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  1. Saint Gregory of Narek, Doctor of the Armenians and of the Church, illustrious for his doctrine, writings and mystical science. († c. 1005)

  2. In Alexandria (Egypt), the commemoration of Saints Julian and Eunus, martyrs during the persecution of the Emperor Decius. Julian, being so crippled with gout that he could neither walk nor stand, was brought to the judge, together with two servants of his who bore him in his chair. One of these, in fear, denied the faith. The other, named Eunus, persevered with his master in the confession of Christ. They were placed upon camels, ordered to be led about through all the city, and to be flogged to death with scourges in the sight of all the people. († 3rd cent.)

  3. Also in Alexandria (Egypt), Saint Besas, soldier and martyr. He rebuked those who reviled who the aforementioned holy martyrs. When he persevered in his confession of the faith, he was brought before the judge and beheaded. († 3rd cent.)

  4. * In Rouen (France), Saint Honorina, virgin and martyr. († uncertain.)

  5. In Lyon (France), Saint Baldomer, subdeacon, a man consecrated to God. († c. 660)

  6. In Constantinople (now Istanbul, Tόrkiye), Saints Basil and Procopius Decapolita, monks, who vigorously defended the veneration of sacred icons during the reign of Emperor Leo the Isaurian. († 741)

  7. * In Messina (Italy), Saint Luca, abbot of the monastery of the Most Holy Savior following the Rule of Eastern monks. († 1149)

  8. In London (England), Saint Anne Line, widow and martyr. After her husband died in exile for the Catholic faith, she acquired a house for priests in this city. For this reason, she was hanged on the gallows of Tyburn during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. With her were suffered the Blessed martyrs Mark Barkworth, professed priest of the Order of Saint Benedict, and Roger Filcock, professed priest of the Society of Jesus, who were hanged and quartered while they were still alive. († 1601)

  9. * Also in London (England), Blessed William Richardson, diocesan priest and martyr. Ordained in Seville (Spain), he was hanged at Tyburn because of his priesthood, the last martyr during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. († 1603)

  10. * In Sencelles (Spain), Blessed Francinaina of the Sorrowful Mother of God Cirer Carbonell, virgin. Not knowing how to either read or write, yet animated by divine zeal, she founded the community of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Mallorca. († 1855)

  11. In Isola del Gran Sasso (Italy), Saint Gabriele of Our Lady of Sorrows (Francesco) Possenti. As an acolyte, he abandoned the vanity of the world and, while still an adolescent, entered the Congregation of the Passion where his brief life concluded. († 1862)

  12. * In Barcelona (Spain), Blessed Josep from Igualada Tous Soler, professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. He founded the Congregation of the Capuchin Sisters of the Divine Shepherd, dedicated to the Christian education of girls and young women. († 1871)

  13. * In Marseille (France), Blessed Marie of Jesus Deluil-Martiny, virgin, founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus. Mortally wounded by a violent man, she concluded a life intimately united to the Passion of Christ with the shedding of her blood. († 1884)

  14. * In Pasto (Colombia), Blessed Marνa Caridad of the Holy Spirit (Maria Karolina) Brader, virgin, who exceptionately united the contemplative life and missionary activity. She founded the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate to promote the Christian formation of the people. († 1943)



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Last modified: 01/03/25