914-77): diocesan priest

  • FARRÉ, Marie-Thérèse (Thérèse-Dominique of the Heart of Mary) (1830-94): founder

  • GONZÁLEZ DEL VALLE SARANDESES, María Isabel (1889-1937): founder

  • MERLIN, Françoise-Apolline (Mère Saint Peter) (1803-78): professed religious

19 June 2008

31 May 2008

01 April 2008

  • DOTA, Antonio (1865-1937): professed priest

  • GRUBER, Johann (1889-1944): diocesan priest; martyr

  • NAVARRO, Nicolás and 5 companions (+1927): laypeople; martyrs

06 March 2008

15 February 2008

  • ALDAMA PRUAÑO, José Antonio de (1903-80): professed priest; founder

  • GRITA, Vera (1923-69): layperson

  • LUCAS BURGOS, María Rosario (María Rosario of the Holy Spirit) (1909-60): founder

25 January 2008

  • ANDRADE LEITE, Miguel Afonso de (1912-76): diocesan priest

  • FACCIA, Vittorino (1917-97): professed religious

  • GEMENTI, Vittorina (1931-89): layperson

  • HÖFFNER, Joseph (1906-87): bishop; cardinal

  • MADEDDU, Evaristo (1890-1966): layperson; married; founder

  • SCHUBERT, František (Augustin) (1902-42): professed priest; martyr

  • ZAZPE ZABALZA, Rufino (Rufino of the Virgin of Carmel) (1891-1977): professed religious

02 January 2008


II. List of Causes without “nihil obstat” until December 2007

Note: A bracketed asterisk [*] signifies that the cause has a known protocol number issued by the CCS.


  1. ADDUCA, Rosario (1793-1860): professed religious

  2. ALLOATTI, Eurosia (Maria Cristina of Jesus) (1859-1920): founder [*]

  3. ALLOATTI, Giuseppe (1857-1933): professed priest; founder [*]

  4. ÁLVAREZ SALAS, María Josefa (Clara of the Heart of Mary) (1860-1924): founder [*]

