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  1. In Sardica (now Sofia, Bulgaria), the commemoration of Saint Potitus, martyr. It is reported that, after suffering greatly, he was finally killed with a sword. († date uncertain)

  2. In Syrian Antioch (now Antakya, Türkiye), Saint Glycerius, deacon and martyr. († date uncertain)

  3. In Nola (Italy), Saint Felix, priest. As Saint Paulinus relates, he was thrown into prison when the persecution raged and endured terrible torture. When peace was finally obtained, he returned to his family, living in voluntary poverty until his old age, an invincible confessor of the faith. († c. 260)

  4. In Neocaesarea (now Niksar, Türkiye), Saint Macrina the Elder. Grandmother of Saint Basil, she retired to the forest with her husband during times of persecution to maintain herself in the faith of Christ. She shaped the soul of her grandson with a piety grounded on sound doctrine. († c. 304)

  5. In Egypt, the commemoration of the martyred holy monks of Raitho and Mount Sinai, killed for their faith in Christ. († c. 4th cent.)

  6. In the kingdom of Iberia beyond the Black Sea (now Georgia), Saint Nino. A Christian captive, she acquired respect and admiration through the holiness of her life. She attracted to the faith of Christ the queen, whose young son recovered his health through her prayers, as well as the King and the entire populace. († 4th cent.)

  7. * In Gévaudan (France), Saint Firmin, bishop. († 5th cent.)

  8. * In Auvergne (France), Saint Euphrasius, bishop, whose hospitality Saint Gregory of Tours praised. († 515/516)

  9. In Milan (Italy), the burial of Saint Datius, bishop, who defended, in the debate on the Three Chapters, the decision of Pope Vigil, whom he met in Constantinople, where he passed from this life. († 552)

  10. * In Écija (Spain), Saint Fulgentius, bishop, brother of Saints Leander, Florentina, and Isidore, who dedicated his treatise on ecclesiastical offices to him. († c. 632)

  11. * In Tagliacozzo (Italy), Blessed Odo of Novara, professed priest of the Carthusian Order. († c. 1200)

  12. * In Udine (Italy), Blessed Odoric Mattiuzzi of Pordenone, professed priest of the Order of Minors, who crossed the regions of the Tartars, India and China and advanced as far as Kambalik (Beijing), the capital. He roamed these countries back and forth, preaching the gospel and leading many to the faith of Christ. († 1331)

  13. * In Aralvaimozhi (India), Blessed Devasahayam (Lazarus) Pillai, layman and martyr. A convert from Hinduism, he was slandered, stripped of his possessions, tortured for three years, and sentenced to death for his faith in Christ. Bound in chains, he prayed on his knees before his execution. († 1752)

  14. * In Batavia (Surinam), Blessed Petrus Donders, professed priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, who cared for the bodies and souls of lepers with untiring charity. († 1887)

  15. * In Vercelli (Italy), Blessed Alfonsa Clerici, professed religious of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of Monza, who directed the Institute of Providence in the service of the underprivileged. († 1930)



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Last modified: 10/20/24