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The Most Holy Name of Jesus,
the only name to which every knee must bend in the
heavens, on the earth, and under the earth, to the
glory of God the Father.
At the Catacombs of San Callisto on the Appian Way, in Rome (Italy), the
burial of Saint
pope, who, in a brief pontificate, succeeded the
martyr Saint Pontian. († 236)
In Nicomedia (now İzmit, Türkiye),
Saints Theopemptus and
Theonas, who suffered martyrdom
during the persecution of Diocletian. (†304)
In Caesarea in Cappadocia (now Kayseri, Türkiye),
Saint Gordius,
centurion and martyr. Saint Basil praised him as a true emulator
of the centurion at the Cross because he professed
his faith in Jesus, the Son of God during the
persecution of the Emperor Diocletian. (†304)
In Padua (Italy), the commemoration of
Saint Daniel, deacon and martyr. (†
c. 304)
In Parion (now Kemer, Türkiye),
Saint Theogenes, martyr. As
a soldier during the time of Emperor Licinius, he
refused to perform military service because of his
Christian faith. Consequently, he was jailed,
tortured, and finally drowned at sea. († 320)
In Vienne (France),
Saint Florentius, bishop, who took
part in the Council celebrated at Valence. († after
In Paris (France), the burial of
Saint Genevieve,
virgin. Born in Nanterre, she took the veil of
consecrated virgins at the age of fifteen, following
the advice of Saint Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre. She comforted
the inhabitants of the city, terrified by the
invasion of the Huns, and supported her fellow
citizens in times of famine. († c. 500)
* In Lentini, Sicily (Italy),
Saint Lucian, bishop. (†
8th/9th cent.)
In Koonammavu (India),
Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara,
professed priest and founder of the Congregation of
the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate. (†1871)
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