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Saint Vincent, deacon of
Zaragoza and martyr. In Valencia (Spain), during the
persecution of the Emperor Diocletian, after
suffering imprisonment, starvation, the rack, and
heated gridiron, he departed to heaven in reward for
his martyrdom. († 304)
The commemoration of Saint
Valerius, bishop of Zaragoza (Spain). He was
brought to Valencia together with Saint Vincent and
sent into exile. He later participated in the first
synod of Elvira. († 305/315)
In Novara (Italy), Saint
Gaudentius, considered as the first bishop of
that see. († c. 418)
In Sergiopolis (now Resafa, Syria), the passion of
Saint Anastasius, monk
and martyr. Having suffered many torments at
Caesarea in Palestine, he was further tortured by
Khosrow, King of the Persians. After seventy of his
companions were drowned in a river, he was finally
beheaded. († 628)
* In Romans-sur-Isère (France), the burial of
Saint Barnard, bishop of
Vienne. Passing from the army of Emperor Charlemagne
to the militia of Christ, he distributed to the poor
the inheritance he received from his father. He
built two monasteries, one in Ambronay, the other in
Romans, where he spent the final years of his life.
(† 842)
In Sora (Italy), Saint Dominic,
abbot, who founded monasteries in various regions of
Italy and brought others back to regular discipline
with his reforming spirit. († 1031)
* In Pisa (Italy), Blessed
Maria Mancini. Twice widowed and losing all
her children, at the exhortation of Saint Catherine
of Siena she initiated the common life in the
monastery of San Domenico, which she governed for
ten years. († 1431)
* In Como (Italy), Blessed
Antonio Della Chiesa, professed priest of the
Order of Preachers. He renewed the observance of the
Rule in several convents of the Order, treating
human frailty with compassion while correcting it
with firmness. († 1459)
* In London (England), Blessed
William Patenson, diocesan priest and martyr.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, he was
sentenced to death for his priesthood. After
reconciling six fellow prisoners to the Church, he
was crowned with martyrdom by being hanged at Tyburn.
(† 1592)
In Kẻ Chợ (now Hanoi, Vietnam),
Saints Francisco Gil de
Federich and Mateo Alonso de Leciniana,
professed priests of the Order of Preachers and
martyrs. Under the reign of Trịnh Doanh, after
incessantly preaching of the Gospel, even while
imprisoned, they were killed with a sword and
died gloriously for Christ. († 1745)
In Rome (Italy), Saint Vincenzo
Pallotti, priest and founder of the Society
of the Catholic Apostolate. Through his writings and
works, he fostered in all the baptized the vocation
of working generously for the Church. († 1850)
In Bordeaux (France), Blessed
Guillaume-Joseph Chaminade, priest. During
the French Revolution, he secretly exercised
pastoral zeal without fear. Dedicated to bringing
together the lay faithful to honor the Blessed
Virgin Mary and working in favor of the foreign
missions, he founded the Society of Mary and the
Institute of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate. (†
* In Junín de los Andes (Argentina),
Blessed Laura Vicuña,
virgin. Born in Santiago de Chile, she was a pupil
of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians who, at the age of thirteen, offered her
life to God for the conversion of her mother. (†
* In Castelletto del Garda (Italy),
Blessed Giuseppe Nascimbeni,
diocesan priest and founder of the Institute of the
Little Sisters of the Holy Family. († 1922)
* In Vienna (Austria), Blessed
László Batthyány-Strattmann, father of a
family. A witness to the Gospel both in the family
and civil society through the holiness of his life
and works, he truly lived the title and dignity of a
doctor in a Christian manner. With great charity he
worked to assist the sick, for whom he founded
hospitals in which, setting aside all vanity, he
welcomed only the poor and destitute. († 1931)
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