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[29] during a leap year  
  1. The Memorial of Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr. Although young, she kept her body uncontaminated amid persecution and kept her faith intact through martyrdom in Catania (Italy), offering herself as witness for Christ the Lord. († c. 251)

  2. In Pontus (now the Black Sea Region, Türkiye), the commemoration of many Holy martyrs in the persecution of Emperor Maximian, some of whom were covered with molten lead, while others were tortured by sharp sticks being thrust under their nails, and suffered many grievous and repeated torments. By their glorious passion they merited palms and crowns from the Lord. († end of 3rd cent.)

  3. In Vienne (France), Saint Avitus, bishop, by whose faith and labor at the time of King Gundobald, the Gauls were preserved from the spread of the Arian heresy. († 518)

  4. In Sabiona in Rezia (now Klausen, Italy), Saint Ingenuinus, the first bishop of this see. († c. 605)

  5. * In Armento (Italy), Saint Luke, abbot following the teachings of the Eastern Fathers. He led an intense monastic life first in Sicily, his homeland, then in various places following the invasion of the Saracens. In the end, he died at the monastery of Saints Elias and Anastasius of Carbone which he founded. († 995)

  6. * At the monastery of Saint Caesarius, in Rome (Italy), Saint Sabas “the Younger”, monk, who together with his brother Saint Macarius, tirelessly spread the cenobitic life through Calabria and Lucania during the time of the Saracen destruction. († 995)

  7. In Bressanone (Italy), the commemoration of Saint Albuin, bishop, who transferred the episcopal chair from Sabiona to this see. († 1005/1006)

  8. * In Cologne (Germany), Saint Adelheid, first abbess of the monastery of Vilich, where she introduced the Rule of Saint Benedict, and then of the monastery of Saint Mary of Cologne, where she died. († 1015)

  9. In Nagasaki (Japan), the passion of Saints Paul Miki and twenty-five companions, martyrs, whose memorial is celebrated tomorrow. († 1597)

  10. * In Laval (France), Blessed Françoise Mézière, virgin and martyr. She dedicated herself to the education of children and the care of the sick. During the French Revolution, she was killed out of hatred of the faith. († 1794)

  11. * In Rome (Italy), Blessed Elisabetta Canori Mora, mother of a family. Suffering for a long time due to her husband’s infidelity, economic hardships, and the cruel harassment of relatives, she endured all with unsurpassed charity and patience. She offered her life to the Lord for the conversion, salvation, peace and sanctification of sinners by joining the Laity of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity. († 1825)

  12. In Valtiervílla (Mexico), Saint Jesús Méndez Montoya, diocesan priest and martyr, who died for the reign of Christ during the Mexican persecution. († 1928)



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Last modified: 01/03/25