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Saint Raymond of
Peñafort [Ramon de Penyafort],
professed priest of the Order of Preachers, who was
excellent in the science of Canon Law. He wrote
works of solid doctrine and great benefit on the
sacrament of Penance. Elected Master General of
his Order, he prepared the writing of its new
Constitutions. At an advanced age, he piously died
in Barcelona (Spain). († 1275)
In Melitene (now Malatya, Türkiye),
Saint Polyeuctus,
martyr. A soldier, forced by the edict of Emperor
Decius to sacrifice to the gods, he instead
destroyed their statues. For this he suffered many
torments, until he was beheaded and baptized in his
own blood. († c. 250)
In Nicomedia (now İzmit, Türkiye), the passion of
Saint Lucian,
priest and martyr of the Church of Antioch, renowned
for his wisdom and eloquence. He was taken to court
for continual interrogation accompanied by torture,
but fearlessly persisted in declaring himself a
Christian. († 312)
* In Passau (Germany), the commemoration of
Saint Valentine,
Bishop of Raetia. († c. 450)
In Pavia (Italy), Saint
Crispin, bishop. († 467)
* In Chur (Switzerland), Saint Valentinian, bishop.
He helped the poor with his own means, paid the
ransom of captives, and distributed clothes to the
needy. († 548)
* In Solignac, near Limoges (France),
Saint Tillo,
disciple of Saint Eligius, who was an artisan and
monk. († c. 702)
* In Constantinople (now Istanbul, Türkiye),
Saint Cyrus,
bishop. A monk in Paphlagonia, he was elevated to
the see of Constantinople, from which he was later
expelled, dying in exile. († 714)
* In Le Mans (France), Saint Aldericus, bishop, who devoted
himself with great devotion to the worship of God
and the saints. († 856)
In the forest near Ringsted (Denmark),
Saint Canute [Knud]
Lavard. Duke of Schleswig, he ruled
with wisdom and kindness and fostered piety among
his people. He was murdered by enemies who envied
his authority. († 1137)
* In Palermo (Italy), the passing of
Blessed Matteo Guimerá,
professed priest of the Order of Minors and bishop
of Agrigento. He was singularly dedicated to the
worship and the exaltation of the Holy Name of
Jesus. († 1451)
* In Suzuta (Japan), Blessed Ambrosio Fernandes, martyr.
He went to the East in search of trade and profit,
but, conquered by the fervor of the Christian life,
he was admitted as a religious of the Society of
Jesus. After suffering many hardships, he died for
Christ in prison. († 1620)
In An Bài (Vietnam), Saint Joseph [Giuse] Trần Văn Tuấn,
martyr. Father of a family and a farmer, he was
beheaded in the time of Emperor Tự Đức, for kneeling
and praying before a cross, instead of trampling it
underfoot as he was commanded. († 1862)
In Liège (Belgium), Blessed Marie-Thérèse of the Sacred Heart (Jeanne
Haze), virgin. She founded the
Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross,
dedicated to the service of the weakest and the
poor. († 1876)
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