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[29] during a leap year  
  1. Saint Peter Damian [Pier Damiani], Cardinal Bishop of Ostia and Doctor of the Church.  He entered the hermitage of Fonte Avellana and vigorously promoted the religious life. During difficult times for promoting the reform of the Church, he firmly called monks to dedicate themselves to the holiness of contemplation, the clergy to integrity of life, and the people to communion with the Holy See. He died on 22 February in Faenza (Italy). († 1072)

  2. The commemoration of Saint Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch. Renowned for his teaching, on account of his defense of the Catholic faith during the reign of the Arian Emperor Constantius, he was driven into exile to Trajanopolis in Thrace (now Traianoupoli, Greece). There he rested in the Lord. († c. 338)

  3. * At the monastery of Grandval, in the Bernese Jura (Switzerland), Saint Germanus, abbot. Wanting to defend with words of peace the inhabitants around the monastery who had been attacked by a band of predators, he died together with the monk Saint Randoald, stripped of their clothes and killed with a spear. († c. 667)

  4. * In London (England), Blessed Thomas Pormort, diocesan priest and martyr. Cruelly tortured in prison because of his priesthood during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, he was carried out to his martyrdom by hanging at the churchyard of Saint Paul’s Cathedral. († 1592)

  5. Also in London (England), Saint Robert Southwell, professed priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr.  He ministered in this city and its environs for many years and composed spiritual hymns. Arrested for his priesthood, by order of the same Queen he was tortured with great cruelty. He crowned his martyrdom at the gallows of Tyburn. († 1595)

  6. * In Shimabara (Japan), the Blessed martyrs Balthasar, Anthony, and Ignatius Uchibori, blood brothers, who were cruelly mutilated before being thrown into the sea and drowned out of hatred for Christ. († 1627)

  7. * In Angers (France), Blessed Noël Pinot, diocesan priest and martyr. Parish priest during the French Revolution, he was arrested while preparing to celebrate Mass. Redressed in liturgical vestments as a mockery, he was brought to the guillotine as to the altar of sacrifice. († 1794)

  8. * In Turin (Italy), Blessed Maria Enrichetta (Anna Caterina) Dominici, professed religious of the Sisters of Saint Anne, who wisely governed this Institute for thirty years until her death and developed it. († 1894)



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Last modified: 01/03/25