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The Feast of the Conversion of
Saint Paul, to whom, while walking on the
road to Damascus venting threats of violence against
the disciples of the Lord, Jesus gloriously
manifested himself. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he
would announce the Gospel of salvation to the people
and suffer much for the name of Christ. († c. 33)
The commemoration of Saint
Ananias, disciple of the Lord, who baptized
Saint Paul in Damascus after his conversion. († 1st
* In Pozzuoli (Italy), Saint
Artemas, martyr. († 3rd / 4th cent.)
In Carthage (Tunisia), Saint
Agileus, martyr, on whose death anniversary
Saint Augustine gave a sermon in his honor in the
basilica under his name. († 3rd /4th cent.)
In Nazianzus (now Nenizi, Türkiye), the anniversary
of the death of Saint Gregory,
bishop, whose memorial is celebrated on 2 January.
(† c. 389)
The commemoration of Saint
Bretannio, bishop of Tomi (now Constanţa,
Romania). During the reign of the Arian Emperor
Valens, whom he strenuously opposed, he
distinguished himself for his admirable holiness and
zeal for the Catholic faith. († 4th cent.)
In Tabennese (near Faw al-Qibli, Egypt),
Saint Palaemon,
anchorite, devoted to prayer and continuous penance,
and teacher of Saint Pachomius. († 4th cent.)
In Clermont-Ferrand (France),
Saints Praejectus, bishop,
and Amerinus, a man of
God, both killed by the nobility of the city. (†
In Marchiennes (France), Saint
Poppo, abbot of Stavelot and Malmedy, who
spread the Cluniac observance in many monasteries of
Lotharingia. († 1048)
* In Ulm (Germany), Blessed
Heinrich Seuse, professed priest of the Order
of Preachers, who patiently endured countless
difficulties and diseases. He wrote a treatise on
eternal wisdom and assiduously preached the sweet
name of Jesus. († 1366)
* In Amandola (Italy), Blessed
Antonio Migliorati, professed priest of the
Order of Saint Augustine. († 1450)
* In Mantua (Italy), Blessed
Arcangela (Eleonora) Girlani, virgin of the
Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel,
prioress of the convent of Parma and founder of the
monastery of Mantua. († 1495)
* In Algiers (Algeria), Blessed
Francesco Zirano, professed priest of the
Order of Friars Minor Conventual and martyr. Coming
to Algeria to pay the ransom of imprisoned
Christians, he was betrayed and sentenced to death
for refusing to renounce his religion. († 1603)
* In Tortosa (Spain), Blessed
Manuel Domingo Sol, priest, who founded the
Fraternity of Diocesan Laborer Priests of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus to awaken priestly vocations. (†
* In Alessandria (Italy),
Blessed Maria Antonia (Teresa) Grillo. After
becoming widowed, she mercifully provided for the
needs of the poor and, having sold all her property,
founded the Congregation of the Little Sisters of
Divine Providence. († 1944)
* At the Dachau concentration camp, in Oberbayern
(Germany), Blessed Antoni
Świadek, diocesan priest and martyr. During
the Second World War, he defended the faith against
the followers of an ideology contrary to all human
and Christian dignity, for which he received the
invaluable crown of martyrdom. († 1945)
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