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On the Octave of the Nativity
of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the day of his
Circumcision, the
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God,
whom the Fathers of the Council of Ephesus acclaimed
as Theotokos, for in her the Word became
flesh and the Son of God, prince of peace, who was
given the Name above all names, dwelled among all.
In Caesarea in Cappadocia (today Kayseri, Türkiye),
the death of Saint
Basil, bishop, whose memorial is
celebrated tomorrow. († c. 379)
In Campania and Abruzzo (Italy), the commemoration
of Saint Justin,
celebrated as an eminent bishop for his zeal
and defense of Christians. († c. 4th cent.)
In Rome (Italy), Saint
Almachius who, for opposing
gladiatorial combat, was killed under the order of
Alipius, prefect of the city, and counted among the
triumphant martyrs. († 391)
On Mount Jura (France), the commemoration of
Saint Eugendus,
abbot of the monastery of Condat, who since
adolescence lived in this monastery, where he
vigorously promoted the common life of the monks. (†
In Ruspe (now Henchir Sbia, Tunisia),
Saint Fulgentius,
bishop. After being a prosecutor for this territory,
he embraced the monastic life and was elected
bishop. During the Vandal persecution, he suffered
greatly from the Arians because of his zeal for the
Catholic faith and eminent doctrine. As a result, he
was twice banished by King Trasimund to Sardinia. On
returning to his see, he dedicated the rest of his
life to strengthening the faithful with words of
grace and truth. († 533)
* In Vienne (France),
Saint Clarus, abbot of the monastery
of Saint-Marcel, who gave the monks an outstanding
example of religious perfection. († 660/670)
* In Troyes (France),
Saint Frodobert, founder and first
abbot of the monastery of Moutier-la-Celle. († c.
In the monastery of Fécamp (France), the passing of
Saint William,
abbot of Saint Benigne at Dijon, who firmly and prudently guided
many monks, distributed in forty monasteries, until
his final days. († 1031)
Near Sauvigny (France), the passing of
Saint Odilo,
abbot of Cluny, who was always strict towards
himself but compassionate and merciful towards
others. He calmed belligerent peoples in the name of
God and, in times of famine, helped the needy
through every means. He was the first to order the
commemoration of All the Faithful Departed to be
celebrated in his monasteries on the day after the
Solemnity of All Saints. († 1049)
In Jablonné v Posdještědí (Czechia),
Saint Zdislava, mother of a
family and member of the Lay Fraternities of Saint
Dominic, who gave great comfort to the afflicted. (†
* In Gualdo Cattaneo (Italy),
Blessed Ugolino, who lived
as a hermit. († 14th cent.)
In Rome (Italy), Saint
Giuseppe Maria Tomasi, professed priest of the
Order of Clerics Regular (Theatines) and cardinal.
Fervently in his desire to renew divine worship, he
devoted most of his life to the study and
publication of ancient texts and documents on the
sacred liturgy, as well as a catechesis for
children. († 1713)
* In Avrillé (France),
Blesseds Jean and René Lego,
diocesan priests and martyrs, who, during the French
Revolution, were guillotined for refusing to take
the infamous oath imposed on the clergy. († 1794)
In Rome, Saint Vincenzo
Maria Strambi, professed priest of
the Congregation of the Passion and Bishop of Macerata and Tolentino. He faithfully governed the
dioceses entrusted to him and suffered exile for
persevering in his fidelity to the Roman Pontiff. (†
* In Hasselt (Belgium),
Blessed Valentinus Paquay,
professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor. In
his preaching, the ministry of reconciliation, and
devotion to the rosary, he offered a wonderful
example of Christian charity, reaching sublime
heights from the smallest things in a spirit of
humility. († 1905)
In Lviv (Ukraine),
Saint Zygmunt Gorazdowski, diocesan
priest. Of Polish origin, he was distinguished for
piety towards his neighbor and a pioneer of
activities for the defense of life. He founded the
Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, working
by every means for the good of the poor and needy.
(† 1920)
* In Santander (Spain),
Blessed Andrés Gómez Sáez,
professed priest of the Salesian Society of Don
Bosco and martyr, who shed his blood for Christ
during the persecution against the faith during the
Spanish Civil War. († 1937)
In Mirna (Slovenia),
Blessed Lojze Grozde, layperson,
member of Catholic Action, and martyr, who was
murdered out of hatred for the faith by communist
partisans during the Second World War. († 1943)
* At the Dachau concentration camp, in Oberbayern
(Germany), Blessed
Marian Konopiński, diocesan priest
and martyr. Born in Poland, he died for Christ the
Lord after being cruelly subjected to atrocious
pseudo-medical experiments. († 1943)
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