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  1. The Memorial of Saints Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishop. These two brothers from Thessaloniki (Greece) were sent to Moravia by Photius, Bishop of Constantinople, preached the Christian faith there, and created an alphabet to translate sacred books from Greek to Slavic.

    When they came to Rome, Cyril, originally named Constantine, was struck by an illness, became a monk, and fell asleep in the Lord on this day. († 869)

    Methodius, on the other hand, was ordained by Pope Adrian II as Bishop of Srijem (Croatia), evangelized Pannonia without sparing any effort, enduring many challenges directed against him, but always supported by the Roman Pontiffs. At Staré Město (Czechia), on 6 April, he received the reward for his labors.  († 885)

  2. In Rome (Italy), on Via Flaminia, near the Milvian Bridge, Saint Valentine, martyr. († date uncertain)

  3. Near Spoleto (Italy), Saint Vitalis, martyr, whom the observance of faith and the imitation of Christ made into a saint. († date uncertain)

  4. In Rome (Italy), at the catacomb of Praetextatus on the Appian Way, Saint Zeno, martyr. († date uncertain)

  5. In Alexandria (Egypt), the commemoration of the Holy martyrs Bassian, Tonion, Protus and Lucius, who were thrown into the sea, Cyrion the presbyter, Agathon the exorcist and Moses, who were burned at the stake, and Dionysius and Ammonius, who were killed with a sword, and reached eternal glory. († date uncertain)

  6. In Ravenna (Italy), Saint Eleuchadius, bishop. († 3rd cent.)

  7. On Mount Scopa in Bithynia (now Kayış Dağı, in Maltepe, Türkiye), Saint Auxentius, priest and archimandrite, who, living on a hill as if on a cathedra, defended the Chalcedonian faith with a powerful voice. († 5th cent.)

  8. * The commemoration of Saint Nostrianus, bishop of Naples. († c. 450)

  9. Near Sorrento (Italy), Saint Antoninus, abbot, who retired in solitude after his monastery was destroyed by the Lombards. († c. 830)

  10. In Córdoba (Spain), Saint Juan Bautista of the Conception García, professed priest of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity, who initiated the renewal of his Order, supporting it with great commitment amidst grave difficulties and bitter tribulations. († 1613)

  11. * In Valencia (Spain), Blessed Vicente Vilar David, married layperson and martyr, who, during the persecution against religion, welcomed priests and religious into his house and preferred to die rather than deny the faith. († 1937)



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Last modified: 01/03/25