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In Caesarea in Mauretania (now Cherchell,
Algeria), the Holy martyrs
Severian and Aquila, husband and wife, who
were burned to death. († 3rd cent.)
At the Greater Catacomb on Via Nomentana, in Rome
(Italy), Saint Emerentiana,
martyr. († c. 4th cent.)
In Ancyra in Galatia (now Ankara, Türkiye),
Saints Clement, bishop,
and Agathangelus, martyrs. († 4th cent.)
* In Teano (Italy), the commemoration of
Saint Amasius, bishop.
(† c. 356)
In Toledo (Spain), Saint
Ildephonsus, bishop. A monk and prior raised
to the episcopate, he was also a prolific author of
books and liturgical texts. He distinguished himself
for his great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of God. († 667)
* In Dampierre (France), Saint
Maimbod. Irish by origin, he became a pilgrim
and hermit and was said to have been killed by
robbers. († c. 8th cent.)
In Seoul (South Korea), Saint
Andrew Chŏng Hwa-gyŏng, catechist and martyr.
He aided Saint Laurent Imbert, bishop, and turned
his house into a refuge for Christians. For this he
was severely beaten and finally strangled in prison.
(† 1840)
* In Sirmione (Italy), Blessed
Benedetta Bianchi Porro, laywoman. Graced
with a rich personality, a rare illness ravaged her
body, transforming her into a living crucifix. She
accepted her sufferings for the sake of the Kingdom
and dedicated her final years consoling others as a
true witness of the cross. († 1964)
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