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[29] during a leap year  
  1. In Nicomedia (now İzmit, Türkiye), the passion of Saint Evetius during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. On seeing the edict against the worshippers of God in the forum, he publicly tore it up, inflamed with the ardor of faith, for which he suffered every kind of torture. († 303)

  2. In Trier (Germany), Saint Modestus, bishop. († c. 480)

  3. In Canterbury (England), Saint Ethelbert, King of Kent, whom Bishop Saint Augustine converted to the faith of Christ, the first among the princes of the English people. († 616)

  4. * In Ascoli Piceno (Italy), Blessed Costanzo Servoli from Fabriano, professed priest of the Order of Preachers, who distinguished himself for the austerity of his life and commitment to promoting peace. († 1481)

  5. * In Mantua (Italy), Blessed Marco de Marconi, professed religious of the Order of the Hermits of San Girolamo. († 1510)

  6. * In Nocera Inferiore (Italy), Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco, diocesan priest, who took care of the poor and the sick with a special love. He founded the Daughters of Charity of the Precious Blood, which he dedicated to the promotion of various social works, particularly among the young and the sick. († 1891)

  7. * In Algemesí (Spain), Blessed Josefa Naval Girbés, virgin, consecrated to God in the world, who dedicated herself to teaching catechism to children. († 1893)

  8. * In Pamplona (Spain), Blessed Ascensión of the Heart of Jesus (Florentina) Nicol Goñi, virgin, who left her homeland and dedicated herself to the evangelization of the world, founding for this purpose the Missionary Dominican Sisters of the Rosary. († 1940)

  9. * In Erlangen (Germany), Blessed Josef Mayr-Nusser, father of a family and martyr. With a conscience inspired by faith, he refused to take the oath of loyalty to National Socialism. Condemned to a concentration camp, he died on the way there in a cattle car due to starvation, thus earning the crown of martyrdom. († 1945)



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Last modified: 10/20/24