  5. BÉGHIAN, Nelly (Marie de Béthanie) (1901-45): professed religious

  6. Beata Rosa, Maria das Graças (1901-60): founder

  7. Berettoni, Giuseppina (1875-1927): layperson

  8. BERNAUD, Marie-Constance (1825-1903): professed religious

  9. BLANCHARD, Jean-Pierre (1762-1824): diocesan priest

  10. BÓDI Mária Magdolna (1921-45): young layperson; martyr

  11. BULLION, Gertraud von (1891-1930): professed member of a secular institute [*]

  12. CAPPIELLO, Francesca (Maria Colomba of the Blessed Sacrament) (1831-87): layperson

  13. CARO RODRíGUEZ, José María (1866-1958): cardinal

  14. CASTAÑEDA COELLO, Mercedes de (Teresa of the Sacred Heart) (1856-1950): founder

  15. CELESIA DE FERRARI, Antonietta (1826-1901): layperson; married

  16. CERÓN AYUELA, Encarnación (1909-2002); professed religious

  17. COMERMA BARRERA, Maria Nativitat and Maria Miracle ROCA VILARDELL (+1936): professed religious; martyrs

  18. CRAMER, Patricius (1888-1955): diocesan priest

  19. DÁRIO, Sílvio Maria (1919-74): bishop

  20. DE FERRARI, Teresa (1854-1922): professed religious

  21. DE NICOLA, Fortunata Gesualda Maria (Maria Luigia of the Heart of Jesus) (1790-1829): founder

  22. DUFF, Francis Michael [Frank] (1889-1980): layperson; founder

  23. EKWU, Aaron Ejikemeuwa (1936-89): diocesan priest

  24. ÉMOND, Louis (1876-1949): layperson

  25. ENDRÉDY Vendel (1895-1981): professed priest

  26. FALLAIZE, Pierre (1887-1964): professed priest; bishop [*]

  27. FARSETTI, Maria (1867-1953): layperson [*]

  28. FAYE, Joseph (1905-96): professed priest


  30. Franco Sanchez, Santos (1942-54): child

  31. GARCÍA PLANELLS, José Ramón (1885-1959): layperson [*]

  32. GIAQUINTA, Guglielmo (1914-94): bishop; founder

  33. GÓMEZ LLOR, José and 60 companions (+1936-39): priests, religious, and laypeople; martyrs

  34. GRAZIANI, Angelo (Lazzaro from Sarcedo) (1918-61): professed priest; martyr

  35. Györgypál Albert (1914-47): priest; martyr

  36. HÁM János (1781-1857): bishop

  37. HECKER, Isaac Thomas (1819-88): priest and founder

  38. I GWANG-JAE Timothaeus and 4 companions (+1950): priests; martyrs

  39. JIMÉNEZ, Mauricio (1881-1954): professed priest [*]

  40. Kaisevičius, Juozapas Jeronimas (1812-73): priest; founder

  41. KUŚNIAK, Wawrzyniec (1788-1866): priest [*]

  42. LATEAU, Louise (1850-83): layperson [*]

  43. LAUWEN, Wilhelmina (Maria Beata) (1879-1952): professed religious

  44. LEADEN, Alfredo and 4 companions (+1976): professed priest and clerics; martyrs

  45. LECHNER, Franziska (1833-94): founder

  46. LUIGI, Ghjuvanni Marcu (1712-82): diocesan priest

  47. MACZALIK Győző and 9 companions (+1952-72): martyrs

  48. MARTÍNEZ GIL, Cipriano and 40 companions (+1936): diocesan priests, religious, and laypeople; martyrs [*]

  49. MESSNER, Johannes (1891-1984): diocesan priest

  50. MESTER Margit Mária (1906-61): founder

  51. MICHEL GONZÁLEZ, José Guadalupe Fidencio (1882-1929): diocesan priest; martyr [*]

  52. MOËS, Anna (Maria Dominika Klara of the Holy Cross) (1832-95): professed religious

  53. MONTERO NAVARRO, Ramón (1930-1944): child

  54. NIETO MARTÍN, Eustaquio and 939 companions (+1936-39): diocesan priests, religious, and laypeople; martyrs [*]

  55. Nosek, František (1886-1935): layperson; married

  56. O’Connor, Eileen Rosaline (1892-1921): founder

  57. ORSETTI ANDREA, Humberto (Domingo from Tacuarembó) (1899-1994): professed priest

  58. PASTORI, Leopoldo (1939-96): professed priest

  59. PÁSZTOR Ferenc and 17 companions (+1945-99): diocesan priests; martyrs

  60. PATANÈ, Mariano (1713-1804): professed priest

  61. PAVLETIĆ, Ivan (Bonifacio) (1864-97): professed religious

  62. PETROVIĆ, Leo and 65 companions (1942-45): professed priests and religious; martyrs

  63. PIROVANO, Aristide (1915-97): professed priest; bishop

  64. PISAPIA APICELLA, Lucia (1887-1982): layperson; married

  65. PITOCCHI, Francesco (1852-1922): professed priest

  66. PLEBANI, Enrica (1960-90): layperson

  67. Razzetti, Vittoria (1834-1912): layperson

  68. RESTIVO, Mario Giuseppe (1963-82): layperson [*]

  69. RIVERO NICOLÁS, Serapio (1917-2002): professed priest

  70. ROLEWSKI, Kazimierz (1887-1936): diocesan priest [*] 

  71. SANTANGELO, Antonino Ildebrando (1913-92): diocesan priest [*]

  72. SARACENI, Maria Concetta (Maria Cherubina Chiara of Saint Francis) (1823-71): professed religious

  73. SELVI, Lino (Giacomo) (1938-87): professed priest

  74. SEMERIA, Giovanni (1867-1931): professed priest; founder

  75. SERRA JORDI, Jaume and 185 companions (+1936-37): priests and laypeople; martyrs

  76. SHI XIANZHI (Maria Agnes) (1913-60): professed religious; martyr [*]

  77. SIMON Erzsébet (Mária Etelka) (1898-1944): professed religious; martyr

  78. SIQUEIRA ANDRADE, João Francisco de (1837-81): diocesan priest; founder

  79. SLIPYI, Yosyf (1892-1984): bishop

  80. SOGGIU, Giovanni (1883-1930): professed priest; bishop; martyr [*]

  81. SONG HAE-BUNG Ioannes Baptista (1926-50): young layperson; martyr

  82. STREICH, Stanisław (1902-38): diocesan priest; martyr

  83. TARONI, Paolo (1827-1902): diocesan priest

  84. TÓTH Tihamér (1889-1939): bishop

  85. TORRES CASTAÑEDA, José Soledad de Jesús (1918-67): bishop; martyr [*]

  86. TROCHTA, Štěpán (1905-74): cardinal; professed priest; martyr

  87. VANIER, Georges-Philias (1888-1967) and ARCHER-VANIER, Pauline (1898-1991): married couple 

  88. Vargas Galeana, Josefa Brígida (Magdalena) (1866-1917): founder [*]

  89. VERGÉS SAMARANCH, Antoni (1898-1936): diocesan priest; martyr

  90. VIALLE, Marie (1900-89): layperson; married

  91. VICINI, Luigi (Agostino from Montefeltro) (1839-1921): professed priest; founder

  92. WERNER, Balthasar (1887-1943): professed religious [*]

  93. ZINI, Raffaele (Celestino) (1825-92): professed priest; founder; bishop [*]

  94. ZOLA, Salvatore Luigi (1822-98): bishop

  95. ŻYCHLIŃSKI, Aleksander (1889-1945): diocesan priest



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Last modified: 07/09/24